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CIE A-Level Computer Science Notes

4.1.8 Interrupts and Handling

Interrupts are fundamental to the functionality of modern computer systems, acting as pivotal communication mechanisms between the CPU and other components. They enable the CPU to address urgent tasks, thereby ensuring efficient task management and system responsiveness. This exploration focuses on the various aspects of interrupts in CPU operations, including their causes, handling mechanisms, and the critical role played by the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) within the fetch-execute cycle.

Purpose and Causes of Interrupts

Interrupts are signals that momentarily halt the CPU's current activities to address more pressing tasks or events. These interruptions are essential for maintaining the operational efficiency of the CPU, allowing it to respond to both internal and external stimuli effectively.

Common Causes of Interrupts

  • Hardware Interrupts: These are signals sent from hardware devices, like input devices or network interfaces, indicating an event such as data availability or device readiness.
  • Software Interrupts: Generated by software processes or the operating system, these interrupts indicate events like system calls or software errors.
  • Timer Interrupts: Emanating from the system timer, these interrupts facilitate regular tasks like updating system time or handling time-dependent operations.
  • Performance Monitoring: Triggered by the CPU’s monitoring tools, these interrupts alert to specific performance metrics or anomalies.

Applications and Importance of Interrupts

The utility of interrupts extends across various facets of CPU functionality, making them indispensable for modern computing systems.

Applications in Task Management

  • Concurrency and Multitasking: Interrupts enable the CPU to handle multiple processes simultaneously, enhancing the system's multitasking capabilities.
  • Prioritisation of Processes: By allowing the CPU to prioritize certain tasks based on the urgency of the interrupt, system efficiency is markedly improved.
  • Optimised Resource Allocation: Interrupts facilitate the dynamic allocation of resources, ensuring that more critical tasks receive attention first.

Importance in CPU Operations

  • Responsiveness: They enable the CPU to respond quickly to important events, improving the overall system responsiveness.
  • Efficiency: By interrupting non-critical processes, the CPU can redirect its resources to more urgent tasks, thereby increasing operational efficiency.
  • Error Handling: In the event of system errors or anomalies, interrupts ensure that these issues are addressed promptly to maintain system stability.

Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)

The ISR is a specialized routine in the operating system designed to handle the execution of tasks triggered by interrupts.

Role of ISR

  • Immediate Response: ISRs provide a mechanism for the CPU to immediately respond to an interrupt.
  • Task Specific Processing: Each ISR is tailored to handle specific types of interrupts, ensuring appropriate responses to different events.
  • Control and Management: ISRs manage the sequence of actions required to address an interrupt and ensure a smooth transition back to the regular execution flow.

Activation and Execution of ISR

  • Triggered by Interrupts: ISRs are activated automatically upon the occurrence of their corresponding interrupts.
  • Predefined Priority System: ISRs are executed based on a priority system, with higher priority interrupts pre-empting the execution of lower priority ones.

Detection and Handling of Interrupts During the Fetch-Execute Cycle

The fetch-execute cycle, comprising fetching, decoding, and executing instructions, is the core operational process of the CPU.

Integration of Interrupts in the Cycle

  • Continuous Monitoring: The CPU continually checks for interrupts during each phase of the cycle.
  • Immediate Diversion: Upon detecting an interrupt, the CPU diverts from its current task to handle the interrupt.

Steps in Handling Interrupts

  • State Preservation: The CPU saves its current state, including the program counter and register contents.
  • Interrupt Identification: The source and type of the interrupt are identified.
  • ISR Execution: The appropriate ISR is executed to address the specific needs of the interrupt.
  • State Restoration: Post ISR execution, the CPU restores its original state and resumes the interrupted task.

Detailed Examination of Specific Interrupt Types

Hardware Interrupts

  • Source and Nature: Typically generated by external devices like keyboards, mice, or network cards.
  • Handling Mechanism: The CPU acknowledges the interrupt, determines its source, and executes the relevant ISR to address the event.

Software Interrupts

  • Generation: Initiated by software applications or the operating system itself.
  • Role in Software Control: These interrupts play a key role in system calls, error handling, and inter-process communication.

Timer Interrupts

  • Function: Crucial for time-related operations like updating system time or handling time-dependent tasks.
  • Regular Execution: Occur at regular intervals, ensuring consistent performance of routine tasks.

Factors Influencing Interrupt Handling

  • Interrupt Latency: The time taken between the generation of an interrupt and its handling by the ISR.
  • Priority Scheduling: Determining the order in which interrupts are addressed based on their priority levels.
  • Interrupt Masking: The ability to temporarily inhibit certain interrupts, usually for ensuring the uninterrupted execution of critical tasks.


The Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) is a critical component in the interrupt handling process of a CPU. It serves as a lookup table that contains the addresses of the various Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs) corresponding to different interrupts. When an interrupt occurs, the CPU uses the interrupt number as an index to access the IVT and retrieve the address of the appropriate ISR. This mechanism allows for a quick and efficient transition from the detection of an interrupt to the execution of the relevant ISR.

The IVT is significant because it enables a modular and organised approach to interrupt handling. Each type of interrupt has a designated ISR, and the IVT acts as the central directory linking interrupts to their respective ISRs. This structure simplifies the management of interrupts, especially in complex systems with numerous potential interrupt sources. Additionally, the IVT can be customised during system configuration, allowing for tailored interrupt handling strategies to suit specific system requirements. This flexibility is particularly important in custom or specialised computing environments where standard interrupt handling procedures may not suffice.

Shadow registers are a feature in some CPUs that enhance interrupt handling by providing an alternative set of registers for use during interrupt processing. When an interrupt occurs, instead of using the same registers that the main program was using, the CPU can switch to a set of shadow registers. This switch allows the CPU to handle the interrupt without needing to save and restore the state of the main program's registers, thus speeding up the interrupt handling process.

The primary benefit of shadow registers is the reduction of overhead associated with interrupts. By avoiding the need to save and restore register states, the CPU can process interrupts more quickly and efficiently, which is particularly beneficial in systems that handle a high volume of interrupts. Shadow registers also simplify the design of ISRs, as there is less concern about altering the state of the main program. This feature is especially advantageous in real-time systems where rapid response to interrupts is crucial. However, it's important to note that the use of shadow registers may not be suitable for all systems, as they require additional hardware and can increase the complexity of the CPU architecture.

Masked interrupts are a type of interrupt that can be temporarily blocked or ignored by the CPU. This functionality is crucial in situations where the CPU needs to execute a critical task without interruption. The masking process involves setting specific bits in a special register, known as the interrupt mask register. When an interrupt is masked, its signal is not lost but is simply put on hold; the CPU will not process the interrupt until it is unmasked. This capability is particularly important in real-time systems or when a sequence of instructions must be executed without disruption. Masking interrupts allows for greater control over CPU resources and task scheduling, ensuring that critical operations are not delayed by less urgent tasks. However, it's important to manage masked interrupts carefully, as improper use can lead to missed or delayed responses to significant system events, potentially affecting system stability and performance.

Interrupt priorities play a vital role in determining the order in which multiple interrupts are handled by the CPU. When several interrupts occur simultaneously or in quick succession, the CPU uses a priority system to decide which interrupt to process first. High-priority interrupts are typically processed before lower-priority ones, ensuring that the most critical tasks are attended to promptly. This priority system is essential for maintaining the efficiency and stability of the CPU, especially in systems where numerous devices or applications may generate interrupts at any given time. The prioritisation of interrupts also prevents less critical interrupts from monopolising CPU resources, thereby allowing for balanced and effective resource allocation. In systems with intricate interrupt handling mechanisms, there can be multiple levels of priority, and some systems even allow for dynamic priority adjustments based on current system conditions. This ensures that the CPU can adapt to varying operational demands, prioritising different interrupts as needed to maintain optimal system performance.

External and internal interrupts differ primarily in their sources and the manner in which they are handled by the CPU. External interrupts, also known as hardware interrupts, originate from external hardware devices, such as keyboards, mice, or network interfaces. They typically signal events like input from a user or data reception. The handling of external interrupts involves acknowledging the interrupt, determining its source, and executing the relevant ISR to manage the specific hardware event.

On the other hand, internal interrupts, often referred to as software interrupts, are generated by software processes within the system, such as applications or the operating system. These interrupts can signal various events, including system calls, software errors, or specific program requests. The handling of internal interrupts involves identifying the interrupt's cause within the software, executing appropriate routines to address the issue, and ensuring smooth continuation or termination of the affected process.

Both types of interrupts are integral to efficient CPU operations, enabling the system to respond appropriately to a wide range of events, whether they originate from external hardware or internal software processes.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) in managing interrupts within a CPU. Explain how it is activated and the steps involved in its execution.

The Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) is a specialised procedure in the operating system, designed to handle specific tasks triggered by interrupts. It plays a pivotal role in managing interrupts by providing an immediate and appropriate response to various types of interrupts. The ISR is automatically activated when an interrupt signal is detected by the CPU. Upon activation, the ISR first determines the nature and source of the interrupt. It then executes a series of predefined steps tailored to the specific interrupt, ensuring that the necessary actions are taken to address the interrupt's requirements. Once these actions are completed, the ISR facilitates the restoration of the CPU's state, allowing it to resume its interrupted task. This process ensures that the CPU can efficiently handle multiple tasks and maintain system stability.

Explain the importance of hardware interrupts in CPU operations and discuss how they are handled during the fetch-execute cycle.

Hardware interrupts are crucial in CPU operations as they signal the CPU to immediate external events, such as input from a keyboard or a response from a network card. These interrupts ensure that the CPU can respond promptly to real-time events, enhancing the system's responsiveness and efficiency. During the fetch-execute cycle, when a hardware interrupt is detected, the CPU immediately halts its current operations. It saves the current state, including the program counter and register contents. The CPU then identifies the source of the interrupt and executes the relevant ISR to address the hardware event. After the ISR execution, the CPU restores its previous state and resumes the interrupted task. This mechanism allows for efficient multitasking and real-time processing in computer systems.

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