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CIE A-Level Computer Science Notes

16.2.4 Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)

Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) is a mathematical and logical notation where operators follow their operands, in contrast to the conventional infix notation, where operators are placed between operands. In the context of computer science, particularly in compiler design and expression evaluation, RPN plays a significant role. This notation simplifies the process of parsing and evaluating arithmetic expressions by eliminating the need for parentheses.


RPN, often referred to as postfix notation, reverses the usual arrangement of operators and operands. For instance, the traditional algebraic expression "3 + 4" would be represented as "3 4 +" in RPN. This method greatly simplifies computational logic, as the sequence of operations is inherently defined by the notation itself.

Key Characteristics of RPN

  • Operator Position: Operators are placed after the operands, which dictates the order of operations.
  • Elimination of Parentheses: RPN removes the need for parentheses, as the order of operations is clear from the notation.
  • Ease of Parsing: It simplifies the parsing process for compilers, as the structure of RPN expressions is inherently straightforward.

RPN in Compiler Design

In compiler design, understanding and implementing RPN is crucial, particularly when parsing and evaluating arithmetic expressions. The compilation process often involves converting conventional infix expressions to RPN, streamlining the computation process.

Conversion to RPN in Compilation

  • Lexical Analysis: The source code is broken down into tokens (basic units like numbers, operators).
  • Syntax Analysis: During this stage, infix expressions are rearranged into RPN.
  • Code Generation: The RPN expression is then either directly evaluated or further compiled into machine code.

Parsing Arithmetic Expressions Using RPN

Parsing arithmetic expressions in RPN is efficient due to its unambiguous nature. The compiler processes these expressions by applying a set of simple rules, based on the sequence of operands and operators.

Example of Expression Parsing

Take the expression "5 * (3 + 2)". In RPN, it is expressed as "5 3 2 + *". The parsing process involves:

  • Identifying operands (5, 3, 2).
  • Recognizing operators (+, *).
  • Executing the operations in the sequence dictated by RPN.

RPN and the Stack Data Structure

RPN expressions are typically evaluated using a stack data structure, aligning with its sequential nature and providing an efficient means of computation.

Utilizing Stacks for RPN

  • Operand Storage: Operands are pushed onto the stack as they are encountered.
  • Operator Application: Operators trigger the popping of operands from the stack, the execution of the operation, and pushing the result back onto the stack.
  • Result Retrieval: The final value on the stack after all operations is the result of the expression.

Practical Applications of RPN

RPN has real-world applications in various domains, such as programming calculators and some programming languages. Its straightforward and efficient nature makes it a practical tool in computational tasks.

RPN in Programming Calculators

Many programming calculators use RPN for its efficiency in computation. Users can input expressions in RPN, allowing for faster and more intuitive calculation, especially for complex expressions.

RPN in Programming Languages

Some programming languages either inherently use RPN or provide support for RPN expression evaluation. This allows programmers to handle arithmetic and logical expressions more efficiently.

RPN in Modern Computing

In contemporary computing, RPN is a fundamental concept, especially in the domains of compilers and interpreters. Its role in simplifying the expression evaluation process is crucial for efficient computing.

Educational Value for A-Level Computer Science

For A-Level Computer Science students, RPN is a gateway to understanding the inner workings of compilers and the logic behind expression evaluation. It demonstrates how computer science simplifies and optimizes complex processes for better computational efficiency.

Deeper Dive into RPN Mechanics

Understanding RPN requires a closer look at its operational mechanics, especially in how it differs from traditional infix notation.

Infix vs. Postfix (RPN)

In infix notation, the operator is flanked by operands (e.g., A + B). In postfix or RPN, the operator comes after the operands (e.g., A B +). This fundamental difference impacts how expressions are parsed and evaluated in computational systems.

Implementing RPN in Algorithms

When implementing RPN in algorithms, especially in compiler design, a systematic approach is taken:

  • Tokenization: Breaking down the expression into identifiable elements (operands and operators).
  • Rearrangement: Rearranging these tokens according to RPN rules.
  • Evaluation: Sequentially evaluating the expression based on the RPN format.

Challenges and Solutions in RPN

While RPN offers several advantages, it also presents unique challenges, particularly for those accustomed to traditional notation.

Addressing Learning Curve

  • Educational Tools: Utilizing educational tools that visually represent the conversion from infix to postfix notation can aid in understanding.
  • Practical Examples: Working through numerous examples helps in grasminating the logic behind RPN.

Software Implementation

  • Stack Management: Efficient stack management is crucial in implementing RPN in software, ensuring accurate and fast computation.
  • Error Handling: Robust error handling is necessary to manage invalid expressions or computational anomalies.


Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) can indeed be used for logical expressions, much like it is used for arithmetic expressions. In logical expressions, logical operators (such as AND, OR, NOT) are used in place of arithmetic operators. The principle remains the same: the operators follow the operands they act upon. For example, the infix logical expression "A AND B" would be "A B AND" in RPN.

The evaluation process for logical expressions in RPN is similar to that for arithmetic expressions. Operands are pushed onto the stack as they are encountered, and when a logical operator is encountered, the relevant operands are popped from the stack, the logical operation is performed, and the result is pushed back onto the stack.

However, there are some differences in handling logical versus arithmetic expressions in RPN. Logical expressions often involve boolean values and can include more complex conditional structures. The evaluation rules for logical operators can differ from arithmetic operators, particularly in how they interact with truth values. Additionally, logical expressions may involve short-circuit evaluation, where the evaluation stops as soon as the outcome is determined. Implementing such logic in RPN requires careful consideration of these factors.

In summary, while RPN is equally applicable to logical expressions, the specific nature of logical operations and the handling of boolean values introduce additional considerations compared to arithmetic expressions. The core advantage of RPN, its clear and unambiguous order of operations, remains beneficial in evaluating logical expressions.

Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) might be less suitable or more challenging to use in scenarios where human readability and intuitive understanding are prioritised. For individuals accustomed to traditional infix notation, RPN can initially appear counterintuitive and difficult to understand. This is particularly true in educational settings or in scenarios where expressions are communicated between people, as RPN's structure diverges significantly from the conventional mathematical notation taught from a young age.

Additionally, in certain complex mathematical expressions involving nested functions or expressions with a large number of operands and operators, RPN can become cumbersome to write and read. The linear nature of RPN, while beneficial for computational efficiency, can make it challenging to visually parse and understand the structure of complex expressions. For programmers and mathematicians, converting these complex expressions into RPN requires careful thought and can be error-prone, especially for those not well-versed in RPN.

Furthermore, while RPN is highly efficient for certain types of calculations, particularly those involving simple arithmetic or stack-based calculations, it may not offer significant advantages in scenarios where high-level mathematical functions or expressions are involved, which are more naturally expressed in infix notation. In such cases, the benefits of RPN in computational efficiency may be outweighed by the challenges in expression clarity and human readability.

Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) has a significant historical context that traces back to the early developments in computer science and mathematical logic. It was first introduced by Australian philosopher and logician Charles Hamblin in the mid-1950s. Hamblin proposed RPN as a means to facilitate the representation and computation of expressions in the field of computer programming and logic. The notation was named after the Polish mathematician Jan Łukasiewicz, who developed a related prefix notation known as Polish Notation.

The development of RPN was closely linked to the evolution of computing technologies. In the early days of computing, when resources were limited, efficient methods of computation were crucial. RPN's ability to simplify the process of expression evaluation, reducing the computational resources required, made it particularly attractive. It was well-suited for the stack-based architectures of early computers, leading to its widespread adoption in programming languages and computing calculators.

One of the most notable adoptions of RPN was in Hewlett-Packard's (HP) calculators during the 1960s and 1970s. HP calculators using RPN gained popularity among engineers, scientists, and financial professionals for their efficiency and ease of use in complex calculations. This popularised RPN among professionals who relied heavily on calculators for their work.

Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) aids in reducing errors in expression evaluation primarily by eliminating the ambiguity associated with operator precedence and parentheses, which are common sources of errors in traditional infix notation. In infix notation, incorrectly placed parentheses or misunderstandings about operator precedence can easily lead to incorrect evaluations. RPN, with its postfix structure, clearly defines the order of operations without the need for parentheses, thus reducing the likelihood of such errors.

Moreover, the use of stack in RPN evaluation contributes to error reduction. Each operand and intermediate result is clearly pushed onto or popped from the stack in a well-defined order. This methodical process limits the potential for miscalculations that can occur in more complex expression evaluations. Additionally, the linear nature of RPN simplifies the debugging process. In the case of an incorrect result, the sequence of operations can be traced more straightforwardly than in infix notation, where the interaction between different operators and parentheses can make tracing the source of an error more challenging. Overall, RPN's clarity and simplicity make it a more reliable method for expression evaluation in programming.

Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) is more efficient for computers to evaluate than traditional infix notation due to its intrinsic simplicity and the elimination of the need for parentheses. In infix notation, the expression's structure can be complex, often requiring the use of parentheses to dictate the order of operations. This complexity necessitates additional computational steps to first determine the correct order of execution before the actual computation. In contrast, RPN's structure is inherently sequential. The order of operations is clear and unambiguous, as operators immediately follow their operands. This reduces the computational overhead associated with parsing the expression. Additionally, RPN expressions are ideally suited for stack-based evaluation. Computers can efficiently use stack operations (push and pop) to evaluate expressions. Each operand is pushed onto the stack, and when an operator is encountered, the necessary operands are popped from the stack, the operation is performed, and the result is pushed back onto the stack. This straightforward approach minimises the need for backtracking or re-evaluating parts of the expression, leading to quicker and more efficient computation.

Practice Questions

Convert the following infix expression to Reverse Polish Notation (RPN): (6 + 2) * 5 - 3

To convert the given infix expression to RPN, start by identifying the order of operations. First, the expression inside the parentheses (6 + 2) is evaluated. In RPN, this becomes "6 2 +". Next, the multiplication by 5 is performed, which in RPN is appended as "*". Finally, the subtraction of 3 occurs, represented by "-". Thus, the entire expression in RPN is "6 2 + 5 * 3 -". This method follows the RPN rule where operators follow their operands, ensuring the correct order of execution without the need for parentheses.

Explain how a stack data structure would be used to evaluate the RPN expression "9 3 1 - 4 * +".

To evaluate the RPN expression "9 3 1 - 4 * +", a stack data structure is used. Initially, the stack is empty. The operands 9, 3, and 1 are pushed onto the stack as they appear. Upon encountering the first operator "-", 1 and 3 are popped from the stack, 3 - 1 is calculated to be 2, and 2 is pushed back onto the stack. The stack now contains 9 and 2. The next operand 4 is pushed. Then, for "*", 4 and 2 are popped, multiplied to 8, and 8 is pushed back. Finally, for "+", 8 and 9 are popped, added to 17, and 17, the final result, is pushed onto the stack. This process demonstrates the systematic and efficient evaluation of expressions using a stack in RPN.

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