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CIE A-Level Computer Science Notes

11.2.2 'CASE' Structure

The 'CASE' structure, commonly referred to as the switch-case structure in programming, plays a pivotal role in simplifying decision-making processes in code. This structure is particularly beneficial for managing multiple conditions in an efficient and readable manner. Grasping the concept and application of the 'CASE' structure is vital for A-Level Computer Science students to enhance their problem-solving skills and code optimisation abilities.

'CASE' Structure

A 'CASE' or switch-case structure is a control flow statement in programming. It allows the execution of different code segments based on the value of a specific variable or expression. This structure offers a more streamlined and organized approach compared to using multiple IF statements, particularly when dealing with several conditions.

  • Syntax Overview: The 'CASE' structure involves a switch statement where a variable is evaluated, and depending on its value, a specific case is executed.
  • Structure Components: Typically, it comprises various cases and a default case, which is executed if none of the specified cases match the variable's value.

Advantages of 'CASE' Structure

The 'CASE' structure is often preferred for its several distinct advantages:

  • Enhanced Readability: It significantly improves code readability, making it easier to understand, especially when handling multiple conditions.
  • Ease of Maintenance: The structure simplifies code maintenance and updates since changes can be made in a centralized location.
  • Potential Performance Gains: In certain programming languages, a 'CASE' structure can be more efficient than multiple IF statements, offering a marginal performance improvement in scenarios with numerous conditions.

Crafting a 'CASE' Structure in Pseudocode

Creating a 'CASE' structure in pseudocode involves a systematic approach:

  • Variable Identification: Begin by determining the variable that will undergo evaluation against the different cases.
  • Enumerating Cases: Clearly define all possible values of the variable and the corresponding actions for each case.
  • Incorporating a Default Case: Always include a default case to handle scenarios where none of the specified cases apply.
  • Pseudocode Structuring: Organize your pseudocode to distinctly represent the 'CASE' structure and its flow.

Pseudocode Example:

Pseudocode Example

Appropriate Usage of 'CASE' Structure

Determining the right situation to use a 'CASE' structure is key:

  • Handling Multiple Distinct Conditions: It is most suitable when there are several distinct conditions associated with a single variable.
  • Code Clarity and Simplicity: Prefer a 'CASE' structure for scenarios where it provides a clearer and more concise alternative to multiple IF statements.
  • Performance Aspects: While often minimal, consider the potential performance advantages of a 'CASE' structure in certain programming contexts.

'CASE' vs. 'IF' Statements: A Comparison

The choice between 'CASE' and IF statements largely depends on the specific requirements:

  • Condition Quantity: For numerous conditions, a 'CASE' structure is more efficient and readable than multiple IF statements.
  • Condition Complexity: IF statements offer more flexibility for complex conditions, while 'CASE' structures are ideal for straightforward, discrete value checks.

Detailed Exploration of 'CASE' Structure Syntax

The syntax of a 'CASE' structure is designed for simplicity and efficiency. It starts with a switch statement that evaluates a given variable or expression. Each case within the structure corresponds to a potential value of the variable and includes a block of code to be executed if that case is matched. The default case acts as a fallback mechanism, ensuring that the program can handle unexpected or undefined values gracefully.

Syntax Components:

  • Switch Keyword: This initiates the 'CASE' structure, indicating the start of conditional evaluation.
  • Variable/Expression: The element being evaluated, which determines the flow of execution.
  • Case Statements: Defined blocks for each potential value of the variable or expression.
  • Break Statements: Often used to terminate a case block (depending on the programming language).
  • Default Case: A catch-all block that executes if no other case is matched.

Example with Detailed Pseudocode:

In this example, the variable 'grade' is evaluated, and depending on its value, different actions are taken. The default case provides a fallback for any grade not explicitly listed.

Example with Detailed Pseudocode

Best Practices for Using 'CASE' Structures

To maximize the effectiveness of the 'CASE' structure, consider the following best practices:

  • Clear Case Definition: Ensure each case is well-defined and mutually exclusive to avoid ambiguity.
  • Avoid Overcomplication: Use 'CASE' structures for scenarios where they genuinely add clarity and efficiency.
  • Consistent Formatting: Maintain consistent formatting within the 'CASE' structure for better readability.
  • Comprehensive Default Case: Design the default case to handle unexpected scenarios effectively.

The 'CASE' structure is an essential component of programming, particularly in decision-making contexts. Its ability to simplify and streamline code execution based on variable values is invaluable in creating efficient and readable programs.


The efficiency of a 'CASE' structure in terms of computational resources generally depends on the language implementation and the specific scenario. In many programming languages, a 'CASE' structure can be more efficient than a series of 'IF-ELSE' statements, particularly when dealing with a large number of conditions.

In a 'CASE' structure, the variable or expression is evaluated only once, and then the control is directly transferred to the matching case. This can lead to reduced evaluation time, especially when the number of conditions is high. In contrast, an 'IF-ELSE IF' ladder evaluates each condition in turn until it finds a match, which can be less efficient, especially if the matching case is towards the end of the ladder.

However, the actual performance difference in modern programming environments may be negligible for most practical purposes. Compilers and interpreters often optimize both 'CASE' structures and 'IF-ELSE' statements effectively. The choice between these structures should therefore be based more on readability, maintainability, and the specific requirements of the problem rather than on performance alone.

A 'CASE' structure can indeed be used for string manipulation and pattern matching, though its capabilities might be somewhat limited compared to regular expressions or dedicated string manipulation functions. In programming languages that support string evaluation in switch-case constructs, the 'CASE' structure can be used to match specific strings or patterns.

For instance, in a scenario where a program needs to respond to specific commands input as strings (like 'start', 'stop', 'pause'), a 'CASE' structure can efficiently handle this. Each case would match a particular command string, and the corresponding block of code would execute the desired action.

However, it's important to note that while a 'CASE' structure can handle exact string matches, it's not as flexible as regular expressions for complex pattern matching. It's ideal for scenarios where you have a known set of string values to compare against. For more complex string manipulations or when dealing with patterns that can have variations, regular expressions or specific string handling functions are more appropriate and powerful.

The 'CASE' structure and an 'IF-ELSE IF' ladder both serve to execute different blocks of code based on certain conditions, but they differ in syntax and use-case scenarios. A 'CASE' structure is typically used when a single variable or expression is being checked against multiple discrete values. It provides a clearer and more organised way to handle such scenarios, especially when the number of conditions is high. Each 'CASE' within the structure corresponds to a specific value, making the code more readable and easier to manage.

On the other hand, an 'IF-ELSE IF' ladder is more versatile and is used for checking a series of conditions that might not be just discrete values. It's more flexible in terms of the types of conditions it can handle, including ranges, comparisons, and complex boolean logic. This structure is preferable when the conditions are not just based on different values of a single variable but involve different expressions or a combination of variables.

In summary, use a 'CASE' structure for clarity and organisation when dealing with multiple discrete conditions based on a single variable. Opt for an 'IF-ELSE IF' ladder when dealing with more complex, varied conditions that go beyond simple value checking.

Nesting a 'CASE' structure within another 'CASE' structure involves placing one switch-case construct inside another. This is particularly useful when decision-making processes are hierarchical or when a condition depends on the outcome of another condition. The outer 'CASE' structure evaluates the first level of conditions, and based on the outcome, the control moves to the respective inner 'CASE' structure, which then evaluates its set of conditions.

For example, consider a scenario in a school system where you first need to determine the grade level of a student (like primary, secondary, or higher education) and then apply different criteria or actions based on subjects within each grade level. The outer 'CASE' would differentiate between the grade levels, and the inner 'CASE' structures would handle subject-specific actions or criteria.

Nesting 'CASE' structures can greatly enhance the readability and structure of the code, especially in complex decision-making scenarios. It allows for a cleaner and more hierarchical approach to handling multi-level conditions, making the code easier to understand and maintain. However, it's essential to ensure that the code doesn't become overly complicated or deeply nested, as this can lead to the opposite effect, making it hard to follow and debug.

The possibility of using variables or expressions as case labels in a 'CASE' structure largely depends on the programming language's capabilities. Some languages strictly require case labels to be constant expressions, while others may allow variables or even more complex expressions.

In languages that support variable or expression-based case labels, this feature can significantly enhance the flexibility of the 'CASE' structure. It allows the structure to adapt to dynamic conditions, where the cases are not predetermined but rather depend on the program's state or user input. For example, a 'CASE' structure could be used to handle different scenarios based on user-defined settings or real-time data.

However, this flexibility comes with its considerations. When using variables or expressions as case labels, it's crucial to ensure that these values are well-defined and do not lead to ambiguity or unpredictable behaviour. The code must be carefully designed to handle all possible outcomes and to maintain clarity and predictability. Additionally, this approach may introduce complexity, making the code harder to read and understand, especially for those who are accustomed to traditional, constant-expression case labels. Thus, while variable or expression-based case labels can increase the power of a 'CASE' structure, they should be used judiciously and with a clear understanding of the implications for the code's logic and readability.

Practice Questions

Given the following pseudocode for a 'CASE' structure, identify any errors and explain how they should be corrected.

SWITCH user_input


PRINT "Option 1 selected."


PRINT "Option 2 selected."

CASE 3: PRINT "Option 3 selected."


PRINT "Invalid option"

The provided pseudocode is mostly correct; however, it lacks a mechanism to exit each case after execution, which can lead to unintentional fall-through where multiple cases are executed in sequence. To correct this, each case should include a 'BREAK' or similar command to terminate the case block, preventing the execution of subsequent cases. For example, after "PRINT 'Option 1 selected.'", a 'BREAK' command should be inserted. This ensures that once a case is matched and its actions are executed, the control exits the 'CASE' structure, maintaining the intended logic flow.

Write a pseudocode using a 'CASE' structure to assign a letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F) based on a numerical score. The score ranges are: A (85-100), B (70-84), C (55-69), D (40-54), and F (below 40).

SWITCH score

CASE 85 TO 100:

grade = 'A'

CASE 70 to 84:

grade = 'B'

CASE 55 TO 69:

grade = 'C'

CASE 40 TO 54:

grade = 'D'


grade = 'F'


In this pseudocode, a 'CASE' structure is efficiently used to assign letter grades based on a numerical score. The structure evaluates the variable 'score' and assigns a corresponding grade (A, B, C, D, or F) based on the defined range. The use of range expressions (e.g., '85 TO 100') simplifies the code and makes it easy to understand. The 'DEFAULT' case is used to handle scores below 40, assigning them the grade 'F'. This approach demonstrates the practical use of 'CASE' structures for range-based decision making.

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