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CIE A-Level Computer Science Notes

11.2.1 Conditional Statements

Conditional statements form the backbone of decision-making in programming. They allow programs to execute different actions based on varying conditions. This section delves into the mechanics of writing pseudocode for 'IF' statements, including 'ELSE' clauses, and nested 'IF' statements, providing a foundational understanding of controlling program flow using conditional logic.

What is a Conditional Statement?

In computer science, a conditional statement is a feature of a programming language that performs different computations or actions depending on whether a specified boolean condition evaluates to true or false.

Key Components of a Conditional Statement

  • Condition: A boolean expression that evaluates to true or false.
  • Action: The task or operation performed when the condition is true.

The 'IF' Statement in Pseudocode

The 'IF' statement is the most basic type of conditional statement. It executes a section of code only if a specified condition is met.

Structure of an 'IF' Statement

In this example, if the age is greater than 18, the program prints "You are an adult."

Evaluating Conditions

The condition in an 'IF' statement can include different types of comparisons:

  • Equality: ==
  • Inequality: !=
  • Greater than: >
  • Less than: <
  • Greater than or equal to: >=
  • Less than or equal to: <=

Complex Conditions

Complex conditions can be formed using logical operators:

  • AND: Both conditions must be true.
  • OR: At least one of the conditions must be true.
  • NOT: Inverts the truth value of the condition.

Including 'ELSE' Clauses

An 'ELSE' clause is used in conjunction with an 'IF' statement to provide an alternative set of instructions if the 'IF' condition is false.

Structure with 'ELSE'

In this example, the program prints "It's cold outside" if the temperature is below 20, and "It's warm outside" otherwise.

Nested 'IF' Statements

Nested 'IF' statements, where one 'IF' statement is placed inside another, allow for more complex decision-making processes.

Structure of Nested 'IF' Statements

In this scenario, the program first checks if the weather is rainy. If it is, it then checks the temperature to decide what advice to give.

Avoiding Complexity in Nesting

While nested 'IF' statements are powerful, they can lead to overly complex and hard-to-read code. It's essential to keep nesting to a reasonable level and ensure each nested 'IF' is clear and justifiable.

Applying Conditional Logic in Pseudocode

Using conditional logic effectively in pseudocode involves understanding not just the syntax, but also the semantics of the conditions being evaluated.

Guidelines for Effective Conditional Logic

  • Clarity and Simplicity: Ensure that the conditions and subsequent actions are straightforward and understandable.
  • Efficiency: Use the most straightforward condition possible to achieve the desired outcome.
  • Avoid Over-Nesting: While nested 'IF' statements are useful, excessive nesting can make your pseudocode hard to follow.

Practical Application Example

Consider a scenario where a program needs to categorize the time of day based on hour value:

This pseudocode checks the hour and categorizes the time of day accordingly. The use of 'ELSE IF' ensures only relevant conditions are checked.

Advanced Techniques

'ELSE IF' Chains

For scenarios requiring multiple conditions, 'ELSE IF' chains can be used. This allows for sequential checking of conditions until one is met.


Short-Circuit Evaluation

Short-circuit evaluation involves stopping the evaluation of conditions as soon as the overall truth is determined. This technique can improve the efficiency of your pseudocode.


In this example, if isRaining is false, isWeekend is not evaluated because the overall condition cannot be true.


A 'SWITCH' or 'CASE' structure is more appropriate than 'IF' statements in scenarios where you have a single variable being compared against multiple values. This structure is particularly efficient when dealing with a large number of conditions, as it provides better readability and is generally easier to manage than a long series of 'IF'-'ELSE IF' statements. 'SWITCH' is ideal in situations where the variable can assume one of many possible values, and each value requires a different action. For example, in menu-driven programs where user input corresponds to different functionalities, a 'SWITCH' statement can clearly and efficiently handle the different choices. Additionally, 'SWITCH' is often preferred when the variable being checked is an enumeration or has a range of values that can be clearly enumerated, such as days of the week, months of the year, or specific command codes. In contrast, 'IF' statements are more suitable for conditions that involve ranges or complex logical expressions.

Logical operators such as AND, OR, and NOT are powerful tools in constructing complex conditions in conditional statements. They allow you to combine multiple boolean expressions into a single condition, thus enabling more sophisticated decision-making. The AND operator is used when you want the action to occur only if all the combined conditions are true. For example, if a program requires two inputs to be valid before proceeding, you can use the AND operator to check both conditions. The OR operator is useful when you want the action to occur if at least one of the combined conditions is true. This is particularly useful in cases where there are multiple paths to the same outcome. The NOT operator is used to reverse the truth value of a condition. It's handy when you want to execute an action when a condition is false. When using these operators, it's crucial to understand the precedence and how they evaluate in complex expressions. Also, readability can be enhanced by using parentheses to group conditions, making the intended logic clearer and preventing unintended errors due to operator precedence.

Yes, conditional statements play a crucial role in controlling loop execution. They are fundamental in determining whether a loop continues to execute or stops. In loops like 'WHILE' and 'FOR', the condition is checked at the start of each iteration. The loop continues as long as the condition remains true. For instance, a 'WHILE' loop might run as long as a counter variable is less than a certain value. Conditional statements inside loops can also be used to implement 'break' or 'exit' conditions, where the loop terminates before its natural conclusion. This is particularly useful in scenarios like searching, where you might want to stop the loop once a specific item is found. Additionally, conditional statements within loops can be used to skip an iteration using 'continue' logic, where certain conditions cause the loop to skip the rest of the current iteration and proceed to the next one. This is useful for filtering out specific cases within the loop. By integrating conditional statements within loops, programmers can create more flexible and efficient looping structures that respond dynamically to varying conditions.

When writing nested 'IF' statements, several common mistakes should be avoided to ensure clarity and efficiency in your pseudocode. Firstly, excessive nesting can lead to confusion and errors; it's advisable to limit the depth of nesting and keep the logic as straightforward as possible. Secondly, ensure that each 'IF' statement is correctly closed with an 'END IF' to prevent logical errors. Another common mistake is failing to consider all possible scenarios, leading to logical gaps where some conditions might not be appropriately addressed. Also, avoid redundancy in conditions. For example, if an 'IF' statement already checks for a condition, you don't need to recheck the same condition in a nested 'IF'. Lastly, ensure your nested 'IF' statements are logically sound and that they collectively cover all possible cases without overlapping or contradicting each other. By avoiding these mistakes, you can write more efficient, readable, and error-free nested 'IF' statements.

Choosing between 'ELSE IF' and multiple 'IF' statements depends on whether the conditions are mutually exclusive and whether they are part of the same logical decision process. 'ELSE IF' is used when you have several conditions but only one of them can be true at a time. This structure is efficient because once a true condition is found, the rest are not checked. For instance, in grading systems, a score cannot be in two grade categories at the same time, so 'ELSE IF' is appropriate. On the other hand, multiple 'IF' statements are used when each condition checks for something independent of the others, and more than one condition can be true. For example, in a system checking for multiple error conditions, each 'IF' statement could check a different error, and it's possible for more than one error to occur simultaneously. In summary, use 'ELSE IF' for mutually exclusive conditions within a single decision-making process, and multiple 'IF' statements for independent, potentially overlapping conditions.

Practice Questions

Write a pseudocode segment that checks if a number is divisible by both 3 and 5. If it is, the program should print "Divisible by 3 and 5", otherwise, it should print "Not divisible by both".

The pseudocode begins by evaluating the divisibility of a number using the modulus operator (%), which returns the remainder of a division. It uses an 'IF' statement to check if the number is divisible by both 3 and 5. This is done by checking if the remainder when the number is divided by 3 and 5 is zero. If the condition is true, it prints "Divisible by 3 and 5". Otherwise, the 'ELSE' clause is executed, printing "Not divisible by both". This approach effectively uses conditional logic to determine divisibility.

Design a pseudocode to determine a student's grade. The grade is 'A' for scores 80-100, 'B' for 60-79, 'C' for 40-59, and 'F' for less than 40.

The pseudocode for determining a student's grade utilises a series of 'IF' and 'ELSE IF' statements to categorise the score into grades. It starts by checking the highest grade criteria first ('A' grade for scores between 80 and 100). If this condition is not met, it proceeds to check for 'B', then 'C', and finally, if all other conditions fail, it assigns 'F'. This hierarchical structure ensures that the correct grade is assigned according to the score, providing a clear and efficient method for grade determination based on the specified ranges.

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