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100+ College Essay Ideas

100+ College Essay Ideas

12 min Read|October 21 2024
|Written by:

Thomas Babb


What makes a great college essay? For many students, the college essay is one of the most challenging aspects of the application process. Many US college admission tutors recommend focusing on personal growth and unique perspectives in your college essays. The personal statement is a crucial part of the application process, emphasizing the importance of genuinely reflecting on unique experiences and aspects of one's personality that define who the applicant is.

This is not just a simple writing assignment; it is a chance to showcase individuality, share personal stories, and make a lasting impression on admissions officers. College essays offer a unique opportunity to convey who you are beyond grades and test scores, providing insight into your character, values, and potential contributions to the campus community.

In this article, we will explore a variety of college essay ideas to help you brainstorm and develop compelling narratives. We’ll discuss common themes, creative topics, and practical writing tips. Additionally, we will guide you through structuring your essay, avoiding common pitfalls, and revising effectively to ensure your final draft is polished and impactful. Whether you are just starting or refining your final draft, this comprehensive guide will provide the tools and inspiration you need to write an outstanding college essay.

Understanding College Essays

To craft a successful college essay, it’s crucial to understand what admissions officers are looking for. Tailoring your essay to demonstrate why you are a good fit for your dream school is essential. These essays are not just about meeting word counts or checking off prompts—they are a window into your personality, values, and potential.

A well-written essay can make you stand out in a competitive applicant pool by offering a glimpse into who you are beyond your grades and test scores, including maintaining a good college GPA.

Image Showing College Essay Tips

Image Showing College Essay Tips

What Admissions Officers Look For

Admissions officers seek essays that provide:

  • Personal insight and unique perspective: Your essay should reveal something unique about you, offering insights into your personality, experiences, and worldview that aren't evident from other parts of your application.
  • Demonstrated values and character: Colleges want to see your values and character traits through your storytelling. Show them how you handle challenges, interact with others, and what principles guide your actions.
  • Clear, concise, and engaging storytelling: Your writing should be clear and concise, yet engaging. Use vivid details and a compelling narrative to keep the reader interested and to convey your message effectively.
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Brainstorming Essay Topics

Coming up with the right college essay ideas can be a daunting task, but a few structured exercises can make the process smoother. These exercises will help you uncover compelling essay topics that reflect your unique personality, values, and experiences, regardless of whether you are applying to a college or university.

Understanding the difference between college and university can help tailor your essay to reflect why you are a good fit for a particular institution. Here are a few examples of essay prompts to help you start brainstorming.

the importance of brainstorming

Image Showing the Importance of Brainstorming

The Values Exercise

Identifying your core values and aspirations is a fundamental step in generating meaningful college essay topics. This exercise involves reflecting on what is most important to you and how these values have shaped your life.

  • Identifying Core Values and Aspirations: Think about the principles that guide your decisions and actions. Are you driven by compassion, creativity, perseverance, or social justice? Reflecting on these can help you pinpoint the key aspects of your character to highlight in your essay.
  • Using These Values to Generate Essay Topics: Once you’ve identified your core values, brainstorm how these have been demonstrated in your life. For example, if you value community service, you might write about a particular volunteer project that had a significant impact on you and your community. Additionally, consider moments where gratitude affected you, reflecting on how a thoughtful gesture motivated you and helped identify your core values.

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The Essence Objects Exercise

The Essence Objects Exercise is a creative way to generate college essay ideas by focusing on objects that hold special meaning to you.

  • Using Personal Objects to Trigger Essay Ideas: Select a few objects that are significant to you—these could be anything from a piece of jewelry to a musical instrument. Each object can serve as a prompt to explore a personal story or insight.
  • Examples and Benefits of This Exercise: For instance, a family heirloom might lead to an essay about your heritage and identity, while a sports medal could prompt a discussion about personal growth and determination. This exercise helps you delve into specific memories and experiences, making your essay more personal and engaging.

The “Everything I Want Colleges to Know About Me” Exercise

Creating a comprehensive list of personal attributes and experiences is another effective method for brainstorming college essay topics.

  • Creating a Comprehensive List of Personal Attributes and Experiences: Write down everything you want colleges to know about you. This can include your achievements, hobbies, challenges, and personal traits. This broad list will serve as a reservoir of potential essay topics.
  • Transforming These Into Compelling Essay Topics: Once you have your list, identify which items are the most significant and how they relate to the essay prompts. For example, if you want to highlight your leadership skills, think about a specific instance where you led a team or project and what you learned from that experience.

Common College Essay Topics and Themes

When brainstorming college essay ideas, it’s helpful to focus on common themes that admissions committees value, especially when applying to some of the hardest colleges to get into. Below are some key topics that have successfully resonated with college admissions officers, along with examples and tips.

Overcoming Challenges

Personal growth stories are a powerful way to demonstrate resilience and determination, often taking the form of a reflective essay. These essays often revolve around a significant challenge or setback that led to personal growth and new insights.

  • Personal Growth Stories: Essays that reflect on a significant obstacle and how you overcame it can highlight your perseverance and adaptability. Overcoming such challenges can be fundamental to later success, providing a compelling narrative for your essay. For example, a student might write about facing a serious illness and how it shaped their outlook on life and their goals for the future.
  • Examples of Successful Essays on This Theme: Look at examples where students discuss overcoming academic struggles, personal losses, or adjusting to new environments. These narratives can showcase your problem-solving skills and emotional resilience.

Identity and Culture

Essays about heritage, culture, and personal identity can offer a deep insight into your background and what makes you unique.

  • Essays About Heritage, Culture, and Personal Identity: Reflect on your cultural background or an aspect of your identity that is significant to you. Discuss how this has influenced your life and your aspirations.
  • Sample Essays and Topic Ideas: You might write about the impact of growing up in a multicultural household, the significance of a cultural tradition, or how your identity has shaped your worldview. These essays allow you to highlight your diversity and personal experiences.

Achievements and Extracurricular Activities

Writing about significant accomplishments and extracurricular activities can demonstrate your passions and dedication.

  • Writing About Significant Accomplishments: Focus on a particular achievement that is meaningful to you. This could be an academic award, a sports victory, or a personal project.
  • How to Balance Humility and Pride in Your Narrative: While it’s important to showcase your achievements, ensure you do so humbly. Reflect on what you learned from the experience and how it has prepared you for future challenges.

Impactful Experiences

Travel, volunteer work, or unique life experiences can provide rich material for your college essay.

  • Travel, Volunteer Work, or Unique Life Experiences: Discuss a trip abroad that changed your perspective, a volunteer project that had a profound impact on your community, or any unique experience that has shaped your values and aspirations.
  • Examples and Tips for Writing These Essays: Use specific examples to illustrate the impact of these experiences. Describe not just what you did, but how it affected you and what you learned. This approach can help convey your personal growth and your potential contributions to the college community.

Unique and Creative Essay Ideas

While common college essay topics are often a safe bet, taking a unique and creative approach can help your essay stand out. Incorporating creative writing techniques can make your essay more engaging and memorable. Using vivid details can transform your college essay into a descriptive essay that brings your experiences to life. Here are some ideas to inspire your writing.

Image Showing Different Types of College Essays

Image Showing Different Types of College Essays

Unusual Perspectives

Thinking outside the box can lead to memorable and impactful essays. Consider prompts that allow for a creative twist, such as “Why did the chicken cross the road?”

  • Thinking Outside the Box: Prompts that encourage unconventional thinking can showcase your creativity and critical thinking skills. For instance, crafting an essay around a whimsical question like “Why did the chicken cross the road?” can reveal deeper insights about your personality and perspective.
  • Examples of Creative Essays and How They Stood Out: One student might write about the chicken crossing the road as a metaphor for overcoming fears and stepping out of their comfort zone, while another might use it to explore themes of curiosity and discovery. Essays that take unique angles on seemingly simple questions often leave a lasting impression on admissions officers.

Personal Anecdotes

Everyday events can be transformed into powerful essays that highlight your character and values.

  • How Everyday Events Can Make for Powerful Essays: The key to a compelling personal anecdote is to extract broader themes and lessons from ordinary experiences. This could be a story about a family dinner, a trip to the grocery store, or a conversation with a friend that led to a moment of insight.
  • Samples of Essays on Mundane Yet Meaningful Topics: For example, an essay about a weekly family game night could explore themes of tradition, family bonding, and the importance of leisure in maintaining mental health. Another essay might describe the routine of a morning jog and use it as a metaphor for persistence and goal-setting.

100+ College Essay Ideas

When it comes to writing college essays, choosing the right topic is crucial. A well-chosen topic not only showcases your unique personality and experiences but also aligns with the overall essay structure.

Whether you opt for a narrative, descriptive, or analytical essay, the topic should reflect your strengths and convey a compelling story. Below are ten college essay ideas to inspire you and help you craft an engaging and memorable essay.

1. A Life-Changing Volunteer Experience

Volunteering can profoundly impact your perspective and life path. Describing a significant volunteer experience can highlight your dedication to community service and personal growth. For example, working at a local homeless shelter might open your eyes to the complexities of homelessness and inspire you to advocate for social change. You could write about how interacting with the shelter’s residents challenged your preconceived notions and sparked a passion for social justice.

Key Points to Include:

  • Describe the volunteer activity and your role.
  • Reflect on the impact it had on your perspective and values, perhaps adopting an analytical essayapproach to delve deeper into these insights.
  • Discuss how this experience influenced your future goals and aspirations.

2. Overcoming a Personal Obstacle

Sharing a story about a personal challenge can demonstrate your resilience and ability to grow from adversity. This could be a physical, emotional, or academic challenge. For instance, overcoming a learning disability might illustrate your determination and hard work. Highlighting how you tackled this obstacle and the personal growth you experienced can be very compelling.

Key Points to Include:

  • Describe the challenge and its impact on your life.
  • Detail the steps you took to overcome it, structuring your essay to clearly show the progression.
  • Reflect on the lessons learned and how they shaped your character and future ambitions.

3. The Influence of a Mentor

Mentors play a crucial role in personal and professional development. Writing about someone who has profoundly influenced your life can showcase your gratitude and the positive impact of mentorship. This could be a teacher, coach, or family member. Describe specific instances where their guidance helped you achieve a goal or overcome a challenge.

Key Points to Include:

  • Introduce your mentor and their relationship to you.
  • Provide examples of their influence and guidance, potentially using a persuasive essayformat to highlight their impact on your decisions.
  • Reflect on how their mentorship has shaped your goals and character.

4. A Unique Hobby or Interest

Discussing a unique hobby or interest can provide insight into your personality and passions. Whether it’s an unconventional sport, a niche academic interest, or a creative pursuit, explaining how this hobby has shaped you can be very engaging. For instance, if you’re passionate about bird watching, you could write about how it has fostered your appreciation for nature and patience.

Key Points to Include:

  • Describe the hobby or interest and why it is unique.
  • Discuss how it has influenced your personal development.
  • Reflect on any skills or values you have gained from this pursuit, perhaps comparing and contrasting this interest with other hobbies you have tried.

5. A Moment of Cultural Discovery

Cultural discoveries often lead to new understandings and personal growth. Reflecting on a significant cultural experience can demonstrate your open-mindedness and appreciation for diversity. This might involve traveling to a new country, exploring your heritage, or experiencing a different culture within your own community.

Key Points to Include:

  • Describe the cultural experience and its context.
  • Discuss the impact it had on your worldview, analyzing how it shifted your perceptions.
  • Reflect on how this discovery influenced your identity or aspirations.

6. A Time You Took a Risk

Narrating a time when you stepped out of your comfort zone to take a risk can reveal your courage and willingness to embrace new experiences. This could be anything from starting a new club at school to speaking up about an issue you care about. Highlighting the outcomes and what you learned from the experience can be very impactful.

Key Points to Include:

  • Describe the risk and why you decided to take it.
  • Detail the steps you took and the challenges you faced.
  • Reflect on the outcomes and lessons learned from this experience, possibly using an argumentative essay structure to present different viewpoints.

7. The Impact of a Book or Film

Books and films often leave a lasting impact on our thoughts and actions. Writing about a particular book or film that influenced you can showcase your intellectual curiosity and the ability to draw meaningful connections. For example, reading “To Kill a Mockingbird” might inspire a commitment to social justice, while watching “The Pursuit of Happyness” could fuel your determination to succeed against all odds.

Key Points to Include:

  • Introduce the book or film and its context.
  • Discuss the specific impact it had on your thinking or actions.
  • Reflect on how it inspired you to pursue certain goals or values.

8. A Lesson from Failure

Experiencing failure can be a powerful learning opportunity. Describing a failure or setback you experienced, and the lessons you learned from it, can highlight your resilience and ability to grow. For instance, failing to win a competition might teach you about perseverance and the importance of continuous improvement.

Key Points to Include:

  • Describe the failure and its context.
  • Detail how you responded to the setback.
  • Reflect on the lessons learned and how they have influenced your personal development.

9. A Project or Creation You’re Proud Of

Highlighting a project or creation you are particularly proud of can showcase your creativity, problem-solving skills, and dedication. This could be a scientific research project, an artistic creation, or a community service initiative. Discussing the process and the significance of the project can be very engaging.

Key Points to Include:

  • Describe the project or creation and its significance.
  • Detail the process and challenges you faced.
  • Reflect on what you learned and how it has impacted you.

10. Your Role in a Group or Community

Discussing your role within a group or community can highlight your leadership skills, teamwork, and sense of responsibility. This could involve being part of a sports team, a school club, or a community organization. Reflecting on your contributions and the impact of the group can be very powerful.

Key Points to Include:

  • Describe the group or community and your role.
  • Detail your contributions and any challenges you faced.
  • Reflect on the impact of your involvement and how it has shaped your personal growth.

Best College Essay Ideas to Choose From

  1. A significant family tradition
  2. An experience that shaped your career goals
  3. A moment of personal growth
  4. How you handled a difficult decision
  5. An inspiring person in your life
  6. A meaningful travel experience
  7. Your favorite place and its significance
  8. A time you challenged a belief or idea
  9. An environmental issue that matters to you
  10. Your experience with a particular school club or activity
  11. How a historical event influenced your worldview
  12. A scientific discovery that fascinated you
  13. A time you helped someone in need
  14. How you developed a new skill
  15. A memorable performance or competition
  16. Your experience with a part-time job
  17. The impact of technology on your life
  18. How you’ve handled peer pressure
  19. A book character you relate to
  20. A piece of art that changed your perspective
  21. The role of music in your life
  22. A friendship that has impacted you
  23. A challenge you faced in sports
  24. How you stay motivated and disciplined
  25. The importance of diversity in your life
  26. A leadership role you’ve undertaken
  27. Your experience with online learning
  28. The influence of social media on your life
  29. A difficult conversation you had
  30. How you balance academics and extracurriculars
  31. A moment of creativity
  32. An adventure that taught you something valuable
  33. The impact of a teacher on your education
  34. Your favorite childhood memory
  35. How you handle stress and pressure
  36. A goal you achieved and how you did it
  37. A lesson from nature
  38. The significance of a cultural festival in your life
  39. A time you stood up for what you believe in
  40. How you’ve dealt with change
  41. An invention you admire
  42. Your experience with community service
  43. A time you failed and what you learned
  44. A moment that made you realize you were growing up
  45. How a work of fiction inspired you
  46. An ethical dilemma you faced
  47. The impact of a health issue on your life
  48. A time you experienced a cultural shock
  49. How you plan your future
  50. Your favorite family recipe and its story
  51. An unusual talent or skill you have
  52. The importance of a particular sport in your life
  53. A philosophical question that intrigues you
  54. The role of pets in your life
  55. How you cope with loneliness
  56. An experience that made you more empathetic
  57. Your favorite holiday and why
  58. A time you experienced failure
  59. How you foster creativity in your life
  60. The influence of a historical figure on you
  61. A significant personal achievement
  62. How you handle criticism
  63. An experience that changed your perspective on education
  64. How you stay organized and manage time
  65. The impact of a scientific concept on your thinking
  66. Your relationship with a sibling
  67. A unique cultural experience you’ve had
  68. The importance of language and communication in your life
  69. How you’ve grown from a mentor’s advice
  70. An experience that made you appreciate diversity
  71. Your passion for a particular academic subject
  72. How you use technology for learning
  73. A memorable trip abroad
  74. How you have adapted to a new environment
  75. Your experience with a significant personal loss
  76. The importance of mental health in your life
  77. How you foster friendships
  78. A community event that influenced you
  79. Your experience with a particular art form
  80. How you’ve overcome a fear
  81. The role of faith or spirituality in your life
  82. A surprising way you’ve helped someone
  83. How you handle competition
  84. A moment of intellectual discovery
  85. Your favorite extracurricular activity
  86. How you maintain a healthy lifestyle
  87. The significance of a mentor in your life
  88. Your experience with public speaking
  89. How you’ve navigated academic challenges
  90. A story from your childhood that influenced who you are today

These topics should provide ample inspiration for writing a diverse and engaging college essay. For further tips and guidance, consider reading more on college essay writing strategies and examples from reputable sources.

Structuring Your Essay

Choosing the right structure for your college essay is crucial to effectively convey your story. There are two primary structures you can use: narrative and montage. Each has its own strengths and can be suited to different types of essays.

Image Showing the Different Sections of a College Admissions Essay

Image Showing the Different Sections of a College Admissions Essay

Narrative vs. Montage Structure

Narrative Structure

Choosing a narrative essay structure can help you tell a compelling story about a specific event or challenge you faced.

  • Pros: This structure follows a clear, chronological storyline, making it easy for the reader to follow your journey. It's particularly effective for essays that describe a specific challenge, event, or experience and how it shaped you.
  • Cons: Can be limiting if your story doesn't fit neatly into a chronological framework. It may also be harder to highlight multiple aspects of your personality or experiences.
  • Examples: A student might write about the journey of training for and completing a marathon, using this experience to showcase perseverance and dedication.

Montage Structure

  • Pros: This thematic structure allows you to weave together multiple experiences, themes, or ideas. It’s great for showcasing different facets of your personality or interests.
  • Cons: Can be more challenging to write cohesively. Requires strong transitions to ensure the essay feels unified.
  • Examples: A student could use the theme of "passion for music" to tie together different experiences, such as playing in a band, attending concerts, and writing music.

How to Decide Which Is Best for You

Consider your story: If you have a specific event or journey that has significantly impacted you, the narrative structure might be best. If you want to highlight multiple interests or aspects of your identity, the montage structure could be more effective.

Crafting a Compelling Introduction

Your essay introduction needs to grab the reader's attention and set the tone for your narrative.

Techniques for Grabbing the Reader’s Attention:

  • Start with an intriguing question or statement.
  • Use a vivid description or anecdote.
  • Begin in the middle of a significant moment or action.

Developing Your Story

Using detailed storytelling and personal insights can make your essay more engaging and memorable.

  • Using Detailed Storytelling to Show, Not Tell: Use sensory details and specific examples to paint a picture for the reader. Instead of saying "I was nervous," describe the physical sensations and thoughts you experienced.
  • Incorporating Emotions and Personal Insights: Share your feelings and reflections to provide depth. Discuss what you learned from your experiences and how they shaped your perspective.

Concluding Effectively

An effective essay conclusion should not only summarize your main points but also reflect on your personal growth and future aspirations.

Making Your Conclusion Forward-Looking and Reflective: Reflect on what you have learned and how it will influence your future. Tie your personal growth back to your aspirations and how you plan to contribute to the college community.

Writing Tips and Best Practices

When brainstorming college essay ideas, consider exploring compare and contrast essay topics to highlight your analytical skills. Here are some essential tips and best practices to help you create an effective and compelling essay.

Image Showing College Essay Tips

Image Showing College Essay Tips

Revision Strategies

The importance of multiple drafts and revisions cannot be overstated. Revising your essay ensures clarity, coherence, and polish.

  • Importance of Multiple Drafts and Revisions: Your first draft is just the beginning. Plan to write several drafts to refine your ideas, improve structure, and enhance language. Each revision allows you to address different aspects of your essay, from big-picture content to fine-tuning grammar and style.

Tips for Getting Feedback from Others:

  • Seek Diverse Opinions: Ask teachers, friends, family members, or mentors to read your essay. Each person can provide unique perspectives and identify different strengths and weaknesses.
  • Be Open to Criticism: Constructive feedback is invaluable. While it might be challenging to hear critiques of your work, it’s crucial for improvement.
  • Ask Specific Questions: When seeking feedback, ask your reviewers to focus on specific aspects such as clarity, engagement, and whether your personality shines through.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoiding common pitfalls can make your college essay more authentic and compelling.

  • Pitfalls like Clichés and Overused Topics: Topics like “winning the big game” or “a trip that changed my life” can be overused. If you choose a common theme, ensure your perspective is unique and personal.

How to Ensure Your Essay is Authentic and Personal:

  • Be Yourself: Admissions officers want to hear your voice. Write in a style that feels natural to you, and avoid using vocabulary or phrasing that seems forced or out of character.
  • Focus on Specific Examples: Rather than making broad statements, use specific anecdotes and details to illustrate your points. This makes your essay more vivid and believable.
  • Reflect on Your Experiences: Go beyond describing events; discuss what you learned and how these experiences shaped you. This reflection is key to demonstrating personal growth and insight.

Additional Best Practices

  • Start Early: Give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm, write, and revise. Starting early reduces stress and allows for thorough revision.
  • Stay Organized: Keep track of different college essay prompts and deadlines using a planner or spreadsheet. This helps ensure you meet all requirements and deadlines.
  • Read Successful Essays: Reviewing examples of great essays can provide inspiration and insight into what works well. However, use these as inspiration rather than templates to ensure your essay remains unique to you.


Crafting a standout college application essay requires careful attention to both content and process. Key points to remember include choosing a meaningful topic, showcasing your unique perspective, and using vivid storytelling. Highlight personal growth, values, and specific experiences to make your essay compelling and authentic.

Start the writing process early to give yourself ample time to brainstorm, draft, and revise. Seek feedback from trusted sources and be open to making improvements. With dedication and attention to detail, you can craft an essay that makes a lasting impression on admissions officers and enhances your college application.


What are the key elements of a successful college essay?

A successful college essay should have a clear structure, engaging storytelling, personal insight, and should showcase your unique perspective and values.

How long should my college essay be?

Most college application essays, including the Common App essay, have a word limit of around 650 words. Check the specific requirements for each application.

Can I write about a personal failure in my college essay?

Yes, writing about a personal failure can demonstrate resilience and personal growth, making for a compelling essay.

How do I choose the right essay topic for me?

Choose a topic that reflects your personality, interests, and experiences. Consider brainstorming exercises like the Values Exercise or the Essence Objects Exercise.

Should I write about my extracurricular activities in my college essay?

If an extracurricular activity significantly impacted your life or showcases your passions and skills, it can be a great essay topic.

How can I make my college essay stand out?

Focus on a unique perspective, use vivid storytelling, be authentic, and ensure your essay reflects your personality and values.

Is it okay to use humor in my college essay?

Yes, but use humor carefully. It should feel natural and not detract from the overall message or tone of your essay.

How important is the essay in the college application process?

The essay is a critical component of the application as it provides insight into your personality, values, and writing skills, which grades and test scores cannot.

Can I write about a controversial topic in my college essay?

It’s possible, but be cautious. Ensure your essay is respectful and focuses on your personal perspective and growth rather than provoking controversy.

What should I avoid in my college essay?

Avoid clichés, overly broad topics, excessive bragging, and writing about experiences that don’t genuinely reflect who you are.

How do I start my college essay?

Start with an engaging hook, such as an intriguing question, vivid description, or a surprising statement that draws the reader in.

Can I write multiple drafts of my college essay?

Yes, it’s highly recommended to write multiple drafts. This process helps refine your ideas and improve clarity, coherence, and style.

How do I get feedback on my college essay?

Seek feedback from teachers, friends, family members, or mentors who can provide constructive criticism and different perspectives.

What role do supplemental essays play in the college application?

Supplemental essays allow you to provide more specific information about your fit for a particular school and to address additional prompts required by individual colleges.

Can I use the same essay for multiple college applications?

You can reuse parts of your essay, but ensure each application essay is tailored to the specific prompt and school.

How do I end my college essay effectively?

End with a forward-looking conclusion that reflects on your growth and future aspirations, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

What if I don’t have any significant experiences to write about?

Everyday experiences can be just as meaningful. Focus on personal insights and growth from these experiences to make your essay compelling.

How do I incorporate feedback without losing my voice?

Take feedback as guidance but ensure the final essay remains true to your voice and perspective.

How can I address a prompt that doesn’t inspire me?

Look for an angle within the prompt that connects to your experiences or interests. Sometimes reframing the question can help spark inspiration.

Should I mention my test scores in my college essay?

Typically, your essay should focus on personal stories and insights. Mention test scores only if they are directly relevant to your story and personal growth.

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Thomas Babb

Written by: Thomas Babb

Oxford University - PhD Mathematics

Thomas is a PhD candidate at Oxford University. He served as an interviewer and the lead admissions test marker at Oxford, and teaches undergraduate students at Mansfield College and St Hilda’s College. He has ten years’ experience tutoring A-Level and GCSE students across a range of subjects.

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