Why do parallel circuits maintain voltage across each component?

Parallel circuits maintain voltage across each component because all components are directly connected to the same points of the power source.

In a parallel circuit, each component is independently connected to the power source, such as a battery. This means that each component has its own separate path to the power source. Because of this, the voltage across each component is the same as the voltage of the power source. This is a fundamental characteristic of parallel circuits and is known as Kirchhoff's Voltage Law.

To understand this better, imagine a parallel circuit with a battery and several light bulbs. Each light bulb is connected to the battery in a separate loop. The voltage across each light bulb is equal to the voltage of the battery, regardless of the number of light bulbs or their individual resistances. This is because the voltage is the energy per unit charge provided by the power source, and this energy is available to each charge that passes through the circuit.

In contrast, in a series circuit, where components are connected one after another in a single path, the voltage is shared between the components. The total voltage in a series circuit is the sum of the voltages across each component.

However, in a parallel circuit, the voltage across each component is the same and is equal to the total voltage of the power source. This is why, if one component in a parallel circuit fails, the others continue to work. The voltage supply to the remaining components is not affected because each component is independently connected to the power source.

In summary, parallel circuits maintain voltage across each component because each component is directly connected to the same points of the power source, and therefore, each receives the full voltage of the power source.

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