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Lenz's Law states that the direction of induced current is always such that it opposes the change causing it.
Lenz's Law, named after the German scientist Heinrich Lenz who formulated it in 1834, is a fundamental principle in electromagnetism. It is closely related to Faraday's Law of electromagnetic induction, which states that a change in the magnetic field within a closed loop of wire induces an electromotive force (EMF) in the wire. Lenz's Law provides the direction of the induced EMF and current resulting from electromagnetic induction.
The law is significant because it helps us understand the principle of conservation of energy in the context of electromagnetic systems. It states that the induced current will always flow in a direction to oppose the change that produced it. This is because if it flowed in the same direction as the change, it would amplify that change, creating a perpetual motion machine, which violates the law of conservation of energy.
In practical terms, Lenz's Law is crucial in the design and operation of many electrical devices. For example, in electric generators, a mechanical force is used to rotate a coil in a magnetic field, inducing a current. According to Lenz's Law, the direction of this current will be such that it creates a magnetic field opposing the original change. This opposition is experienced as a mechanical resistance to the rotation of the coil, which is why energy must be continually supplied to keep the generator running.
In summary, Lenz's Law is a fundamental principle in electromagnetism that describes the direction of induced current. It is significant in understanding the conservation of energy and is crucial in the operation of many electrical devices.
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