What are peroxides and how do they differ from normal oxides?

Peroxides are compounds containing an oxygen-oxygen single bond, which differentiates them from normal oxides.

Peroxides are a class of compounds that contain an oxygen-oxygen single bond or the peroxide anion (O2^2-). The term 'peroxide' comes from the fact that they are similar to oxides, but with a higher proportion of oxygen. The most common example of a peroxide is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is often used as a disinfectant or bleach.

In contrast, normal oxides are compounds that contain one or more oxygen atoms combined with another element. They do not contain the oxygen-oxygen single bond that is characteristic of peroxides. Examples of normal oxides include carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).

The key difference between peroxides and normal oxides lies in their chemical structure and reactivity. The oxygen-oxygen single bond in peroxides is relatively weak, making them more reactive than normal oxides. This high reactivity is due to the fact that the bond can easily break, releasing a lot of energy in the process. This is why peroxides are often used in bleaching agents and disinfectants, as well as in rocket propellants.

On the other hand, normal oxides are generally less reactive. The bonds between oxygen and other elements in these compounds are stronger and more stable, which means they do not break as easily and release less energy. This makes normal oxides less useful in applications that require high reactivity, but more suitable for other uses, such as in the formation of minerals and in biological processes.

In summary, while peroxides and normal oxides both contain oxygen, they differ in their chemical structure and reactivity due to the presence or absence of an oxygen-oxygen single bond.

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