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Neutron bombardment causes radioactivity by transforming stable nuclei into radioactive isotopes through a process called neutron activation.
Neutron bombardment is a process that involves the interaction of a nucleus with a neutron. This process is fundamental in nuclear physics and is the basis for the creation of radioactivity. When a stable nucleus is bombarded by a neutron, it can absorb the neutron and transform into a radioactive isotope. This process is known as neutron activation.
Neutron activation occurs when a neutron is absorbed by a nucleus, causing it to become unstable. The nucleus then undergoes a transformation to regain stability, often resulting in the emission of gamma radiation, and the creation of a new, radioactive isotope. This isotope will continue to decay, emitting radiation until it eventually becomes stable. The type and energy of the radiation emitted during this decay process is characteristic of the specific isotope, and can be used to identify the isotope.
The process of neutron bombardment and the subsequent neutron activation is used in a variety of applications. For example, it is used in nuclear reactors to produce energy. In a nuclear reactor, a controlled chain reaction is initiated where uranium or plutonium nuclei absorb neutrons, become unstable, and then split apart in a process known as fission. This process releases a large amount of energy, as well as additional neutrons that can then be absorbed by other nuclei, continuing the chain reaction.
Neutron bombardment is also used in the production of medical isotopes. These isotopes are used in a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. For example, the isotope technetium-99m, which is used in many medical imaging procedures, is produced through the neutron bombardment of molybdenum-98.
In summary, neutron bombardment causes radioactivity by transforming stable nuclei into radioactive isotopes through the process of neutron activation. This process is fundamental in nuclear physics and has a wide range of applications, from energy production in nuclear reactors to the production of medical isotopes.
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