What were the economic policies under Mughal rule?

The Mughal Empire's economic policies were characterised by a well-organised system of taxation, trade, and agriculture.

The Mughal Empire, which ruled most of present-day India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh from the 16th to the 19th centuries, had a complex and efficient economic system. The backbone of this system was a well-organised system of taxation. The Mughals implemented a land revenue system known as the 'Zabt' system, where taxes were collected based on the productivity of the land. This system was highly efficient and ensured a steady flow of revenue to the state treasury.

In addition to land revenue, the Mughals also levied custom duties on trade and commerce. The empire was strategically located along important trade routes, which facilitated both domestic and international trade. The Mughals encouraged trade by maintaining a safe and secure environment for traders. They also established a uniform system of weights and measures to facilitate trade transactions.

Agriculture was another important aspect of the Mughal economy. The Mughals introduced new agricultural techniques and crops, which increased agricultural productivity. They also implemented policies to promote irrigation, which further boosted agricultural output. The surplus agricultural produce was used to support the empire's large urban population and to trade with other regions.

The Mughals also promoted industries such as textiles, shipbuilding, and metallurgy. They implemented policies to encourage the growth of these industries and to ensure their quality. For instance, they established guilds to regulate the activities of artisans and craftsmen.

The Mughal rulers also accumulated wealth through conquests and tributes from subordinate rulers. This wealth was used to finance the empire's military campaigns, to build magnificent architectural structures, and to support the lavish lifestyle of the Mughal court.

In summary, the Mughal Empire's economic policies were marked by a well-organised system of taxation, a thriving trade and commerce sector, a productive agricultural system, and a flourishing industrial sector. These policies ensured the economic prosperity of the empire and its people.

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