What was the purpose of the Roosevelt Corollary?

The Roosevelt Corollary was designed to justify US intervention in Latin America to maintain stability and protect American interests.

The Roosevelt Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine, a policy declared by President James Monroe in 1823, which asserted that the Western Hemisphere was off-limits to European intervention. The Corollary, announced by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904, essentially stated that the United States had the right to intervene in the affairs of Latin American nations if they were seen as incapable of maintaining order or sovereignty on their own.

The primary purpose of the Roosevelt Corollary was to prevent European powers from using the debt problems of Latin America to justify their intervention in the region. At the time, many Latin American countries were in debt to European nations, and Roosevelt feared that these nations might use military force to collect these debts, thereby violating the Monroe Doctrine. By asserting the right of the United States to intervene, Roosevelt hoped to deter European powers from getting involved in the region.

The Corollary also served to protect American economic and strategic interests in Latin America. The United States had significant investments in the region, particularly in industries such as mining and agriculture. By asserting the right to intervene, the United States could protect these investments and ensure the stability of governments friendly to American interests.

Furthermore, the Corollary was part of Roosevelt's broader policy of 'Big Stick Diplomacy', which advocated for the use of force, or the threat of force, to achieve foreign policy goals. The Corollary provided a justification for the United States to use military force in Latin America, and it was used to justify several interventions in the region in the early 20th century.

In summary, the Roosevelt Corollary was designed to deter European intervention in Latin America, protect American economic interests, and provide a justification for the use of force in the region. It was a significant expansion of American foreign policy and marked a new era of American involvement in Latin America.

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