What was the aim of Allied diplomacy in the Middle East post-1914?

The aim of Allied diplomacy in the Middle East post-1914 was to secure strategic interests and control over oil resources.

After the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the Middle East became a region of significant strategic importance for the Allied powers, particularly Britain and France. The primary aim of their diplomacy in the region was to secure their strategic interests and gain control over the vast oil resources that the Middle East had to offer. This was crucial for fuelling their war efforts and maintaining their global influence.

The Allies pursued their objectives through a series of agreements and treaties. The most notable of these was the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916, a secret treaty between Britain and France with the assent of Russia. This agreement effectively divided the Middle East into spheres of influence for Britain and France, disregarding the national aspirations of the local populations. The British were also involved in the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which promised the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine, further complicating the political landscape of the region.

The Allies also sought to cultivate alliances with local powers. For instance, Britain promised Sharif Hussein of Mecca an independent Arab state in return for his support against the Ottoman Empire. However, these promises were often contradictory and led to a great deal of confusion and resentment.

In essence, the aim of Allied diplomacy in the Middle East post-1914 was driven by their strategic and economic interests. They sought to secure their influence in the region, control its valuable resources, and use it as a platform to further their war efforts. However, their methods often involved duplicity and disregard for the aspirations of the local populations, leading to a legacy of conflict and instability that continues to shape the region to this day.

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