What rituals did samurai follow before battle?

Before battle, samurai followed rituals such as purification, prayer, writing death poems, and donning their armour ceremoniously.

Samurai, the military nobility of medieval and early-modern Japan, were not just warriors but also adherents of a strict code of conduct known as Bushido. This code, which emphasised honour, loyalty, and martial arts skills, also extended to the rituals they performed before going into battle. These rituals were deeply ingrained in their culture and were believed to prepare them mentally, spiritually, and physically for the fight ahead.

One of the first rituals a samurai would perform was purification. This was often done through a ritual bath, which was believed to cleanse the body and spirit. The samurai would then dress in their traditional armour, a process that was done in a specific order and was considered a ritual in itself. Each piece of armour had a symbolic meaning and was believed to offer protection not just physically, but also spiritually.

Prayer was another important ritual. Samurai would often visit a Shinto shrine to pray for victory in battle. They would offer gifts to the gods, such as sake, rice, or other food items, and would pray for their protection and guidance. This was not just a personal ritual, but often a communal one, with the entire army participating in the prayers and offerings.

Perhaps one of the most poignant rituals was the writing of a death poem. This was done in the event that the samurai fell in battle. The poem was a reflection on their life and the impending possibility of death. It was a way for the samurai to confront their mortality and express their acceptance of it. This ritual was deeply personal and was often done in solitude.

These rituals were not just about preparing for battle, but also about reinforcing the values and beliefs of the samurai. They were a way for the samurai to reaffirm their commitment to the Bushido code, to their lord, and to their duty as warriors. They were a testament to the samurai's discipline, spirituality, and unwavering resolve in the face of danger.

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