How did the July Monarchy change French governance?

The July Monarchy changed French governance by establishing a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system.

The July Monarchy, also known as the Bourbon Monarchy, was a significant period in French history that lasted from 1830 to 1848. It marked a shift from the previous absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy, which was a significant change in the French governance system. This period was characterised by the reign of Louis-Philippe, the 'Citizen King', who was seen as a more moderate and middle-class monarch compared to his predecessors.

The July Monarchy was marked by the establishment of a parliamentary system, which was a significant departure from the previous system of governance. The Charter of 1830, which was the constitution of the July Monarchy, established a bicameral parliament consisting of the Chamber of Deputies and the Chamber of Peers. The King had the power to appoint the Prime Minister, who was responsible for the day-to-day administration of the country. However, the King's powers were significantly curtailed compared to the previous regime, and he was expected to rule in accordance with the wishes of the parliament.

The July Monarchy also saw a shift in the balance of power in French society. The Charter of 1830 extended the franchise to the middle classes, which was a significant change from the previous system where only the nobility and the clergy had the right to vote. This led to a shift in the balance of power in French society, with the middle classes gaining more influence in the governance of the country.

The July Monarchy also saw significant changes in the economic policies of the French government. The government pursued a policy of economic liberalism, which included the reduction of trade barriers and the promotion of free trade. This led to significant economic growth and the emergence of a new industrial bourgeoisie.

In conclusion, the July Monarchy marked a significant change in French governance. It established a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system, extended the franchise to the middle classes, and pursued a policy of economic liberalism.

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