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The Constitution of 1917 fundamentally transformed Mexico by establishing social rights and limiting foreign ownership of Mexican resources.
The Mexican Constitution of 1917 was a revolutionary document that brought about significant changes in the country's political, social, and economic landscape. It was the result of the Mexican Revolution, a decade-long civil war that sought to address the deep-seated inequalities and injustices in Mexican society. The Constitution was a radical departure from its 1857 predecessor, incorporating progressive ideas and principles that aimed to reshape Mexico into a more equitable and just society.
One of the most significant changes brought about by the Constitution was the establishment of social rights. It recognised the rights of workers, including the right to strike and the right to a fair wage. It also established the right to education, making it compulsory and secular. These provisions were groundbreaking at the time, as they sought to protect the rights of the working class and promote social equality.
The Constitution also addressed the issue of land ownership, a contentious issue that had been a major cause of the Mexican Revolution. It stipulated that land and water belonged to the nation, and it allowed for the redistribution of land to peasants. This was a significant change, as it sought to rectify the historical injustices of land ownership in Mexico, where large estates were owned by a small elite while the majority of the population were landless peasants.
Another major change was the limitation of foreign ownership of Mexican resources. The Constitution stipulated that only Mexicans by birth or naturalisation could own land and exploit natural resources. This was a response to the widespread foreign control of Mexico's resources, particularly by American companies. This provision was aimed at protecting Mexico's sovereignty and economic independence.
The Constitution also introduced political reforms, such as the establishment of a democratic system of government with three independent branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. It also provided for universal male suffrage, further promoting democratic principles.
In conclusion, the Constitution of 1917 was a transformative document that sought to address the deep-seated inequalities and injustices in Mexican society. It established social rights, limited foreign ownership of resources, and introduced political reforms, fundamentally changing Mexico.
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