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Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm that brings computation and data storage closer to the sources of data.
In more detail, edge computing is a method of optimising cloud computing systems by performing data processing at the edge of the network, near the source of the data. This reduces the amount of data that needs to be transported across the network, resulting in improved response times and saving bandwidth.
The term 'edge' refers to the geographic distribution of computing nodes in the network that act as the sources and ends of the network, as opposed to a centralised data centre or cloud. These nodes could be anything from a mobile phone, a smart fridge, a car, or a wind turbine - essentially any device that can collect data and connect to a network.
Edge computing is particularly useful for the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. These devices generate vast amounts of data, and it is often more efficient to process this data locally rather than sending it back to a centralised data centre. This is especially true for applications where latency is a critical factor, such as autonomous vehicles or industrial automation systems.
In relation to the web, edge computing can significantly enhance web performance by reducing the latency in delivering content to the user. For instance, in Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), edge servers are strategically placed in multiple locations to cache and deliver content to users from the nearest server, thereby reducing latency and improving user experience.
Furthermore, edge computing can also provide more robust security measures. By processing data at the edge, sensitive information can be anonymised or processed locally, reducing the risk of data breaches.
In summary, edge computing is a key technology that is reshaping the way data is handled, processed, and delivered in our increasingly connected world. It offers significant benefits in terms of speed, bandwidth, and security, making it a crucial component in the evolution of the web and the Internet of Things.
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