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A wireless bridge connects two or more networks, allowing them to communicate and share data without a physical connection.
A wireless bridge, also known as a network bridge, operates at the data link layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. This layer is responsible for data transfer between network nodes, and the bridge serves as a conduit for this transfer. The primary function of a wireless bridge is to connect two or more separate networks so they can communicate and share data. This is particularly useful in situations where a physical connection is not possible or practical.
Wireless bridges use radio waves to transmit data. They can operate in two modes: point-to-point and point-to-multipoint. In point-to-point mode, a single bridge connects two networks. In point-to-multipoint mode, one bridge connects to multiple networks. The bridge receives a signal from one network, decodes it, and then sends it to the other network. This process is transparent to the networks involved, meaning they do not need to be aware of the bridge's existence to function.
The bridge can also filter traffic between the networks based on the MAC addresses of devices. This means it can prevent certain data from being sent between networks, adding a level of security. It can also reduce network traffic by only forwarding data that is intended for the other network.
Wireless bridges are often used to connect parts of a network that are physically separated. For example, they can connect different floors of a building, or even buildings that are miles apart. They can also be used to connect different types of networks, such as a wireless network to a wired network.
In summary, a wireless bridge is a crucial networking device that enables communication and data sharing between separate networks. It operates at the data link layer of the OSI model, using radio waves to transmit data and can function in either point-to-point or point-to-multipoint mode. Its ability to filter traffic based on MAC addresses provides an added layer of security and efficiency.
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