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Fruit and seed dispersal mechanisms include wind, water, animals, explosion, and human activity.
Fruit and seed dispersal is a crucial process in the life cycle of a plant. It involves the movement or transport of seeds away from the parent plant, which helps to reduce competition for resources and allows for colonisation of new habitats. There are several mechanisms through which this can occur.
Wind dispersal, or anemochory, is a common method of seed dispersal. In this method, seeds or fruits are carried by the wind to new locations. Plants that use this method often produce lightweight seeds or seeds with special adaptations such as wings or hairs that allow them to be carried by the wind. Examples include dandelions and maple trees.
Water dispersal, or hydrochory, involves seeds being transported by water. This can occur in freshwater or marine environments. Seeds that are dispersed by water often have adaptations that allow them to float, such as a hard, buoyant coat. Coconuts are a classic example of a seed that is dispersed by water.
Animal dispersal, or zoochory, is another common method of seed dispersal. This can occur in several ways. Some seeds have hooks or sticky coatings that allow them to attach to the fur or feathers of animals and be carried to new locations. Other seeds are eaten by animals and later excreted, often at a considerable distance from the parent plant. Berries are a good example of a fruit that is often dispersed by animals.
Explosive dispersal, or autochory, involves the mechanical ejection of seeds from the fruit. This usually occurs when the fruit dries out and the tension in the fruit wall is released, causing the seeds to be flung out. Examples include the squirting cucumber and the touch-me-not plant.
Finally, human activity can also lead to seed dispersal. This can be intentional, such as when humans plant seeds, or unintentional, such as when seeds stick to clothing or are transported in soil. This method of dispersal has allowed many plant species to colonise new areas, often with significant ecological impacts.
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