How does deforestation impact greenhouse gas levels?

Deforestation increases greenhouse gas levels by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by trees and releasing stored carbon.

Trees play a crucial role in the carbon cycle, a process that regulates the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. They absorb CO2 during photosynthesis, a process where they convert CO2 and sunlight into oxygen and glucose. This process helps to reduce the overall levels of CO2, a major greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere. When trees are cut down, this absorption process is halted, leading to higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Moreover, when trees are felled or burnt, the carbon stored within them is released back into the atmosphere as CO2. This is particularly significant in the case of deforestation in peat forests, where the soil is rich in stored carbon. When these forests are cleared, both the trees and the peat soil release large amounts of CO2, contributing to increased greenhouse gas levels.

Deforestation also impacts the albedo effect, which is the measure of how much sunlight that hits a surface is reflected back into space without being absorbed. Forests, with their dark surfaces, have a low albedo and absorb a lot of sunlight, which is then used in photosynthesis. When these forests are replaced with lighter surfaces such as fields or bare soil, the albedo increases, meaning more sunlight is reflected back into the atmosphere without being absorbed. This can contribute to global warming, which in turn can increase greenhouse gas levels.

In conclusion, deforestation has a significant impact on greenhouse gas levels. It reduces the amount of CO2 that can be absorbed and stored by trees, releases stored carbon, and can contribute to global warming.

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