How do the properties of metals differ from non-metals?

Metals are typically shiny, malleable, ductile, and good conductors of heat and electricity, unlike non-metals.

Metals and non-metals differ significantly in their physical and chemical properties. Metals, for instance, have a lustrous appearance, meaning they are shiny when polished. Non-metals, on the other hand, lack this lustre and are generally dull in appearance. Metals are also malleable, which means they can be hammered or rolled into thin sheets without breaking. Non-metals are not malleable; instead, they are brittle and can shatter under pressure.

Another key difference is that metals are ductile, meaning they can be drawn into thin wires. This property is not found in non-metals. Metals are also excellent conductors of heat and electricity, making them ideal for use in electrical wiring and cooking utensils. Non-metals, in contrast, are poor conductors of heat and electricity.

In terms of chemical properties, metals tend to lose electrons and form positive ions in chemical reactions. They are also reactive with acids and oxygen. Non-metals, however, tend to gain electrons and form negative ions in chemical reactions. They are not typically reactive with acids, and their reaction with oxygen can vary.

The differences between metals and non-metals are fundamental to their uses in our daily lives. Metals, with their strength, malleability, ductility, and conductivity, are used in everything from building materials to electronics. Non-metals, with their varying properties, find uses in areas such as insulation, glass making, and in the production of various chemicals. Understanding these differences is crucial in the study of chemistry and in the application of these materials in various industries.

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