What are the biological explanations of aggression?

Biological explanations of aggression include genetic factors, brain abnormalities, and hormonal influences.

Aggression is a complex behaviour that can be influenced by a range of biological factors. One explanation is that genetics play a role in determining an individual's propensity for aggression. Studies have found that certain genes, such as the MAOA gene, are associated with increased aggression. However, it is important to note that genetics alone cannot fully explain aggressive behaviour.

Another biological explanation for aggression is brain abnormalities. Research has shown that individuals with damage to the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, or other areas of the brain may be more likely to engage in aggressive behaviour. These brain regions are involved in regulating emotions and impulsivity, which can influence an individual's ability to control their aggressive impulses.

Hormonal influences can also play a role in aggression. Testosterone, for example, has been linked to increased aggression in both males and females. However, the relationship between hormones and aggression is complex and not fully understood.

Overall, biological explanations of aggression provide important insight into the underlying factors that contribute to aggressive behaviour. However, it is important to consider the complex interplay between biological, psychological, and environmental factors when attempting to understand and address aggressive behaviour.

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