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Self-efficacy develops in children through experiences, feedback, and social modelling.
Children develop self-efficacy through a variety of experiences. Success in tasks leads to increased confidence in their abilities, while failure can decrease it. This is why it is important for parents and educators to provide children with opportunities to succeed and learn from their mistakes. Children who are given challenging tasks and are supported through the process are more likely to develop a sense of self-efficacy.
Feedback is also important in the development of self-efficacy. Positive feedback can reinforce a child's belief in their abilities, while negative feedback can undermine it. It is important for feedback to be specific and constructive, focusing on effort and improvement rather than simply praising or criticising the outcome.
Social modelling is another important factor in the development of self-efficacy. Children observe the behaviour of those around them and use this information to form beliefs about their own abilities. If they see others succeeding in tasks similar to their own, they are more likely to believe they can succeed as well.
Overall, the development of self-efficacy in children is a complex process that involves experiences, feedback, and social modelling. By providing children with opportunities to succeed, constructive feedback, and positive role models, we can help them develop a strong sense of self-efficacy that will serve them well throughout their lives.
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