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Self-awareness allows children to recognise their own emotions and behaviours, leading to more positive social interactions.
Self-awareness is the ability to understand and recognise one's own emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. When children develop self-awareness, they are better equipped to understand how their actions and words affect others. This leads to better social interactions as they become more empathetic and considerate of others' feelings.
Children who lack self-awareness may struggle with social interactions. They may not recognise when they are being too loud, interrupting others, or not listening to what others are saying. This can lead to conflicts with peers and difficulty making friends.
On the other hand, children who are self-aware are more likely to be able to regulate their emotions and behaviour in social situations. They are better at recognising when they need to take a break or calm down, and can communicate their needs effectively to others. This leads to more positive social interactions and stronger relationships with peers.
Overall, self-awareness is an important factor in a child's social development. By understanding their own emotions and behaviours, children can better understand and empathise with others, leading to more positive social interactions and stronger relationships.
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