At what age do children develop self-conscious emotions?

Self-conscious emotions typically develop in children around the age of 18 months.

Self-conscious emotions are emotions that require self-awareness and an understanding of one's own thoughts and feelings. These emotions include embarrassment, shame, guilt, and pride. They are often associated with social interactions and are influenced by cultural norms and expectations.

Research has shown that self-conscious emotions begin to emerge in children around the age of 18 months. At this age, children are able to recognize themselves in a mirror and understand that they are separate individuals from others. This self-awareness is a crucial step in the development of self-conscious emotions.

As children grow and develop, their understanding of self-conscious emotions becomes more complex. They begin to understand the social norms and expectations surrounding these emotions and how they are expressed in different situations. For example, they may learn that it is appropriate to feel proud when they do well on a task, but not to feel embarrassed or ashamed when they make a mistake.

Overall, the development of self-conscious emotions is an important aspect of social and emotional development in children. It allows them to navigate social interactions and understand the impact of their actions on others.

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