Why are X-rays used in baggage scanning?

X-rays are used in baggage scanning as they can penetrate through materials and create images of the contents.

X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation with high energy and short wavelengths. When X-rays pass through materials, they are absorbed or scattered depending on the density and composition of the material. This property makes X-rays useful in imaging applications, including baggage scanning.

In baggage scanning, X-ray machines emit a beam of X-rays that passes through the baggage and creates an image on a detector on the other side. The detector captures the X-rays that pass through the baggage and converts them into an image that can be analysed by security personnel. The image shows the contents of the baggage and can reveal any prohibited items or potential threats.

However, X-rays can also be harmful to human health if exposure is prolonged or excessive. To minimise the risk, baggage scanning machines are designed to emit low doses of X-rays and passengers are not exposed to the beam. Additionally, security personnel operating the machines are required to wear protective gear and follow safety protocols.

In conclusion, X-rays are used in baggage scanning as they can penetrate through materials and create images of the contents. This technology allows security personnel to detect potential threats and ensure the safety of passengers and crew.

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