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To calculate the cosecant of a complex number, first find the sine of the complex number.
The cosecant of a complex number is defined as the reciprocal of the sine of the complex number. Therefore, to calculate the cosecant of a complex number, we first need to find the sine of the complex number.
Let z = x + yi be a complex number, where x and y are real numbers. Then, the sine of z is given by:
sin(z) = (e^(iz) - e^(-iz)) / (2i)
where e is the base of the natural logarithm and i is the imaginary unit.
Once we have found sin(z), we can calculate the cosecant of z as:
csc(z) = 1 / sin(z)
Therefore, to calculate the cosecant of a complex number, we need to substitute the value of z into the formula for sin(z), simplify the expression, and then take the reciprocal of the result.
For example, let z = 2 + 3i. Then, the sine of z is:
sin(z) = (e^(i(2+3i)) - e^(-i(2+3i))) / (2i)
= (e^(-3 + 2i) - e^(3 - 2i)) / (2i)
= (-2.317 - 9.154i)
Therefore, the cosecant of z is:
csc(z) = 1 / sin(z)
= -0.105 + 0.041i
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