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The English Civil War significantly influenced military tactics and strategies, particularly the development of the New Model Army and the use of disciplined infantry.
The English Civil War, which took place from 1642 to 1651, was a period of intense and bloody conflict. It was during this time that significant changes in military tactics and strategies were observed, largely due to the formation and success of the New Model Army. This was a standing army, made up of full-time professional soldiers, which was a departure from the traditional reliance on part-time militias and mercenaries. The New Model Army was a revolutionary concept in England and it greatly influenced the way wars were fought.
One of the key changes was the emphasis on discipline and training. Prior to the Civil War, armies were often poorly trained and lacked discipline. However, the New Model Army was different. Soldiers were rigorously trained and strict discipline was enforced. This resulted in a highly effective fighting force that was able to execute complex manoeuvres and strategies on the battlefield. The success of the New Model Army demonstrated the importance of discipline and training, and this became a key aspect of military strategy in subsequent conflicts.
The English Civil War also saw the development of new tactics, particularly in the use of infantry. The New Model Army made effective use of pike and shot formations, which combined the use of long pikes and muskets. This allowed them to effectively counter both cavalry charges and infantry assaults. The use of these formations required careful coordination and discipline, further emphasising the importance of training.
Furthermore, the English Civil War saw a shift in the balance of power from the cavalry to the infantry. Prior to the Civil War, the cavalry was often seen as the dominant force on the battlefield. However, the effectiveness of the New Model Army's infantry tactics demonstrated that well-trained and disciplined infantry could hold their own against cavalry. This led to a re-evaluation of the role of cavalry and a greater emphasis on infantry in military strategy.
In conclusion, the English Civil War had a profound impact on military tactics and strategies. The formation and success of the New Model Army led to a greater emphasis on discipline, training, and the use of infantry. These changes significantly influenced the way wars were fought in the future.
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