What is the hexadecimal equivalent of the binary number 10110101?

The hexadecimal equivalent of the binary number 10110101 is B5.

To convert a binary number to hexadecimal, we first need to group the binary digits into sets of four, starting from the right. If the number of binary digits is not a multiple of four, we can add extra zeros to the left. In this case, 10110101 can be grouped into two sets: 1011 and 0101.

Next, we convert each group of four binary digits into a decimal number. The binary number 1011 is equivalent to the decimal number 11, and the binary number 0101 is equivalent to the decimal number 5.

Finally, we convert each decimal number into a hexadecimal digit. The decimal number 11 is equivalent to the hexadecimal digit B, and the decimal number 5 is equivalent to the hexadecimal digit 5. Therefore, the hexadecimal equivalent of the binary number 10110101 is B5.

This method works because both binary and hexadecimal are positional numeral systems, and hexadecimal is a convenient way to represent binary data because one hexadecimal digit represents exactly four binary digits. This makes it easier to read and write binary data, especially for large numbers.

Remember, when converting from binary to hexadecimal, it's important to group the binary digits correctly and to convert each group accurately. If you make a mistake in any of these steps, the final result will be incorrect. So, take your time and double-check your work.

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