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The Internet backbone functions as a principal data route between large, interconnected networks and core routers.
The Internet backbone, often referred to as the core network, is a system of high-capacity routers and fibre-optic communication links providing the main routes for data speeding across the internet. It's a critical component of the internet's infrastructure, enabling data exchange between different networks across the globe.
The backbone is composed of numerous networks owned by various commercial, government, academic, and other high-capacity data centres. These networks are interconnected using peering agreements, which allow data to be exchanged directly between networks without charge. This is a crucial aspect of the internet's decentralised nature, as it allows data to travel via the most efficient route possible, regardless of who owns the network.
Data travels across the internet backbone using a protocol known as the Internet Protocol (IP). This protocol breaks down data into small packets, each of which is sent independently across the network. Each packet contains the destination IP address, which the routers on the backbone use to determine the best route for the packet to take. Once the packets reach their destination, they are reassembled into the original data.
The backbone's capacity is continually being upgraded to keep up with the increasing demand for internet services. This is achieved through the addition of new, high-capacity fibre-optic cables and the upgrading of routers to handle more data. The backbone also has multiple routes between any two points, providing redundancy in case one route fails.
In essence, the internet backbone is the high-speed highway of the internet. It's the critical infrastructure that allows data to be quickly and efficiently transported across the globe, enabling the internet to function as a global network. Without the backbone, the internet as we know it would not exist.
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