Describe the differences between boranes and alkanes.

Boranes and alkanes differ in their chemical composition and properties.

Boranes are compounds made up of boron and hydrogen atoms, while alkanes are hydrocarbons made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms. Boranes have a lower boiling point and are more reactive than alkanes due to the presence of the highly electronegative boron atom. They are also highly flammable and toxic.

Alkanes, on the other hand, have a higher boiling point and are less reactive than boranes due to the presence of only carbon and hydrogen atoms. They are commonly used as fuels and solvents due to their low reactivity and stability. Alkanes are also less toxic than boranes.

In terms of their chemical properties, boranes are strong reducing agents and can react with a variety of compounds, including alkenes and alkynes, to form boron-containing compounds. Alkanes, on the other hand, are relatively unreactive and require high temperatures and pressures to undergo chemical reactions.

Overall, boranes and alkanes are two distinct classes of compounds with different chemical properties and applications. While boranes are highly reactive and toxic, alkanes are stable and commonly used as fuels and solvents.

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