Online UCAT
Learn from the world's top tutors to boost your UCAT score and get into Medical School.
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UCAT Tutor Spotlight
Our elite tutors have studied at top UK universities, achieved top UCAT scores themselves, and have years of tutoring experience with a track record of success helping students.
We'll find the perfect tutor for you based on your requirements!

Our academic consultants will find the perfect tutor for you!
With many highly-qualified UCAT tutors on our team, we’ll be able to find you a top tutor with the specific skillset that you’re searching for.

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Our online tutoring platform brings lessons to life, allowing students to draw diagrams, solve equations, edit essays, and annotate work. We deliver elite tutoring worldwide, matching students with the best tutors available.
Online tutoring made easy for you
What are the qualifications of your UCAT tutors?
Our tutors are high-scoring UCAT experts with in-depth knowledge of the exam. They have a proven track record of helping students achieve significant improvements in their scores, supported by their expertise in medical education and test preparation strategies on how to prepare for the UCAT.
How can UCAT tutoring help me improve my score?
Focused sessions aim to strengthen your weakest areas and help you achieve what a good UCAT score is for you. TutorChase offers comprehensive tutoring for all five sections of the UCAT, which are:
- Verbal Reasoning
- Decision Making
- Quantitative Reasoning
- Abstract Reasoning
- Situational Judgement
Our experienced tutors can help you enhance your skills in each area, ensuring you are well-prepared to score well in every part of the exam.
When is the UCAT test date?
If you're applying for the Medicine (A100) or Medicine (graduate entry) (A101) programs starting in 2025, you should plan to take the UCAT between July 8 and September 26, 2024. It's important to schedule your test within this window to ensure your scores are valid for your application. Make sure to book early to get a preferred test date and location.
What subjects are required for UCAT?
For the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test), there are no specific subject requirements because it's designed to assess abilities in areas that are important for medical and dental careers, rather than subject-specific knowledge.
Applicants are expected to have a strong general education, particularly in English and Maths, to handle the verbal and quantitative reasoning components effectively. However, the UCAT does not require knowledge of specific subjects like Biology, Chemistry, or Physics directly, focusing instead on cognitive abilities and decision-making skills.
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