1. Development of practical skills in biology1.1 Practical skills assessed in a written examination0/01. Development of practical skills in biology1.1 Practical skills assessed in a written examination0/02. Foundations in biologyPremium2.2 Biological molecules0/02.4 Enzymes0/02.3 Nucleotides and nucleic acids0/02.1 Cell structure0/02.5 Biological membranes0/02.6 Cell division, cell diversity and cellular organisation0/02. Foundations in biologyPremium2.2 Biological molecules0/02.4 Enzymes0/02.3 Nucleotides and nucleic acids0/02.1 Cell structure0/02.5 Biological membranes0/02.6 Cell division, cell diversity and cellular organisation0/03. Exchange and transportPremium3.1 Exchange surfaces0/03.2 Transport in animals0/03.3 Transport in plants0/03. Exchange and transportPremium3.1 Exchange surfaces0/03.2 Transport in animals0/03.3 Transport in plants0/04. Biodiversity, evolution and diseasePremium4.2 Biodiversity0/04.3 Classification and evolution0/04.1 Communicable diseases, disease prevention and the immune system0/04. Biodiversity, evolution and diseasePremium4.2 Biodiversity0/04.3 Classification and evolution0/04.1 Communicable diseases, disease prevention and the immune system0/05. Communication, homeostasis and energyPremium5.3 Neuronal communication0/05.2 Excretion as an example of homeostatic control0/05.1 Communication and homeostasis0/05.4 Hormonal communication0/05.7 Respiration0/05.6 Photosynthesis0/05.5 Plant and animal responses0/05. Communication, homeostasis and energyPremium5.3 Neuronal communication0/05.2 Excretion as an example of homeostatic control0/05.1 Communication and homeostasis0/05.4 Hormonal communication0/05.7 Respiration0/05.6 Photosynthesis0/05.5 Plant and animal responses0/06. Genetics, evolution and ecosystemsPremium6.3 Manipulating genomes0/06.5 Ecosystems0/06.1 Cellular control0/06.6 Populations and sustainability0/06.2 Patterns of inheritance0/06.4 Cloning and biotechnology0/06. Genetics, evolution and ecosystemsPremium6.3 Manipulating genomes0/06.5 Ecosystems0/06.1 Cellular control0/06.6 Populations and sustainability0/06.2 Patterns of inheritance0/06.4 Cloning and biotechnology0/0