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IB DP Physics Study Notes

2.2.2 Newton's Second Law

Newton's Second Law of Motion, one of the cornerstones of classical mechanics, provides a concise mathematical relationship describing how forces affect the motion of objects. By studying this law, we can predict the behaviour of objects under various forces, from cars on highways to planets orbiting stars.


At its core, Newton's Second Law of Motion posits that the force exerted on an object is directly proportional to the rate of change of its momentum. In simpler terms, it connects the concept of force with the resultant acceleration and the mass of the object.

The standard equation for this law is:

Force (F) = mass (m) x acceleration (a)

This law makes several crucial observations:

  • A force applied to an object will cause it to accelerate. This is closely related to the concept of centripetal force, especially in circular motion.
  • The magnitude of this acceleration is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

Force and Acceleration: Deep Dive

Understanding Force:

Force can be thought of as a push or pull acting upon an object as a result of its interaction with another object. Forces have sizes (magnitude) and directions.

1. Net Force: Often, multiple forces act on an object simultaneously. The combined effect of all these forces is what decides the object's motion. The total force taking all individual forces into account is termed the net force.

2. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces: If the forces are of equal magnitude and opposite in direction, they balance each other out, resulting in no acceleration. Such forces are termed balanced. Conversely, when forces don't cancel each other out, they're unbalanced, causing acceleration. Understanding systematic errors in measurements can help in accurate calculation of these forces.

Deepening the Understanding of Acceleration:

Acceleration, in essence, is the rate of change of velocity of an object. A few key points:

  • Acceleration occurs when an object changes its speed, its direction, or both. This is crucial in distinguishing between speed and velocity.
  • An object moving at a constant velocity isn't accelerating, even if it's moving fast.
  • For objects in free fall (without any air resistance), the acceleration due to gravity near the Earth's surface is approximately 9.81 m/s2 downwards.

Calculations Involving Newton's Second Law

1. Calculating Force: The force exerted on an object can be determined by multiplying its mass with its acceleration. If, for instance, a 1500 kg car accelerates at 3 m/s2, the resultant force from the car's engine would be F = 1500 kg x 3 m/s2 = 4500 N.

2. Calculating Acceleration: Given the force exerted on an object and its mass, its acceleration can be determined using a = F/m. If a 1000 N force propels a 200 kg sled, its acceleration would be a = 1000 N / 200 kg = 5 m/s2.

3. Calculating Mass: If the force acting on an object and its acceleration are known, the object's mass can be deduced using m = F/a. For instance, a 3200 N force yielding an acceleration of 8 m/s2 suggests a mass of m = 3200 N / 8 m/s2 = 400 kg. Understanding the definition of momentum is essential in these calculations.

Real-world Factors: When dealing with real-world scenarios, one often encounters other forces, like friction or air resistance, acting in opposition to the direction of motion. These forces can reduce the net force and resultant acceleration. For instance, a car might require more force to move on a rough road as compared to a smooth one because of the increased friction. The thermal conductivity of materials can also affect these scenarios.

In-depth Worked Example:

Consider a lorry with a mass of 3000 kg. It's on a straight road, and the engine applies a force of 6000 N to move it forward. However, there's a frictional force from the road and the lorry's tires amounting to 1000 N acting in the opposite direction.

First, calculate the net force: Net Force = Applied Force - Frictional Force Net Force = 6000 N - 1000 N = 5000 N

Now, use Newton's Second Law to find the lorry's acceleration: a = F/m a = 5000 N / 3000 kg = 1.67 m/s2

Thus, the lorry accelerates at 1.67 m/s2.


Yes, this can occur in situations where there are balanced forces. For instance, when you push a heavy wall, you are applying a force, but the wall doesn't move or accelerate. This is because there's an equal and opposite force (from the wall's molecules and structure) acting against your push, leading to a net force of zero. Similarly, a book resting on a table has gravitational force pulling it downwards, but the table exerts an equal and opposite force (normal force) upwards on the book, hence it doesn't accelerate in any direction. In such scenarios, even if forces are present, the object remains at rest or in uniform motion.

While it's true that in a vacuum all objects, regardless of their mass, will fall at the same rate due to gravity, in real-world scenarios, air resistance plays a significant role. Air resistance, or drag, opposes the motion of an object moving through the air. The amount of air resistance an object experiences depends on several factors, including its shape, size, and speed. For example, a feather and a hammer dropped from the same height won't land at the same time on Earth because the feather has a much larger surface area relative to its weight, leading to more air resistance. However, on the Moon (which lacks an atmosphere), they would land simultaneously.

When multiple forces act on an object, the net force is the vector sum of all individual forces. To determine the resulting acceleration, you'd apply Newton's Second Law. If the combined or net force is in the direction of the object's movement, it will accelerate in that direction. If the net force opposes its movement, it will decelerate. If multiple forces balance out, meaning their vector sum is zero, the object will either remain stationary or continue moving at a constant velocity, depending on its initial state. The magnitude of the acceleration is directly proportional to the net force and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

Weight is the gravitational force exerted on an object with mass. It can be calculated using the formula: Weight = m × g, where 'm' is the mass of the object and 'g' is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s2 on the surface of Earth). Connecting this to Newton's Second Law, the weight of an object can be thought of as the force (F) acting on it due to gravity. Therefore, an object's weight is directly proportional to its mass in a gravitational field. This is why objects feel "heavier" on larger planets with stronger gravitational pulls.

If both the force (F) and the mass (m) of an object are doubled, then according to Newton's Second Law, acceleration (a) is given by a = F/m. Doubling the force would mean the numerator in this fraction is multiplied by 2, while doubling the mass means the denominator is multiplied by 2. As a result, the two factors would cancel each other out. Therefore, the acceleration of the object would remain unchanged. In other words, if you apply twice the force to an object that has twice the mass, its acceleration will be the same as it was before either was doubled.

Practice Questions

A box with a mass of 15 kg is subjected to a force which causes it to accelerate at a rate of 2 m/s^2. Calculate the magnitude of the applied force.

The relationship between force, mass, and acceleration is described by Newton's Second Law, which states: F = m × a. In this formula, 'F' represents the force exerted on an object, 'm' denotes the object's mass, and 'a' is its acceleration. For this particular problem, we're given that m (mass) = 15 kg and a (acceleration) = 2 m/s2. Multiplying these values, we get F = 15 kg × 2 m/s2. This gives us a result of 30 N. Therefore, the force required to give a 15 kg box an acceleration of 2 m/s2 is 30 Newtons.

A car has a mass of 1200 kg. If a net force of 4800 N is applied to the car, what will be its acceleration?

Newton's Second Law of Motion provides a direct relationship between an object's acceleration, the force applied to it, and its mass. The law is represented as a = F/m. In this equation, 'a' stands for acceleration, 'F' symbolises the force exerted on the object, and 'm' represents its mass. Using the provided data: F (force) = 4800 N and m (mass) = 1200 kg. Inserting these into the formula, we compute a = 4800 N / 1200 kg. This calculation yields a result of 4 m/s2. This means when a net force of 4800 N acts on a car with a mass of 1200 kg, the car will experience an acceleration of 4 m/s2.

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