1. Power, Sovereignty and International Relations1.1 Nature of Power0/01.1.1 Definitions of Power1.1.2 Theories of Power (HL)1.1.3 Hard vs Soft Power1.1.4 Types of Power1.2 Operation of State Power in Global Politics0/01.2.1 State Sovereignty Terminology1.2.2 Westphalian Sovereignty1.2.3 Modern State Sovereignty1.2.4 Challenges to State Sovereignty1.2.5 Legitimacy of State Power1.3 International Organisations and Non-State Actors0/01.3.1 The United Nations (UN)1.3.2 Intergovernmental Organisations (IGOs)1.3.3 Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)1.3.4 Multinational Corporations (MNCs) and Trade Unions1.3.5 Social and Resistance Movements1.3.6 Violent Protest Movements1.3.7 Political Parties: Shaping Global and National Politics1.3.8 Informal Forums1.3.9 Legitimacy of Non-State Actors1.4 Interactions in Global Politics0/01.4.1 Global Governance1.4.2 Cooperation in Politics1.4.3 Conflict in Global Politics1. Power, Sovereignty and International Relations1.1 Nature of Power0/01.1.1 Definitions of Power1.1.2 Theories of Power (HL)1.1.3 Hard vs Soft Power1.1.4 Types of Power1.2 Operation of State Power in Global Politics0/01.2.1 State Sovereignty Terminology1.2.2 Westphalian Sovereignty1.2.3 Modern State Sovereignty1.2.4 Challenges to State Sovereignty1.2.5 Legitimacy of State Power1.3 International Organisations and Non-State Actors0/01.3.1 The United Nations (UN)1.3.2 Intergovernmental Organisations (IGOs)1.3.3 Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)1.3.4 Multinational Corporations (MNCs) and Trade Unions1.3.5 Social and Resistance Movements1.3.6 Violent Protest Movements1.3.7 Political Parties: Shaping Global and National Politics1.3.8 Informal Forums1.3.9 Legitimacy of Non-State Actors1.4 Interactions in Global Politics0/01.4.1 Global Governance1.4.2 Cooperation in Politics1.4.3 Conflict in Global Politics2. Human Rights2.1 Nature and Evolution of Human Rights0/02.1.1 Core Definitions2.1.2 Historical Context of Human Rights2.1.3 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)2.1.4 Milestones in Human Rights2.1.5 Internationalisation of Human Rights2.2 Codification, Protection, and Monitoring of Human Rights0/02.2.1 Role of Custom in Human Rights2.2.2 Human Rights in National Constitutions2.2.3 International Human Rights Treaties2.2.4 Protection Mechanisms2.2.5 Monitoring Mechanisms in Human Rights2.3 Practice of Human Rights0/02.3.1 Human Rights Claims2.3.2 Violations and Their Impacts2.4 Debates Surrounding Human Rights0/02.4.1 Individual vs Collective Rights Debate2.4.2 Universalism vs Cultural Relativism2.4.3 Politicisation and Human Rights2. Human Rights2.1 Nature and Evolution of Human Rights0/02.1.1 Core Definitions2.1.2 Historical Context of Human Rights2.1.3 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)2.1.4 Milestones in Human Rights2.1.5 Internationalisation of Human Rights2.2 Codification, Protection, and Monitoring of Human Rights0/02.2.1 Role of Custom in Human Rights2.2.2 Human Rights in National Constitutions2.2.3 International Human Rights Treaties2.2.4 Protection Mechanisms2.2.5 Monitoring Mechanisms in Human Rights2.3 Practice of Human Rights0/02.3.1 Human Rights Claims2.3.2 Violations and Their Impacts2.4 Debates Surrounding Human Rights0/02.4.1 Individual vs Collective Rights Debate2.4.2 Universalism vs Cultural Relativism2.4.3 Politicisation and Human Rights3. DevelopmentPremium3.1 Contested Meanings of Development0/03.1.1 Various Definitions of Development3.1.2 Sustainable Development3.1.3 Concepts of Well-being in Development3.2 Measuring Development0/03.2.1 Economic Indicators: Understanding Development Beyond GDP3.2.2 Comprehensive Indices in Measuring Development3.2.3 Alternative Measures in Development3.3 Factors Affecting Development0/03.3.1 Political Influences on Development3.3.2 Economic Considerations in Development3.3.3 Social Dynamics and Development3.3.4 Institutional Roles in Development3.3.5 Factors Affecting Development: Environmental Constraints3.4 Pathways Towards Development0/03.4.1 Development Theories in Global Politics3.4.2 Economic Development Strategies3.4.3 Social Development Initiatives in Global Politics3.5 Debates Surrounding Development0/03.5.1 Globalisation: Wins and Losses3.5.2 Politics of Inequality in Development3.5.3 Sustainable Development Politics3. DevelopmentPremium3.1 Contested Meanings of Development0/03.1.1 Various Definitions of Development3.1.2 Sustainable Development3.1.3 Concepts of Well-being in Development3.2 Measuring Development0/03.2.1 Economic Indicators: Understanding Development Beyond GDP3.2.2 Comprehensive Indices in Measuring Development3.2.3 Alternative Measures in Development3.3 Factors Affecting Development0/03.3.1 Political Influences on Development3.3.2 Economic Considerations in Development3.3.3 Social Dynamics and Development3.3.4 Institutional Roles in Development3.3.5 Factors Affecting Development: Environmental Constraints3.4 Pathways Towards Development0/03.4.1 Development Theories in Global Politics3.4.2 Economic Development Strategies3.4.3 Social Development Initiatives in Global Politics3.5 Debates Surrounding Development0/03.5.1 Globalisation: Wins and Losses3.5.2 Politics of Inequality in Development3.5.3 Sustainable Development Politics4. Peace and ConflictPremium4.1 Contested Meanings0/04.1.1 Definitions of Peace4.1.2 Understanding Positive Peace4.1.3 Structural Violence in Societies: Unveiling Hidden Aggressions4.2 Types of Conflict0/04.2.1 Territorial Conflict4.2.2 Interest-based Conflict in Global Politics4.2.3 Ideological Conflict4.2.4 Identity Conflict in Global Politics4.3 Justifications of Violence0/04.3.1 Just War Theory4.3.2 Humanitarian Intervention4.3.3 Culturally Condoned Violence4.4 Causes and Parties to Conflict0/04.4.1 Greed vs Grievance in Conflict4.4.2 Territorial Control and Material Interest4.4.3 Resource Scarcity and Ideology in Conflict4.4.4 Threatened Identity and Perception4.4.5 Parties to Conflict4.5 Evolution of Conflict0/04.5.1 Demonstrations and Civil Disobedience: Non-violent Forms of Conflict and Their Impact on Political and Social Change4.5.2 Violent Protests and Guerrilla Warfare4.5.3 Terrorism and Genocide4.5.4 Conflict Dynamics and Models4.5.5 Third-party Involvement in Conflict4.6 Conflict Resolution and Transformation0/04.6.1 Peacemaking Strategies in Global Politics4.6.2 Peacebuilding and Reconciliation4. Peace and ConflictPremium4.1 Contested Meanings0/04.1.1 Definitions of Peace4.1.2 Understanding Positive Peace4.1.3 Structural Violence in Societies: Unveiling Hidden Aggressions4.2 Types of Conflict0/04.2.1 Territorial Conflict4.2.2 Interest-based Conflict in Global Politics4.2.3 Ideological Conflict4.2.4 Identity Conflict in Global Politics4.3 Justifications of Violence0/04.3.1 Just War Theory4.3.2 Humanitarian Intervention4.3.3 Culturally Condoned Violence4.4 Causes and Parties to Conflict0/04.4.1 Greed vs Grievance in Conflict4.4.2 Territorial Control and Material Interest4.4.3 Resource Scarcity and Ideology in Conflict4.4.4 Threatened Identity and Perception4.4.5 Parties to Conflict4.5 Evolution of Conflict0/04.5.1 Demonstrations and Civil Disobedience: Non-violent Forms of Conflict and Their Impact on Political and Social Change4.5.2 Violent Protests and Guerrilla Warfare4.5.3 Terrorism and Genocide4.5.4 Conflict Dynamics and Models4.5.5 Third-party Involvement in Conflict4.6 Conflict Resolution and Transformation0/04.6.1 Peacemaking Strategies in Global Politics4.6.2 Peacebuilding and Reconciliation5. Environment (HL)5.1 Global Environmental Challenges (HL)0/05.1.1 Transboundary Environmental Problems5.1.2 Environmental Impact of National Activities5.1.3 Resource Use and Political Tensions5.1.4 Economic Growth vs. Sustainable Development5.2 Case Studies and Political Issues (HL)0/05.2.1 Arctic Melt and Regional Cooperation5.2.2 Yangtze River Drought and Water Diversion5.2.3 Deforestation in Gadchiroli, India: An In-depth Analysis5.2.4 Shale Gas Production in the USA and Environmental NGO Influence on Congressional Decision-Making5.2.5 Carbon Offsetting Policy of Airline A5. Environment (HL)5.1 Global Environmental Challenges (HL)0/05.1.1 Transboundary Environmental Problems5.1.2 Environmental Impact of National Activities5.1.3 Resource Use and Political Tensions5.1.4 Economic Growth vs. Sustainable Development5.2 Case Studies and Political Issues (HL)0/05.2.1 Arctic Melt and Regional Cooperation5.2.2 Yangtze River Drought and Water Diversion5.2.3 Deforestation in Gadchiroli, India: An In-depth Analysis5.2.4 Shale Gas Production in the USA and Environmental NGO Influence on Congressional Decision-Making5.2.5 Carbon Offsetting Policy of Airline A6. Poverty (HL)Premium6.1 Poverty as a Global Challenge (HL)0/06.1.1 Globalization and Economic Integration6.1.2 State and Non-State Cooperation in Addressing Poverty6.1.3 Poverty and Inequality6.2 Approaches to Poverty (HL)0/06.2.1 Human Rights Perspective6.2.2 Poverty in Conflict6.3 Case Studies and Political Issues (HL)0/06.3.1 Child Labour in Smokey Mountain, Manila: An In-Depth Case Study6.3.2 Boko Haram and Child Soldiers: Understanding the Role of Poverty6.3.3 Poverty in the Aboriginal Community, Queensland6.3.4 Relative Poverty in the UK6.3.5 The Global Poverty Project and "Live Below the Line" Campaign6. Poverty (HL)Premium6.1 Poverty as a Global Challenge (HL)0/06.1.1 Globalization and Economic Integration6.1.2 State and Non-State Cooperation in Addressing Poverty6.1.3 Poverty and Inequality6.2 Approaches to Poverty (HL)0/06.2.1 Human Rights Perspective6.2.2 Poverty in Conflict6.3 Case Studies and Political Issues (HL)0/06.3.1 Child Labour in Smokey Mountain, Manila: An In-Depth Case Study6.3.2 Boko Haram and Child Soldiers: Understanding the Role of Poverty6.3.3 Poverty in the Aboriginal Community, Queensland6.3.4 Relative Poverty in the UK6.3.5 The Global Poverty Project and "Live Below the Line" Campaign7. Health (HL)Premium7.1 Health as a Global Issue (HL)0/07.1.1 Local and National Health Initiatives7.1.2 Role of Global Actors in Addressing Global Health Challenges7.1.3 Epidemics and International Cooperation7.2 Health Determinants and Socio-Economic Developments (HL)0/07.2.1 Health as a Determinant of Quality of Life7.2.2 Health Indicators and Socio-Economic Developments7.3 Case Studies and Political Issues (HL)0/07.3.1 Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Health Care Provision7.3.2 HIV/AIDS in Rural South Africa: Understanding the Link with Poverty7.3.3 Drug Addiction and Health Care in Florida7.3.4 Leprosy in Nepal7.3.5 Ebola Outbreak in Liberia7. Health (HL)Premium7.1 Health as a Global Issue (HL)0/07.1.1 Local and National Health Initiatives7.1.2 Role of Global Actors in Addressing Global Health Challenges7.1.3 Epidemics and International Cooperation7.2 Health Determinants and Socio-Economic Developments (HL)0/07.2.1 Health as a Determinant of Quality of Life7.2.2 Health Indicators and Socio-Economic Developments7.3 Case Studies and Political Issues (HL)0/07.3.1 Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Health Care Provision7.3.2 HIV/AIDS in Rural South Africa: Understanding the Link with Poverty7.3.3 Drug Addiction and Health Care in Florida7.3.4 Leprosy in Nepal7.3.5 Ebola Outbreak in Liberia8. Identity (HL)Premium8.1 Identity in a Globalized World (HL)0/08.1.1 Cultural and Religious Identity in Global Politics8.1.2 Identity and Gender in Global Politics8.2 Identity and Conflict (HL)0/08.2.1 Identity in Cases of Genocide and Ethnic Violence8.2.2 Human Rights and Identity8.3 Case Studies and Political Issues (HL)0/08.3.1 Religion in Bhutan and Transition to Democracy8.3.2 LGBT Marches in Eastern Europe from 2010 to Present8.3.3 Class Identity in South Africa8.3.4 Race and Incarceration in the USA8.3.5 National Identity in Hungary8. Identity (HL)Premium8.1 Identity in a Globalized World (HL)0/08.1.1 Cultural and Religious Identity in Global Politics8.1.2 Identity and Gender in Global Politics8.2 Identity and Conflict (HL)0/08.2.1 Identity in Cases of Genocide and Ethnic Violence8.2.2 Human Rights and Identity8.3 Case Studies and Political Issues (HL)0/08.3.1 Religion in Bhutan and Transition to Democracy8.3.2 LGBT Marches in Eastern Europe from 2010 to Present8.3.3 Class Identity in South Africa8.3.4 Race and Incarceration in the USA8.3.5 National Identity in Hungary9. Borders (HL)Premium9.1 Borders in a Globalized World (HL)0/09.1.1 Physical and Conceptual Borders9.1.2 Cross-Border Movement of Capital and Labor9.2 Migration and Immigration (HL)0/09.2.1 Globalisation and Migration: The Diminishing Relevance of Physical Borders9.2.2 Controversies Surrounding Immigration9.3 Borders and Conflict (HL)0/09.3.1 Conflict Dimensions Related to Borders9.3.2 Human Rights and Border Crossings9.4 Case Studies and Political Issues (HL)0/09.4.1 2014 Scottish Referendum for Independence9.4.2 USA–Mexico Border Fence and Migration Legislation9.4.3 Forced Relocation and Ancestral Land Conflict in Botswana9.4.4 Migration in Europe and National vs. Regional Policies9.4.5 Gender Borders and Women’s Rights in Egypt9. Borders (HL)Premium9.1 Borders in a Globalized World (HL)0/09.1.1 Physical and Conceptual Borders9.1.2 Cross-Border Movement of Capital and Labor9.2 Migration and Immigration (HL)0/09.2.1 Globalisation and Migration: The Diminishing Relevance of Physical Borders9.2.2 Controversies Surrounding Immigration9.3 Borders and Conflict (HL)0/09.3.1 Conflict Dimensions Related to Borders9.3.2 Human Rights and Border Crossings9.4 Case Studies and Political Issues (HL)0/09.4.1 2014 Scottish Referendum for Independence9.4.2 USA–Mexico Border Fence and Migration Legislation9.4.3 Forced Relocation and Ancestral Land Conflict in Botswana9.4.4 Migration in Europe and National vs. Regional Policies9.4.5 Gender Borders and Women’s Rights in Egypt10. Security (HL)Premium10.1 Security in a Globalized World (HL)0/010.1.1 Globalization and Security10.2 Security and Conflict (HL)0/010.2.1 Israel-Palestine Conflict: The Impact of Weaponry Advances in Gaza10.2.2 Joseph Kony and Social Media: The 2012 Ugandan Case10.2.3 Counterterrorism Legislation and Civil Liberties in the UK10.2.4 Territorial Issues in Antarctica10.2.5 2014 Hong Kong Protests: Security and Impact10.3 Case Studies and Political Issues (HL)0/010.3.1 Israel and Palestine Conflict10.3.2 Joseph Kony and Social Media: A Catalyst for Social Change and Security Implications10.3.3 Counterterrorism Legislation in the UK10.3.4 Territorial Issues in Antarctica10.3.5 2014 Hong Kong Protests10. Security (HL)Premium10.1 Security in a Globalized World (HL)0/010.1.1 Globalization and Security10.2 Security and Conflict (HL)0/010.2.1 Israel-Palestine Conflict: The Impact of Weaponry Advances in Gaza10.2.2 Joseph Kony and Social Media: The 2012 Ugandan Case10.2.3 Counterterrorism Legislation and Civil Liberties in the UK10.2.4 Territorial Issues in Antarctica10.2.5 2014 Hong Kong Protests: Security and Impact10.3 Case Studies and Political Issues (HL)0/010.3.1 Israel and Palestine Conflict10.3.2 Joseph Kony and Social Media: A Catalyst for Social Change and Security Implications10.3.3 Counterterrorism Legislation in the UK10.3.4 Territorial Issues in Antarctica10.3.5 2014 Hong Kong Protests