1. Changing Population1.1 Population and Economic Development Patterns0/01.1.1 Population Distribution and Variance1.1.2 Economic Development and Population Patterns1.1.3 Case Studies and Critical Analysis1.2 Changing Populations and Places0/01.2.1 Processes of Population Change1.2.2 Demographic Case Studies1.2.3 Megacity Growth Consequences1.2.4 Forced Migration Dynamics1.2.5 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Skills1.3 Challenges and Opportunities0/01.3.1 Population Decision-Making1.3.2 Demographic Trends1.3.3 Population Management Policies1.3.4 Demographic Dividend1.3.5 Impact of Population Change on Power Dynamics1. Changing Population1.1 Population and Economic Development Patterns0/01.1.1 Population Distribution and Variance1.1.2 Economic Development and Population Patterns1.1.3 Case Studies and Critical Analysis1.2 Changing Populations and Places0/01.2.1 Processes of Population Change1.2.2 Demographic Case Studies1.2.3 Megacity Growth Consequences1.2.4 Forced Migration Dynamics1.2.5 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Skills1.3 Challenges and Opportunities0/01.3.1 Population Decision-Making1.3.2 Demographic Trends1.3.3 Population Management Policies1.3.4 Demographic Dividend1.3.5 Impact of Population Change on Power Dynamics2. Global Climate- Vulnerability and ResiliencePremium2.1 Causes of Global Climate Change0/02.1.1 Global Energy Balance and Atmospheric System2.1.2 Climate Change Inducers and Feedback Loops2.1.3 Enhanced Greenhouse Effect and Emission Variations2.1.4 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Climate System Complexity2.2 Consequences of Global Climate Change0/02.2.1 Climate Change and Environmental Systems2.2.2 Biodiversity and Agricultural Shifts2.2.3 Human Impacts and Spatial Distribution2.2.4 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Spatial Complexity2.3 Responding to Global Climate Change0/02.3.1 Climate Change Responses and Decision-making2.3.2 Contrasting Vulnerabilities2.3.3 Government-led Strategies2.3.4 Civil Society and Corporate Responses2.3.5 Perspectives on Climate Change Action2. Global Climate- Vulnerability and ResiliencePremium2.1 Causes of Global Climate Change0/02.1.1 Global Energy Balance and Atmospheric System2.1.2 Climate Change Inducers and Feedback Loops2.1.3 Enhanced Greenhouse Effect and Emission Variations2.1.4 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Climate System Complexity2.2 Consequences of Global Climate Change0/02.2.1 Climate Change and Environmental Systems2.2.2 Biodiversity and Agricultural Shifts2.2.3 Human Impacts and Spatial Distribution2.2.4 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Spatial Complexity2.3 Responding to Global Climate Change0/02.3.1 Climate Change Responses and Decision-making2.3.2 Contrasting Vulnerabilities2.3.3 Government-led Strategies2.3.4 Civil Society and Corporate Responses2.3.5 Perspectives on Climate Change Action3. Global Resource Consumption and SecurityPremium3.1 Global Trends in Consumption0/03.1.1 Development and Resource Availability3.1.2 Measuring Resource Consumption3.1.3 Global Patterns in Resource Use3.1.4 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Spatial Interactions3.2 Impacts of Changing Trends in Resource Consumption0/03.2.1 Resource Pressure and Security3.2.2 Climate Change and the Resource Nexus3.2.3 Waste Disposal and Recycling3.2.4 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Varying Perspectives3.3 Resource Stewardship0/03.3.1 Perspectives on Population and Consumption3.3.2 Stewardship Strategies3.3.3 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Diverse Perspectives3. Global Resource Consumption and SecurityPremium3.1 Global Trends in Consumption0/03.1.1 Development and Resource Availability3.1.2 Measuring Resource Consumption3.1.3 Global Patterns in Resource Use3.1.4 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Spatial Interactions3.2 Impacts of Changing Trends in Resource Consumption0/03.2.1 Resource Pressure and Security3.2.2 Climate Change and the Resource Nexus3.2.3 Waste Disposal and Recycling3.2.4 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Varying Perspectives3.3 Resource Stewardship0/03.3.1 Perspectives on Population and Consumption3.3.2 Stewardship Strategies3.3.3 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Diverse Perspectives4. Power, Places and Networks (HL)4.1 Global Interactions and Global Power (HL)0/04.1.1 Spatial Variations in Global Power4.1.2 Global Superpowers4.1.3 Powerful Organizations and Global Groups4.1.4 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Global Complexity4.2 Global Networks and Flows (HL)0/04.2.1 Global Interconnectedness4.2.2 Trade and Aid Flows4.2.3 Economic Migrants and Remittances4.2.4 Illegal Global Flows4.2.5 Role of TNCs in Global Networking4.2.6 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Graphic Representation4.3 Human and Physical Influences on Global Interactions (HL)0/04.3.1 Political Factors in Global Interactions4.3.2 Technological Innovations and Global Connectivity4.3.3 Physical Environment's Influence on Global Interactions4.3.4 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Globalisation Complexity4. Power, Places and Networks (HL)4.1 Global Interactions and Global Power (HL)0/04.1.1 Spatial Variations in Global Power4.1.2 Global Superpowers4.1.3 Powerful Organizations and Global Groups4.1.4 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Global Complexity4.2 Global Networks and Flows (HL)0/04.2.1 Global Interconnectedness4.2.2 Trade and Aid Flows4.2.3 Economic Migrants and Remittances4.2.4 Illegal Global Flows4.2.5 Role of TNCs in Global Networking4.2.6 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Graphic Representation4.3 Human and Physical Influences on Global Interactions (HL)0/04.3.1 Political Factors in Global Interactions4.3.2 Technological Innovations and Global Connectivity4.3.3 Physical Environment's Influence on Global Interactions4.3.4 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Globalisation Complexity5. Human Development and Diversity (HL)Premium5.1 Development Opportunities (HL)0/05.1.1 Multidimensional Human Development5.1.2 Empowerment and Affirmative Action5.1.3 Social Entrepreneurship and Development5.1.4 TNCs and Corporate Social Responsibility5.1.5 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Spatial Interactions5.2 Changing Identities and Cultures (HL)0/05.2.1 Spectrum of Cultural Diversity5.2.2 Effects of Global Interactions5.2.3 Glocalisation and Cultural Hybridity5.2.4 Changes in Cultural Landscapes5.2.5 Diasporas' Influence on Diversity5.2.6 Synthesis and Evaluation5.2.7 Perspectives on Diversity5.3 Local Responses to Global Interactions (HL)0/05.3.1 Power Dynamics in Local Places5.3.2 Civil Society Resistance5.3.3 Geopolitical Constraints on Global Interactions5.3.4 Civil Society and International-mindedness5.3.5 Case Studies of Challenged Freedoms5.3.6 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Scales of Interaction5. Human Development and Diversity (HL)Premium5.1 Development Opportunities (HL)0/05.1.1 Multidimensional Human Development5.1.2 Empowerment and Affirmative Action5.1.3 Social Entrepreneurship and Development5.1.4 TNCs and Corporate Social Responsibility5.1.5 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Spatial Interactions5.2 Changing Identities and Cultures (HL)0/05.2.1 Spectrum of Cultural Diversity5.2.2 Effects of Global Interactions5.2.3 Glocalisation and Cultural Hybridity5.2.4 Changes in Cultural Landscapes5.2.5 Diasporas' Influence on Diversity5.2.6 Synthesis and Evaluation5.2.7 Perspectives on Diversity5.3 Local Responses to Global Interactions (HL)0/05.3.1 Power Dynamics in Local Places5.3.2 Civil Society Resistance5.3.3 Geopolitical Constraints on Global Interactions5.3.4 Civil Society and International-mindedness5.3.5 Case Studies of Challenged Freedoms5.3.6 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Scales of Interaction6. Global Risks and Resilience (HL)Premium6.1 Geopolitical and Economic Risks (HL)0/06.1.1 Technological Threats to Individuals and Businesses6.1.2 Threats to State Sovereignty6.1.3 Globalisation and Nationalism6.2 Environmental Risks (HL)0/06.2.1 Transboundary Pollution (TBP)6.2.2 Impacts of Global Flows6.2.3 Global Shift of Industry6.2.4 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Environmental Impact6.3 Local and Global Resilience (HL)0/06.3.1 Civil Society Organisations' Roles6.3.2 Strategies for Building Resilience6.3.3 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Risk Perspectives6. Global Risks and Resilience (HL)Premium6.1 Geopolitical and Economic Risks (HL)0/06.1.1 Technological Threats to Individuals and Businesses6.1.2 Threats to State Sovereignty6.1.3 Globalisation and Nationalism6.2 Environmental Risks (HL)0/06.2.1 Transboundary Pollution (TBP)6.2.2 Impacts of Global Flows6.2.3 Global Shift of Industry6.2.4 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Environmental Impact6.3 Local and Global Resilience (HL)0/06.3.1 Civil Society Organisations' Roles6.3.2 Strategies for Building Resilience6.3.3 Synthesis, Evaluation, and Risk PerspectivesOption A - FreshwaterA.1 Drainage Basin Hydrology and Geomorphology0/0A.1.1 Drainage Basin SystemA.1.2 River Discharge and Stream FlowA.1.3 River Processes in GeographyA.1.4 Formation of River LandformsA.2 Flooding and Flood Mitigation0/0A.2.1 Hydrograph CharacteristicsA.2.2 Human Influences on Flood RiskA.2.3 Flood Prediction and ModellingA.2.4 Flood Mitigation StrategiesA.3 Water Scarcity and Water Quality0/0A.3.1 Water Scarcity and Quality ChallengesA.3.2 Shared Water Resources and Stakeholder RolesAA.4 Water Management Futures0/0A.4.1 Community Participation in Water ManagementA.4.2 Dam Building ProjectsA.4.3 Integrated Drainage Basin Management PlansA.4.4 Wetland Protection EffortsOption A - FreshwaterA.1 Drainage Basin Hydrology and Geomorphology0/0A.1.1 Drainage Basin SystemA.1.2 River Discharge and Stream FlowA.1.3 River Processes in GeographyA.1.4 Formation of River LandformsA.2 Flooding and Flood Mitigation0/0A.2.1 Hydrograph CharacteristicsA.2.2 Human Influences on Flood RiskA.2.3 Flood Prediction and ModellingA.2.4 Flood Mitigation StrategiesA.3 Water Scarcity and Water Quality0/0A.3.1 Water Scarcity and Quality ChallengesA.3.2 Shared Water Resources and Stakeholder RolesAA.4 Water Management Futures0/0A.4.1 Community Participation in Water ManagementA.4.2 Dam Building ProjectsA.4.3 Integrated Drainage Basin Management PlansA.4.4 Wetland Protection EffortsOption B - OceansPremiumB.1 Ocean–atmosphere Interactions0/0B.1.1 Ocean Currents and Conveyor BeltsB.1.2 ENSO and La Niña CyclesB.1.3 Hurricanes and Coastal ImpactsB.1.4 Oceans as Carbon Stores and AcidificationB.2 Interactions Between Oceans and Coastal Places0/0B.2.1 Physical Influences on Coastal LandscapesB.2.2 Coastal Landforms of Erosion and DepositionB.2.3 Advancing and Retreating CoastlinesB.2.4 Sand Dune DevelopmentB.3 Managing Coastal Margins0/0B.3.1 Stakeholders in Coastal Margin ManagementB.3.2 Conflicting Land-Use Pressures on CoastlinesB.3.3 Coral Reefs and Mangrove Swamps ManagementB.3.4 Sovereignty Rights in Coastal Margins and Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs)B.4 Ocean Management Futures0/0B.4.1 Abiotic Resource Demand and ConsequencesB.4.2 Biotic Resource Use and AlternativesB.4.3 Ocean Pollution Initiatives and ChallengesB.4.4 Geopolitical Conflict and Insecurity over OceansOption B - OceansPremiumB.1 Ocean–atmosphere Interactions0/0B.1.1 Ocean Currents and Conveyor BeltsB.1.2 ENSO and La Niña CyclesB.1.3 Hurricanes and Coastal ImpactsB.1.4 Oceans as Carbon Stores and AcidificationB.2 Interactions Between Oceans and Coastal Places0/0B.2.1 Physical Influences on Coastal LandscapesB.2.2 Coastal Landforms of Erosion and DepositionB.2.3 Advancing and Retreating CoastlinesB.2.4 Sand Dune DevelopmentB.3 Managing Coastal Margins0/0B.3.1 Stakeholders in Coastal Margin ManagementB.3.2 Conflicting Land-Use Pressures on CoastlinesB.3.3 Coral Reefs and Mangrove Swamps ManagementB.3.4 Sovereignty Rights in Coastal Margins and Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs)B.4 Ocean Management Futures0/0B.4.1 Abiotic Resource Demand and ConsequencesB.4.2 Biotic Resource Use and AlternativesB.4.3 Ocean Pollution Initiatives and ChallengesB.4.4 Geopolitical Conflict and Insecurity over OceansOption C - Extreme EnvironmentsPremiumC.1 The Characteristics of Extreme Environments0/0C.1.1 Global Distribution of Cold and High Altitude EnvironmentsC.1.2 Global Distribution of Hot Arid EnvironmentsC.1.3 Challenges for Human Habitation and Resource Development in Extreme EnvironmentsC.2 Physical Processes and Landscapes0/0C.2.1 Glacial Processes and Landscape Features in Glaciated AreasC.2.2 Periglacial Processes and Periglacial Landscape FeaturesC.2.3 Weathering and Erosion in Hot Arid EnvironmentsC.3 Managing Extreme Environments0/0C.3.1 Stakeholder Power in Resource Development in Arid AreasC.3.2 Stakeholder Power in Resource Development in Cold EnvironmentsC.3.3 Coastal Management: Stakeholders and StrategiesC.3.4 Management of Coral Reefs and Mangrove SwampsC.4 Extreme Environments Futures0/0C.4.1 Desertification: Causes, Consequences, and ManagementC.4.2 Resource Competition and Stakeholders in Extreme EnvironmentsC.4.3 Technology and Sustainable Development in Extreme EnvironmentsOption C - Extreme EnvironmentsPremiumC.1 The Characteristics of Extreme Environments0/0C.1.1 Global Distribution of Cold and High Altitude EnvironmentsC.1.2 Global Distribution of Hot Arid EnvironmentsC.1.3 Challenges for Human Habitation and Resource Development in Extreme EnvironmentsC.2 Physical Processes and Landscapes0/0C.2.1 Glacial Processes and Landscape Features in Glaciated AreasC.2.2 Periglacial Processes and Periglacial Landscape FeaturesC.2.3 Weathering and Erosion in Hot Arid EnvironmentsC.3 Managing Extreme Environments0/0C.3.1 Stakeholder Power in Resource Development in Arid AreasC.3.2 Stakeholder Power in Resource Development in Cold EnvironmentsC.3.3 Coastal Management: Stakeholders and StrategiesC.3.4 Management of Coral Reefs and Mangrove SwampsC.4 Extreme Environments Futures0/0C.4.1 Desertification: Causes, Consequences, and ManagementC.4.2 Resource Competition and Stakeholders in Extreme EnvironmentsC.4.3 Technology and Sustainable Development in Extreme EnvironmentsOption D - Geophysical HazardsPremiumD.1 Geophysical Systems0/0D.1.1 Mechanisms of Plate MovementD.1.2 Characteristics of Volcanoes and HazardsD.1.3 Characteristics of Earthquakes and HazardsD.1.4 Classification of Mass Movement TypesD.2 Geophysical Hazard Risks0/0D.2.1 Distribution of Geophysical HazardsD.2.2 Hazard Magnitude and FrequencyD.2.3 Factors Contributing to Geophysical Hazard RiskD.2.4 Geographic Factors Affecting Hazard ImpactsD.3 Hazard Risk and Vulnerability0/0D.3.1 Contemporary Case Studies for Volcanic HazardsD.3.2 Contemporary Case Studies for Earthquake HazardsD.3.3 Contemporary Case Studies for Mass Movement HazardsD.4 Future Resilience and Adaptation0/0D.4.1 Global Geophysical Hazard and Disaster TrendsD.4.2 Geophysical Hazard Adaptation StrategiesOption D - Geophysical HazardsPremiumD.1 Geophysical Systems0/0D.1.1 Mechanisms of Plate MovementD.1.2 Characteristics of Volcanoes and HazardsD.1.3 Characteristics of Earthquakes and HazardsD.1.4 Classification of Mass Movement TypesD.2 Geophysical Hazard Risks0/0D.2.1 Distribution of Geophysical HazardsD.2.2 Hazard Magnitude and FrequencyD.2.3 Factors Contributing to Geophysical Hazard RiskD.2.4 Geographic Factors Affecting Hazard ImpactsD.3 Hazard Risk and Vulnerability0/0D.3.1 Contemporary Case Studies for Volcanic HazardsD.3.2 Contemporary Case Studies for Earthquake HazardsD.3.3 Contemporary Case Studies for Mass Movement HazardsD.4 Future Resilience and Adaptation0/0D.4.1 Global Geophysical Hazard and Disaster TrendsD.4.2 Geophysical Hazard Adaptation StrategiesOption E - Leisure, Tourism, SportPremiumE.1 Changing Leisure Patterns0/0E.1.1 Growth and Purpose of Leisure TimeE.1.2 Changing Leisure Patterns: Categorization of Touristic and Sporting ActivitiesE.1.3 Economic Development and Participation in Leisure ActivitiesE.2 Tourism and Sport at the Local and National Scale0/0E.2.1 Growth Factors of Rural and Urban Tourism HotspotsE.2.2 Sphere of Influence for Sporting and Touristic FacilitiesE.2.3 Geography of a National Sports LeagueE.2.4 Large-Scale Festivals as Sites of LeisureE.3 Tourism and Sport at the International Scale0/0E.3.1 Niche National Tourism Strategies with Global InfluenceE.3.2 Role of TNCs in Expanding International Tourism DestinationsE.3.3 Costs and Benefits of Tourism as a National Development StrategyE.3.4 Political, Economic, and Cultural Factors in Hosting International Sporting EventsE.4 Managing Tourism and Sport for the Future0/0E.4.1 Consequences of Unsustainable Touristic GrowthE.4.2 Sustainable Tourism: A Pathway to Responsible TravelE.4.3 Factors Influencing Future International TourismE.4.4 Political and Cultural Influences on International Sport ParticipationOption E - Leisure, Tourism, SportPremiumE.1 Changing Leisure Patterns0/0E.1.1 Growth and Purpose of Leisure TimeE.1.2 Changing Leisure Patterns: Categorization of Touristic and Sporting ActivitiesE.1.3 Economic Development and Participation in Leisure ActivitiesE.2 Tourism and Sport at the Local and National Scale0/0E.2.1 Growth Factors of Rural and Urban Tourism HotspotsE.2.2 Sphere of Influence for Sporting and Touristic FacilitiesE.2.3 Geography of a National Sports LeagueE.2.4 Large-Scale Festivals as Sites of LeisureE.3 Tourism and Sport at the International Scale0/0E.3.1 Niche National Tourism Strategies with Global InfluenceE.3.2 Role of TNCs in Expanding International Tourism DestinationsE.3.3 Costs and Benefits of Tourism as a National Development StrategyE.3.4 Political, Economic, and Cultural Factors in Hosting International Sporting EventsE.4 Managing Tourism and Sport for the Future0/0E.4.1 Consequences of Unsustainable Touristic GrowthE.4.2 Sustainable Tourism: A Pathway to Responsible TravelE.4.3 Factors Influencing Future International TourismE.4.4 Political and Cultural Influences on International Sport ParticipationOption F - Food and HealthPremiumF.1 Measuring Food and Health0/0F.1.1 Global Patterns in Food/Nutrition IndicatorsF.1.2 The Nutrition Transition and Regional VariationsF.1.3 Global Patterns in Health IndicatorsF.1.4 The Epidemiological Transition and Implications of an Ageing PopulationF.2 Food Systems and Spread of Diseases0/0F.2.1 Systems Approach to Food Production and SustainabilityF.2.2 Physical and Human Processes in Food ConsumptionF.2.3 Diffusion in Agricultural Innovations and Disease SpreadF.2.4 Geographic Factors in Vector-Borne and Water-Borne DiseasesF.3 Stakeholders in Food and Health0/0F.3.1 Roles of International Organizations and NGOs in Addressing Food Insecurity and DiseaseF.3.2 Influence of Transnational Corporations in Shaping Food ConsumptionF.3.3 Gender Roles in Food Production and HealthF.3.4 Factors Affecting the Severity of FamineF.4 Future Health and Food Security and Sustainability0/0F.4.1 Solutions to Food Insecurity and Waste ReductionF.4.2 Contemporary Approaches to Food ProductionF.4.3 Prevention and Treatment in Managing DiseaseF.4.4 Managing Pandemics in Global ContextsOption F - Food and HealthPremiumF.1 Measuring Food and Health0/0F.1.1 Global Patterns in Food/Nutrition IndicatorsF.1.2 The Nutrition Transition and Regional VariationsF.1.3 Global Patterns in Health IndicatorsF.1.4 The Epidemiological Transition and Implications of an Ageing PopulationF.2 Food Systems and Spread of Diseases0/0F.2.1 Systems Approach to Food Production and SustainabilityF.2.2 Physical and Human Processes in Food ConsumptionF.2.3 Diffusion in Agricultural Innovations and Disease SpreadF.2.4 Geographic Factors in Vector-Borne and Water-Borne DiseasesF.3 Stakeholders in Food and Health0/0F.3.1 Roles of International Organizations and NGOs in Addressing Food Insecurity and DiseaseF.3.2 Influence of Transnational Corporations in Shaping Food ConsumptionF.3.3 Gender Roles in Food Production and HealthF.3.4 Factors Affecting the Severity of FamineF.4 Future Health and Food Security and Sustainability0/0F.4.1 Solutions to Food Insecurity and Waste ReductionF.4.2 Contemporary Approaches to Food ProductionF.4.3 Prevention and Treatment in Managing DiseaseF.4.4 Managing Pandemics in Global ContextsOption G - Urban EnvironmentsPremiumG.1 The Variety of Urban Environments0/0G.1.1 Characteristics of Urban PlacesG.1.2 Factors Affecting Urban Economic ActivitiesG.1.3 Factors Affecting Residential Patterns in Urban EnvironmentsG.1.4 Urban Poverty, Deprivation, and Informal ActivityG.2 Changing Urban Systems0/0G.2.1 Urbanization, Natural Increase, and Centripetal MovementsG.2.2 Centrifugal Population MovementsG.2.3 Urban System Growth and Infrastructure ImprovementsG.2.4 Urban Deindustrialization and Its ConsequencesG.3 Urban Environmental and Social Stresses0/0G.3.1 Urban Microclimate Modification and ManagementG.3.2 Traffic Congestion Patterns and ImpactsG.3.3 Contested Land Use Changes in Urban AreasG.3.4 Managing Urban Social DeprivationG.4 Building Sustainable Urban Systems for the Future0/0G.4.1 Urban Growth Projections and Regional PatternsG.4.2 Resilient City DesignG.4.3 Eco City Design: Strategies for a Sustainable FutureG.4.4 Smart City Design and TechnologyOption G - Urban EnvironmentsPremiumG.1 The Variety of Urban Environments0/0G.1.1 Characteristics of Urban PlacesG.1.2 Factors Affecting Urban Economic ActivitiesG.1.3 Factors Affecting Residential Patterns in Urban EnvironmentsG.1.4 Urban Poverty, Deprivation, and Informal ActivityG.2 Changing Urban Systems0/0G.2.1 Urbanization, Natural Increase, and Centripetal MovementsG.2.2 Centrifugal Population MovementsG.2.3 Urban System Growth and Infrastructure ImprovementsG.2.4 Urban Deindustrialization and Its ConsequencesG.3 Urban Environmental and Social Stresses0/0G.3.1 Urban Microclimate Modification and ManagementG.3.2 Traffic Congestion Patterns and ImpactsG.3.3 Contested Land Use Changes in Urban AreasG.3.4 Managing Urban Social DeprivationG.4 Building Sustainable Urban Systems for the Future0/0G.4.1 Urban Growth Projections and Regional PatternsG.4.2 Resilient City DesignG.4.3 Eco City Design: Strategies for a Sustainable FutureG.4.4 Smart City Design and Technology