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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.7.7 Three Domain Classification

The ever-increasing understanding of life's complexity necessitated a more refined classification system. When molecular analyses, particularly of rRNA sequences, were introduced, a new picture of life's diversity emerged. This system, the three domain classification, provides an intricate understanding of life's evolutionary history.

Three Domain System

Carl Woese, in the late 20th century, proposed the revolutionary three domain system, which is a biological classification that diversifies cellular life into three major categories:

  • Bacteria
  • Archaea
  • Eukarya
A presentation of biological classification in Three Domain System.

Image courtesy of Chiswick Chap

These domains encapsulate the vast diversity of life and are founded upon the molecular analysis of ribosomal RNA sequences.

Why rRNA?

Ribosomal RNA, a fundamental component of the ribosomes in cells, has been a focal point of molecular biology studies for decades.

  • Ubiquity and Consistency: rRNA genes are consistently found in all living organisms, providing a ubiquitous marker for evolutionary studies.
  • Stability Over Time: The sequences of rRNA change at a slow, consistent rate, making it possible to track and compare evolutionary changes across vast time scales.
  • Revealing Evolutionary Links: rRNA differences offer a fine-tuned lens to view the subtle evolutionary relationships among organisms, which might otherwise be obscured in morphology-based classifications.
A diagram of three types of RNA-mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA.

Image courtesy of Christinelmiller


One of the most ancient forms of life, bacteria have been crucial players in shaping Earth's environment and the evolution of other life forms.

  • Cell Type: Prokaryotic. They lack a defined nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
  • Cell Wall Composition: Comprised of peptidoglycan.
  • Key Features:
    • Bacteria exhibit incredible metabolic diversity, from photosynthesis in cyanobacteria to nitrogen fixation in symbiotic bacteria.
    • Ubiquitous presence, from the deep oceans to the human gut.
    • Their reproduction is primarily asexual through binary fission, leading to rapid population growth under favourable conditions.
A labelled diagram of the structure of bacteria.

Image courtesy of domdomegg

IB Biology Tutor Tip: Understanding the three domain classification enriches our grasp of life's complexity, highlighting the significance of molecular evidence in unravelling the evolutionary relationships among all living organisms.


Initially mistaken for bacteria due to structural similarities, Archaea have since been identified as a distinct domain, often inhabiting extreme environments.

  • Cell Type: Prokaryotic.
  • Cell Wall Composition: Unique in nature, devoid of peptidoglycan. Instead, it has distinct lipids.
  • Key Features:
    • Populates environments like acidic lakes, deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and salty ponds.
    • Many can produce methane, leading to their classification as methanogens.
    • Intriguingly, some of their enzymes have become biotechnological tools, like the heat-stable enzymes used in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
A picture of Pyrococcus furiosus (Archaea) used in PCR.

Pyrococcus furiosus (Archaea) used in PCR

Image courtesy of Fulvio314


This domain encompasses a vast array of organisms, from single-celled protists to the vast complexity of humans.

  • Cell Type: Eukaryotic, characterised by a defined nucleus.
  • Cell Wall Composition: Highly variable; plants have cellulose, fungi have chitin, and many eukaryotes lack cell walls.
  • Key Features:
    • Contains intricate cellular machinery with specialised organelles.
    • Reproduction can be both asexual and sexual, leading to genetic diversity.
    • Eukaryotes form symbiotic relationships; for instance, mitochondria and chloroplasts are thought to have originated from ancient prokaryotes that were engulfed by ancestral eukaryotic cells.

Importance of the Three Domain Classification

Delineating life forms into three primary domains offers several advantages:

  • Clearer Evolutionary Insights: The domains give a clearer depiction of life's major evolutionary trajectories.
  • Guided Research: Understanding the molecular differences between domains can guide research, for instance, in developing antibiotics that target bacterial structures without harming human cells.
  • Ecological Appreciation: Knowing the distinct roles of organisms in these domains provides insights into ecosystem dynamics and the global biogeochemical cycles.

rRNA and Molecular Phylogenetics

As we delve deeper into the evolutionary relationships among organisms, rRNA remains an invaluable tool:

  • Phylogenetic Trees: By comparing rRNA sequences, researchers can create these trees, representing evolutionary relationships. These visual representations offer a clear picture of shared ancestry and evolutionary events.
  • Tracing Evolutionary Milestones: Specific changes in rRNA can be markers for significant evolutionary events, such as the emergence of multicellularity or the appearance of photosynthesis.
IB Tutor Advice: Focus on distinguishing features of Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya, especially their cellular structures and rRNA roles, to effectively compare and contrast these domains in your exam answers.

Challenges and Limitations

While rRNA has been instrumental in evolutionary biology, there are challenges associated with relying solely on it:

  • Horizontal Gene Transfer: Particularly among prokaryotes, genes can be transferred between species, muddying the clarity of evolutionary pathways.
  • Single Molecule Perspective: While rRNA offers profound insights, it's just one molecular perspective. A more holistic understanding requires the study of other molecules and their evolutionary trajectories.


While protein-coding genes provide vital evolutionary information, rRNA genes, particularly 16S and 18S rRNA, offer specific advantages for classification. Firstly, rRNA genes are universally present in all organisms, allowing for broad comparisons. Secondly, the evolutionary rate of change in rRNA is relatively slow and consistent, making it an excellent marker for studying deep evolutionary relationships. Protein-coding genes, on the other hand, can vary significantly in their rate of evolution and might not be as universally conserved. Additionally, horizontal gene transfer is more common with protein-coding genes, which can obscure true evolutionary relationships. Thus, while protein-coding genes are essential for many evolutionary studies, rRNA remains a cornerstone for classification in the three-domain system.

Advancements in sequencing technologies, especially next-generation sequencing (NGS), have considerably enriched our knowledge about the three domains. With NGS, we can sequence entire genomes rapidly and cost-effectively. This has led to the discovery of many novel species, especially within Bacteria and Archaea, which were previously unknown or uncultivable. Moreover, metagenomic studies, where DNA from entire communities is sequenced, provide insights into the functional roles of these organisms within ecosystems. This wealth of genomic data has refined our understanding of the evolutionary relationships within and between the domains, potentially leading to more nuanced classifications in the future.

The extremophiles within the Archaea domain produce unique enzymes that are adapted to harsh conditions, and these have profound biotechnological implications. For example, the enzyme Taq polymerase, which originates from a thermophilic bacterium, is essential for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a technique fundamental in molecular biology for amplifying DNA. These enzymes remain stable and functional at high temperatures, which would denature most other enzymes. Furthermore, enzymes from halophilic Archaea, which thrive in high salt conditions, can be used in biotechnological processes where high salt concentrations are needed. The resilience and uniqueness of enzymes from Archaea offer innovative solutions and tools in various biotechnological applications.

Carl Woese, an American microbiologist, drastically transformed our understanding of the tree of life. In the late 1970s, by studying 16S ribosomal RNA sequences, he found significant molecular differences between two groups of prokaryotes. This discovery led him to propose that life can be categorised into three primary domains rather than the traditional two (prokaryotes and eukaryotes). His groundbreaking research unveiled that the prokaryotes actually consisted of two distinct groups: Bacteria and Archaea. This, coupled with Eukarya, formed the basis of the three-domain classification system. Woese's work laid the foundation for contemporary microbiology, underscoring the importance of molecular data in understanding evolutionary relationships.

Scientific rigor demands that the rRNA sequences studied are accurate and free from contamination. To ensure this, several measures are in place. When isolating DNA from organisms, strict sterile techniques are employed to prevent external contamination. Negative controls, where no sample is added, are frequently used in molecular procedures to check for contamination. After sequencing, bioinformatics tools and databases help in verifying the authenticity of sequences by comparing them with known sequences. Any anomalies or unexpected results prompt re-examination of the samples and re-sequencing. Additionally, repeated independent studies and peer reviews in scientific publishing further ensure the reliability of the rRNA data being presented.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in the three-domain classification system and outline the characteristics that differentiate each domain.

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) plays a pivotal role in the three-domain classification system as it is universally present in all known organisms and its sequences change gradually over time. This makes rRNA a stable and reliable molecular marker for tracing evolutionary relationships. The three domains differentiated by this system are Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Bacteria are prokaryotic with cell walls containing peptidoglycan. Archaea, also prokaryotic, inhabit extreme environments and have cell walls without peptidoglycan. Eukarya are eukaryotic, having a defined nucleus and diverse cell wall compositions, including cellulose in plants and chitin in fungi.

Describe the challenges and limitations associated with using rRNA as the primary molecular marker for the classification of organisms into the three domains.

While rRNA offers invaluable insights into evolutionary relationships, it is not without challenges. One primary issue is horizontal gene transfer (HGT), especially among prokaryotes. HGT can blur evolutionary relationships as genes can be transferred between species, complicating the clarity of lineages based solely on rRNA sequences. Moreover, while rRNA is a stable molecular marker, relying exclusively on it provides just a single molecular perspective. To acquire a comprehensive understanding of evolutionary relationships, other molecular markers and sequences need to be considered. Therefore, while rRNA is instrumental, it should be complemented with other molecular data for a holistic classification.

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