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AP Physics 1: Algebra

Study Notes
2.1 Systems2.2 The Gravitational Field2.3 Contact Forces2.4 Newton’s First Law2.5 Newton’s Third Law and Free-Body Diagrams2.6 Newton’s Second Law2.7 Applications of Newton’s Second Law
3.1 Vector Fields3.2 Fundamental Forces3.3 Gravitational and Electric Forces3.4 Gravitational Field/Acceleration Due to Gravity on Different Planets3.5 Inertial vs. Gravitational Mass3.6 Centripetal Acceleration and Centripetal Force3.7 Free-Body Diagrams for Objects in Uniform Circular Motion3.8 Applications of Circular Motion and Gravitation
4.1 Open and Closed Systems: Energy4.2 Work and Mechanical Energy4.3 Conservation of Energy, the Work-Energy Principle, and Power
5.1 Momentum and Impulse5.2 Representations of Changes in Momentum5.3 Open and Closed Systems: Momentum5.4 Conservation of Linear Momentum
6.1 Period of Simple Harmonic Oscillators6.2 Energy of a Simple Harmonic Oscillator
7.1 Rotational Kinematics7.2 Torque and Angular Acceleration7.3 Angular Momentum and Torque7.4 Conservation of Angular Momentum

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