1. Atomic Structure and Properties1.1 Moles and Molar Mass0/01.1.1 Understanding the Mole Concept1.1.2 Avogadro’s Number and Molar Mass1.1.3 Mass and Number of Particles1.2 Mass Spectroscopy of Elements0/01.2.1 Understanding Mass Spectroscopy1.2.2 Isotopes Identification through Mass Spectroscopy1.2.3 Calculating Average Atomic Mass1.3 Elemental Composition of Pure Substances0/01.3.1 Introduction to Elemental Composition1.3.2 Law of Definite Proportions1.3.3 Empirical Formulas1.4 Composition of Mixtures0/01.4.1 Understanding Mixtures1.4.2 Types of Mixtures1.4.3 Elemental Composition of Mixtures1.5 Atomic Structure and Electron Configuration0/01.5.1 Composition of the Atom1.5.2 Coulomb’s Law in Atomic Structure1.5.3 Electron Shells and Subshells1.5.4 The Aufbau Principle and Electron Configuration1.5.5 Ionization Energy and Coulomb’s Law1.6 Photoelectron Spectroscopy0/01.6.1 Introduction to Photoelectron Spectroscopy1.6.2 Analyzing PES Spectra1.6.3 Electron Configuration and PES1.6.4 Electron-Nucleus Interactions1.7 Periodic Trends0/01.7.1 Organization of the Periodic Table1.7.2 Understanding Periodicity1.7.3 Trends in Ionization Energy1.7.4 Trends in Atomic and Ionic Radii1.7.5 Trends in Electron Affinity and Electronegativity1.7.6 Predicting Properties in the Absence of Data1.8 Valence Electrons and Ionic Compounds0/01.8.1 Valence Electrons and Chemical Reactivity1.8.2 Periodicity and Formation of Analogous Compounds1.8.3 Typical Charges and Ionic Compounds1. Atomic Structure and Properties1.1 Moles and Molar Mass0/01.1.1 Understanding the Mole Concept1.1.2 Avogadro’s Number and Molar Mass1.1.3 Mass and Number of Particles1.2 Mass Spectroscopy of Elements0/01.2.1 Understanding Mass Spectroscopy1.2.2 Isotopes Identification through Mass Spectroscopy1.2.3 Calculating Average Atomic Mass1.3 Elemental Composition of Pure Substances0/01.3.1 Introduction to Elemental Composition1.3.2 Law of Definite Proportions1.3.3 Empirical Formulas1.4 Composition of Mixtures0/01.4.1 Understanding Mixtures1.4.2 Types of Mixtures1.4.3 Elemental Composition of Mixtures1.5 Atomic Structure and Electron Configuration0/01.5.1 Composition of the Atom1.5.2 Coulomb’s Law in Atomic Structure1.5.3 Electron Shells and Subshells1.5.4 The Aufbau Principle and Electron Configuration1.5.5 Ionization Energy and Coulomb’s Law1.6 Photoelectron Spectroscopy0/01.6.1 Introduction to Photoelectron Spectroscopy1.6.2 Analyzing PES Spectra1.6.3 Electron Configuration and PES1.6.4 Electron-Nucleus Interactions1.7 Periodic Trends0/01.7.1 Organization of the Periodic Table1.7.2 Understanding Periodicity1.7.3 Trends in Ionization Energy1.7.4 Trends in Atomic and Ionic Radii1.7.5 Trends in Electron Affinity and Electronegativity1.7.6 Predicting Properties in the Absence of Data1.8 Valence Electrons and Ionic Compounds0/01.8.1 Valence Electrons and Chemical Reactivity1.8.2 Periodicity and Formation of Analogous Compounds1.8.3 Typical Charges and Ionic Compounds2. Molecular and Ionic Compound Structure and Properties2.1 Types of Chemical Bonds0/02.1.1 Electronegativity and Bond Type2.1.2 Nonpolar Covalent Bonds2.1.3 Polar Covalent Bonds2.1.4 Ionic vs. Covalent Bonding2.1.5 Metallic Bonding2.2 Intramolecular Force and Potential Energy0/02.2.1 Potential Energy and Equilibrium Bond Length2.2.2 Bond Length and Bond Order2.2.3 Coulomb’s Law and Ionic Interactions2.3 Structure of Ionic Solids0/02.3.1 Particulate Model of Ionic Solids2.3.2 Coulomb's Law in Ionic Crystals2.3.3 Properties of Ionic Solids2.4 Structure of Metals and Alloys0/02.4.1 Metallic Bonding Model2.4.2 Structure and Properties of Alloys2.4.3 Interstitial Alloys2.4.4 Substitutional Alloys2.5 Lewis Diagrams0/02.5.1 Principles of Lewis Diagrams2.5.2 Drawing Lewis Diagrams for Simple Molecules2.5.3 Lewis Diagrams for Polyatomic Ions2.5.4 Exceptions to the Octet Rule2.6 Resonance and Formal Charge0/02.6.1 Understanding Resonance in Lewis Diagrams2.6.2 Drawing Resonance Structures2.6.3 Formal Charge and Its Application2.6.4 Selecting the Best Lewis Structure2.6.5 Limitations of Lewis Structures2.7 VSEPR and Bond Hybridization0/02.7.1 Basics of VSEPR Theory2.7.2 Predicting Molecular Geometry with VSEPR2.7.3 Understanding Bond Hybridization2.7.4 Application of Hybridization to Molecular Structure2.7.5 Sigma and Pi Bonds in Molecular Structure2. Molecular and Ionic Compound Structure and Properties2.1 Types of Chemical Bonds0/02.1.1 Electronegativity and Bond Type2.1.2 Nonpolar Covalent Bonds2.1.3 Polar Covalent Bonds2.1.4 Ionic vs. Covalent Bonding2.1.5 Metallic Bonding2.2 Intramolecular Force and Potential Energy0/02.2.1 Potential Energy and Equilibrium Bond Length2.2.2 Bond Length and Bond Order2.2.3 Coulomb’s Law and Ionic Interactions2.3 Structure of Ionic Solids0/02.3.1 Particulate Model of Ionic Solids2.3.2 Coulomb's Law in Ionic Crystals2.3.3 Properties of Ionic Solids2.4 Structure of Metals and Alloys0/02.4.1 Metallic Bonding Model2.4.2 Structure and Properties of Alloys2.4.3 Interstitial Alloys2.4.4 Substitutional Alloys2.5 Lewis Diagrams0/02.5.1 Principles of Lewis Diagrams2.5.2 Drawing Lewis Diagrams for Simple Molecules2.5.3 Lewis Diagrams for Polyatomic Ions2.5.4 Exceptions to the Octet Rule2.6 Resonance and Formal Charge0/02.6.1 Understanding Resonance in Lewis Diagrams2.6.2 Drawing Resonance Structures2.6.3 Formal Charge and Its Application2.6.4 Selecting the Best Lewis Structure2.6.5 Limitations of Lewis Structures2.7 VSEPR and Bond Hybridization0/02.7.1 Basics of VSEPR Theory2.7.2 Predicting Molecular Geometry with VSEPR2.7.3 Understanding Bond Hybridization2.7.4 Application of Hybridization to Molecular Structure2.7.5 Sigma and Pi Bonds in Molecular Structure3. Intermolecular Forces and PropertiesPremium3.1 Intermolecular Forces0/03.1.1 London Dispersion Forces3.1.2 Polarizability and Molecular Size3.1.3 Dipole Interactions3.1.4 Hydrogen Bonding3.1.5 Noncovalent Interactions in Biomolecules3.2 Properties of Solids0/03.2.1 Intermolecular Forces and Solid Properties3.2.2 Particulate-Level Structure and Macroscopic Properties3.2.3 Properties of Ionic Solids3.2.4 Covalent Network Solids3.2.5 Molecular Solids3.2.6 Metallic Solids and Alloys3.2.7 Noncovalent Interactions in Biomolecules and Polymers3.3 Solids, Liquids, and Gases0/03.3.1 Characteristics of Solids3.3.2 Characteristics of Liquids3.3.3 Transition Between Solid and Liquid Phases3.3.4 Characteristics of Gases3.3.5 Comparing the Three States of Matter3.4 Ideal Gas Law0/03.4.1 Understanding the Ideal Gas Law3.4.2 Partial Pressures in Gas Mixtures3.4.3 Graphical Representations of Gas Laws3.4.4 Applications of the Ideal Gas Law3.4.5 Limitations of the Ideal Gas Law3.5 Kinetic Molecular Theory0/03.5.1 Fundamentals of Kinetic Molecular Theory3.5.2 Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution3.5.3 Relationship Between Kinetic Energy, Velocity, and Temperature3.5.4 Graphical Representations of Particle Motion3.5.5 Applications of KMT to Gas Properties3.6 Deviation from Ideal Gas Law0/03.6.1 Reasons for Deviation from Ideal Gas Law3.6.2 Interparticle Attractions and Deviations3.6.3 Impact of Particle Volume on Gas Behavior3.6.4 Correcting for Non-Ideal Behavior: Van der Waals Equation3.6.5 Graphical Representation of Deviations3.7 Solutions and Mixtures0/03.7.1 Types of Mixtures: Solutions vs. Heterogeneous Mixtures3.7.2 Composition of Solutions3.7.3 Expressing Solution Concentration: Molarity3.7.4 Calculating the Number of Solute Particles and Volume3.7.5 Applications of Molarity in the Laboratory3.8 Representations of Solutions0/03.8.1 Basics of Particulate Models3.8.2 Representing Interactions Between Components3.8.3 Depicting Concentrations in Particulate Models3.8.4 Applications of Particulate Models3.8.5 Limitations of Particulate Models3.9 Separation of Solutions and Mixtures: Chromatography0/03.9.1 Principles of Chromatography3.9.2 Types of Chromatography3.9.3 Intermolecular Interactions in Chromatography3.9.4 Practical Applications of Chromatography3.9.5 Analyzing Chromatographic Data3.10 Solubility0/03.10.1 Principles of Solubility3.10.2 Solubility of Ionic and Molecular Compounds3.10.3 Factors Affecting Solubility3.10.4 Solubility and Chemical Reactions3.10.5 Measuring and Expressing Solubility3.11 Spectroscopy and the Electromagnetic Spectrum0/03.11.1 Overview of the Electromagnetic Spectrum3.11.2 Microwave Radiation and Rotational Transitions3.11.3 Infrared Radiation and Vibrational Transitions3.11.4 Ultraviolet/Visible Radiation and Electronic Transitions3.11.5 Applications of Spectroscopy in Chemistry3.11.6 Analyzing Spectroscopic Data3.12 Photoelectric Effect0/03.12.1 Basics of the Photoelectric Effect3.12.2 Introduction to Photon Absorption and Electronic Transitions3.12.3 Relationship Between Wavelength, Frequency, and Energy3.12.4 Applications of the Photoelectric Effect3.12.5 Analyzing Energy Changes in Electronic Transitions3.13 Beer-Lambert Law0/03.13.1 Fundamentals of the Beer-Lambert Law3.13.2 Molar Absorptivity (E)3.13.3 Impact of Path Length and Concentration3.13.4 Practical Applications of the Beer-Lambert Law3.13.5 Limitations and Considerations of the Beer-Lambert Law3. Intermolecular Forces and PropertiesPremium3.1 Intermolecular Forces0/03.1.1 London Dispersion Forces3.1.2 Polarizability and Molecular Size3.1.3 Dipole Interactions3.1.4 Hydrogen Bonding3.1.5 Noncovalent Interactions in Biomolecules3.2 Properties of Solids0/03.2.1 Intermolecular Forces and Solid Properties3.2.2 Particulate-Level Structure and Macroscopic Properties3.2.3 Properties of Ionic Solids3.2.4 Covalent Network Solids3.2.5 Molecular Solids3.2.6 Metallic Solids and Alloys3.2.7 Noncovalent Interactions in Biomolecules and Polymers3.3 Solids, Liquids, and Gases0/03.3.1 Characteristics of Solids3.3.2 Characteristics of Liquids3.3.3 Transition Between Solid and Liquid Phases3.3.4 Characteristics of Gases3.3.5 Comparing the Three States of Matter3.4 Ideal Gas Law0/03.4.1 Understanding the Ideal Gas Law3.4.2 Partial Pressures in Gas Mixtures3.4.3 Graphical Representations of Gas Laws3.4.4 Applications of the Ideal Gas Law3.4.5 Limitations of the Ideal Gas Law3.5 Kinetic Molecular Theory0/03.5.1 Fundamentals of Kinetic Molecular Theory3.5.2 Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution3.5.3 Relationship Between Kinetic Energy, Velocity, and Temperature3.5.4 Graphical Representations of Particle Motion3.5.5 Applications of KMT to Gas Properties3.6 Deviation from Ideal Gas Law0/03.6.1 Reasons for Deviation from Ideal Gas Law3.6.2 Interparticle Attractions and Deviations3.6.3 Impact of Particle Volume on Gas Behavior3.6.4 Correcting for Non-Ideal Behavior: Van der Waals Equation3.6.5 Graphical Representation of Deviations3.7 Solutions and Mixtures0/03.7.1 Types of Mixtures: Solutions vs. Heterogeneous Mixtures3.7.2 Composition of Solutions3.7.3 Expressing Solution Concentration: Molarity3.7.4 Calculating the Number of Solute Particles and Volume3.7.5 Applications of Molarity in the Laboratory3.8 Representations of Solutions0/03.8.1 Basics of Particulate Models3.8.2 Representing Interactions Between Components3.8.3 Depicting Concentrations in Particulate Models3.8.4 Applications of Particulate Models3.8.5 Limitations of Particulate Models3.9 Separation of Solutions and Mixtures: Chromatography0/03.9.1 Principles of Chromatography3.9.2 Types of Chromatography3.9.3 Intermolecular Interactions in Chromatography3.9.4 Practical Applications of Chromatography3.9.5 Analyzing Chromatographic Data3.10 Solubility0/03.10.1 Principles of Solubility3.10.2 Solubility of Ionic and Molecular Compounds3.10.3 Factors Affecting Solubility3.10.4 Solubility and Chemical Reactions3.10.5 Measuring and Expressing Solubility3.11 Spectroscopy and the Electromagnetic Spectrum0/03.11.1 Overview of the Electromagnetic Spectrum3.11.2 Microwave Radiation and Rotational Transitions3.11.3 Infrared Radiation and Vibrational Transitions3.11.4 Ultraviolet/Visible Radiation and Electronic Transitions3.11.5 Applications of Spectroscopy in Chemistry3.11.6 Analyzing Spectroscopic Data3.12 Photoelectric Effect0/03.12.1 Basics of the Photoelectric Effect3.12.2 Introduction to Photon Absorption and Electronic Transitions3.12.3 Relationship Between Wavelength, Frequency, and Energy3.12.4 Applications of the Photoelectric Effect3.12.5 Analyzing Energy Changes in Electronic Transitions3.13 Beer-Lambert Law0/03.13.1 Fundamentals of the Beer-Lambert Law3.13.2 Molar Absorptivity (E)3.13.3 Impact of Path Length and Concentration3.13.4 Practical Applications of the Beer-Lambert Law3.13.5 Limitations and Considerations of the Beer-Lambert Law4. Chemical ReactionsPremium4.1 Introduction to Reactions0/04.1.1 Distinguishing Between Physical and Chemical Changes4.1.2 Introduction to Physical Changes4.1.3 Evidence of Chemical Changes4.1.4 Representing Chemical Changes with Equations4.1.5 Importance of Identifying Chemical Reactions4.2 Net Ionic Equations0/04.2.1 Principles of Chemical Equations4.2.2 Types of Chemical Equations4.2.3 Writing Complete Ionic Equations4.2.4 Writing Net Ionic Equations4.2.5 Identifying Spectator Ions4.2.6 Applications and Importance of Net Ionic Equations4.3 Representations of Reactions0/04.3.1 Introduction to Particulate Models4.3.2 Translating Chemical Equations to Particulate Models4.3.3 Types of Chemical Reactions and Their Particulate Representations4.3.4 Physical Changes in Particulate Models4.3.5 Challenges in Representing Complex Reactions4.3.6 Educational Value of Particulate Models4.4 Physical and Chemical Changes0/04.4.1 Classification of Processes 4.4.2 Chemical Processes and Bond Interactions4.4.3 Physical Processes and Intermolecular Interactions4.4.4 Grey Areas in Classification: Dissolution of Salts4.4.5 Implications of Process Classification4.4.6 Educational Approaches to Teaching Changes4.5 Stoichiometry0/04.5.1 Fundamentals of Stoichiometry4.5.2 Reading and Interpreting Chemical Equations4.5.3 Stoichiometric Calculations: Reactants and Products4.5.4 Stoichiometry and the Mole Concept4.5.5 Application of Stoichiometry in Gases and Solutions4.5.6 Limiting Reactants and Excess Reactants4.5.7 Percent Yield and Theoretical Yield4.6 Introduction to Titration0/04.6.1 Basics of Titration4.6.2 The Equivalence Point4.6.3 Indicators and the Endpoint4.6.4 Calculating Concentrations from Titration Data4.6.5 Types of Titration4.6.6 Practical Considerations in Titration4.7 Types of Chemical Reactions0/04.7.1 Acid-Base Reactions4.7.2 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions4.7.3 Identifying Oxidized and Reduced Species4.7.4 Precipitation Reactions4.7.5 Applications of Reaction Types4.7.6 Experimentally Determining Reaction Types4.8 Introduction to Acid-Base Reactions0/04.8.1 Brønsted-Lowry Acid-Base Theory4.8.2 Role of Water in Acid-Base Reactions4.8.3 Identifying Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs4.8.4 Relative Strengths of Acids and Bases4.8.5 Applications of Acid-Base Reactions4.8.6 Experimentally Identifying Acids and Bases4.9 Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) Reactions0/04.9.1 Fundamentals of Redox Reactions4.9.2 Constructing Redox Equations from Half-Reactions4.9.3 Identifying Oxidation and Reduction Half-Reactions4.9.4 Balancing Redox Equations4.9.5 Applications of Redox Reactions4.9.6 Experimental Determination of Redox Reactions4. Chemical ReactionsPremium4.1 Introduction to Reactions0/04.1.1 Distinguishing Between Physical and Chemical Changes4.1.2 Introduction to Physical Changes4.1.3 Evidence of Chemical Changes4.1.4 Representing Chemical Changes with Equations4.1.5 Importance of Identifying Chemical Reactions4.2 Net Ionic Equations0/04.2.1 Principles of Chemical Equations4.2.2 Types of Chemical Equations4.2.3 Writing Complete Ionic Equations4.2.4 Writing Net Ionic Equations4.2.5 Identifying Spectator Ions4.2.6 Applications and Importance of Net Ionic Equations4.3 Representations of Reactions0/04.3.1 Introduction to Particulate Models4.3.2 Translating Chemical Equations to Particulate Models4.3.3 Types of Chemical Reactions and Their Particulate Representations4.3.4 Physical Changes in Particulate Models4.3.5 Challenges in Representing Complex Reactions4.3.6 Educational Value of Particulate Models4.4 Physical and Chemical Changes0/04.4.1 Classification of Processes 4.4.2 Chemical Processes and Bond Interactions4.4.3 Physical Processes and Intermolecular Interactions4.4.4 Grey Areas in Classification: Dissolution of Salts4.4.5 Implications of Process Classification4.4.6 Educational Approaches to Teaching Changes4.5 Stoichiometry0/04.5.1 Fundamentals of Stoichiometry4.5.2 Reading and Interpreting Chemical Equations4.5.3 Stoichiometric Calculations: Reactants and Products4.5.4 Stoichiometry and the Mole Concept4.5.5 Application of Stoichiometry in Gases and Solutions4.5.6 Limiting Reactants and Excess Reactants4.5.7 Percent Yield and Theoretical Yield4.6 Introduction to Titration0/04.6.1 Basics of Titration4.6.2 The Equivalence Point4.6.3 Indicators and the Endpoint4.6.4 Calculating Concentrations from Titration Data4.6.5 Types of Titration4.6.6 Practical Considerations in Titration4.7 Types of Chemical Reactions0/04.7.1 Acid-Base Reactions4.7.2 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions4.7.3 Identifying Oxidized and Reduced Species4.7.4 Precipitation Reactions4.7.5 Applications of Reaction Types4.7.6 Experimentally Determining Reaction Types4.8 Introduction to Acid-Base Reactions0/04.8.1 Brønsted-Lowry Acid-Base Theory4.8.2 Role of Water in Acid-Base Reactions4.8.3 Identifying Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs4.8.4 Relative Strengths of Acids and Bases4.8.5 Applications of Acid-Base Reactions4.8.6 Experimentally Identifying Acids and Bases4.9 Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) Reactions0/04.9.1 Fundamentals of Redox Reactions4.9.2 Constructing Redox Equations from Half-Reactions4.9.3 Identifying Oxidation and Reduction Half-Reactions4.9.4 Balancing Redox Equations4.9.5 Applications of Redox Reactions4.9.6 Experimental Determination of Redox Reactions5. KineticsPremium5.1 Reaction Rates0/05.1.1 Introduction to Reaction Kinetics5.1.2 Measuring Reaction Rates5.1.3 Factors Influencing Reaction Rates5.1.4 The Effect of Concentration on Reaction Rates5.1.5 The Role of Temperature in Reaction Rates5.1.6 Catalysts and Reaction Rates5.1.7 Surface Area and Reaction Rates5.2 Introduction to Rate Law0/05.2.1 Understanding Rate Law5.2.2 Reaction Order5.2.3 Rate Constant5.2.4 Determining Rate Laws from Experimental Data5.3 Concentration Changes Over Time0/05.3.1 Graphical Methods for Determining Reaction Order5.3.2 Determining First Order Reactions5.3.3 Determining Second Order Reactions5.3.4 Calculating the Rate Constant5.3.5 Understanding Half-Life in First Order Reactions5.3.6 First Order Kinetics and Radioactive Decay5.4 Elementary Reactions0/05.4.1 Understanding Elementary Reactions5.4.2 Rate Laws for Elementary Reactions5.4.3 Molecularity of Elementary Reactions5.4.4 Representing Rate Laws from Stoichiometry5.4.5 Limitations in Elementary Reaction Collisions5.5 Collision Model0/05.5.1 Basics of the Collision Model5.5.2 Criteria for Successful Collisions5.5.3 Impact of Collision Frequency on Reaction Rate5.5.4 Maxwell-Boltzmann Energy Distribution5.5.5 Temperature Dependence of Reaction Rates5.6 Reaction Energy Profile0/05.6.1 Basics of Reaction Energy Profiles5.6.2 Bonds and Elementary Reactions5.6.3 The Reaction Coordinate and Transition State5.6.4 Activation Energy5.6.5 The Arrhenius Equation and Activation Energy5.6.6 Interpreting Reaction Energy Profiles5.7 Introduction to Reaction Mechanisms0/05.7.1 Basics of Reaction Mechanisms5.7.2 Elementary Steps and the Overall Reaction5.7.3 Reaction Intermediates5.7.4 Experimental Evidence for Mechanisms5.7.5 Distinguishing Reaction Mechanisms5.7.6 Significance of Reaction Mechanisms5.8 Reaction Mechanism and Rate Law0/05.8.1 Understanding Rate-Limiting Steps5.8.2 Rate Law and Reaction Mechanisms5.8.3 Identifying Rate-Limiting Steps5.8.4 Examples of Rate Laws from Mechanisms5.8.5 Irreversible and Reversible Elementary Steps5.9 Steady-State Approximation0/05.9.1 Fundamentals of Steady-State Approximation5.9.2 Applying Steady-State Approximation to Reaction Mechanisms5.9.3 Deriving Rate Laws with Steady-State Approximation5.9.4 Limitations of the Steady-State Approximation5.10 Multistep Reaction Energy Profile0/05.10.1 Basics of Multistep Reaction Energy Profiles5.10.2 Constructing Energy Profiles for Multistep Reactions5.10.3 Activation Energy in Multistep Reactions5.10.4 Interpreting Energy Profiles5.10.5 Energetics and Reaction Mechanisms5.11 Catalysis0/05.11.1 Role of Catalysts in Chemical Reactions5.11.2 Mechanism of Catalysis5.11.3 Types of Catalysis5.11.4 Catalysis and Reaction Intermediates5.11.5 Examples of Catalytic Mechanisms5.11.6 Impact of Catalysis on Reaction Rates5. KineticsPremium5.1 Reaction Rates0/05.1.1 Introduction to Reaction Kinetics5.1.2 Measuring Reaction Rates5.1.3 Factors Influencing Reaction Rates5.1.4 The Effect of Concentration on Reaction Rates5.1.5 The Role of Temperature in Reaction Rates5.1.6 Catalysts and Reaction Rates5.1.7 Surface Area and Reaction Rates5.2 Introduction to Rate Law0/05.2.1 Understanding Rate Law5.2.2 Reaction Order5.2.3 Rate Constant5.2.4 Determining Rate Laws from Experimental Data5.3 Concentration Changes Over Time0/05.3.1 Graphical Methods for Determining Reaction Order5.3.2 Determining First Order Reactions5.3.3 Determining Second Order Reactions5.3.4 Calculating the Rate Constant5.3.5 Understanding Half-Life in First Order Reactions5.3.6 First Order Kinetics and Radioactive Decay5.4 Elementary Reactions0/05.4.1 Understanding Elementary Reactions5.4.2 Rate Laws for Elementary Reactions5.4.3 Molecularity of Elementary Reactions5.4.4 Representing Rate Laws from Stoichiometry5.4.5 Limitations in Elementary Reaction Collisions5.5 Collision Model0/05.5.1 Basics of the Collision Model5.5.2 Criteria for Successful Collisions5.5.3 Impact of Collision Frequency on Reaction Rate5.5.4 Maxwell-Boltzmann Energy Distribution5.5.5 Temperature Dependence of Reaction Rates5.6 Reaction Energy Profile0/05.6.1 Basics of Reaction Energy Profiles5.6.2 Bonds and Elementary Reactions5.6.3 The Reaction Coordinate and Transition State5.6.4 Activation Energy5.6.5 The Arrhenius Equation and Activation Energy5.6.6 Interpreting Reaction Energy Profiles5.7 Introduction to Reaction Mechanisms0/05.7.1 Basics of Reaction Mechanisms5.7.2 Elementary Steps and the Overall Reaction5.7.3 Reaction Intermediates5.7.4 Experimental Evidence for Mechanisms5.7.5 Distinguishing Reaction Mechanisms5.7.6 Significance of Reaction Mechanisms5.8 Reaction Mechanism and Rate Law0/05.8.1 Understanding Rate-Limiting Steps5.8.2 Rate Law and Reaction Mechanisms5.8.3 Identifying Rate-Limiting Steps5.8.4 Examples of Rate Laws from Mechanisms5.8.5 Irreversible and Reversible Elementary Steps5.9 Steady-State Approximation0/05.9.1 Fundamentals of Steady-State Approximation5.9.2 Applying Steady-State Approximation to Reaction Mechanisms5.9.3 Deriving Rate Laws with Steady-State Approximation5.9.4 Limitations of the Steady-State Approximation5.10 Multistep Reaction Energy Profile0/05.10.1 Basics of Multistep Reaction Energy Profiles5.10.2 Constructing Energy Profiles for Multistep Reactions5.10.3 Activation Energy in Multistep Reactions5.10.4 Interpreting Energy Profiles5.10.5 Energetics and Reaction Mechanisms5.11 Catalysis0/05.11.1 Role of Catalysts in Chemical Reactions5.11.2 Mechanism of Catalysis5.11.3 Types of Catalysis5.11.4 Catalysis and Reaction Intermediates5.11.5 Examples of Catalytic Mechanisms5.11.6 Impact of Catalysis on Reaction Rates6. ThermodynamicsPremium6.1 Endothermic and Exothermic Processes0/06.1.1 Energy Changes and Temperature6.1.2 Defining Endothermic and Exothermic Processes6.1.3 Energy Flow in Chemical Reactions6.1.4 Solution Formation and Energy Changes6.1.5 Experimental Observation of Energy Changes6.2 Energy Diagrams0/06.2.1 Introduction to Energy Diagrams6.2.2 Constructing Energy Diagrams6.2.3 Interpreting Exothermic and Endothermic Processes6.2.4 Activation Energy and Reaction Pathways6.2.5 Applications of Energy Diagrams6.3 Heat Transfer and Thermal Equilibrium0/06.3.1 Thermal Energy and Molecular Motion6.3.2 Mechanisms of Heat Transfer6.3.3 Achieving Thermal Equilibrium6.3.4 Principles of Heat Exchange6.3.5 Practical Implications of Thermal Equilibrium6.4 Heat Capacity and Calorimetry0/06.4.1 Fundamentals of Heat Transfer6.4.2 First Law of Thermodynamics6.4.3 Specific Heat Capacity6.4.4 Calorimetry Experiments6.4.5 Calculating Heat Changes6.4.6 Energy Changes in Chemical Systems6.5 Energy of Phase Changes0/06.5.1 Thermodynamics of Phase Changes6.5.2 Energy and Phase Transitions6.5.3 Molar Enthalpy of Phase Changes6.5.4 Calculating Energy Changes in Phase Transitions6.5.5 Conservation of Energy in Phase Changes6.6 Introduction to Enthalpy of Reaction0/06.6.1 Enthalpy Change of a Reaction6.6.2 Calculating Enthalpy Change6.7 Bond Enthalpies0/06.7.1 Role of Bond Breaking and Formation6.7.2 Calculating Reaction Enthalpy from Bond Energies6.7.3 Understanding Average Bond Enthalpies6.7.4 Exothermic vs. Endothermic Reactions6.8 Enthalpy of Formation0/06.8.1 Standard Enthalpies of Formation6.8.2 Calculating Standard Enthalpies of Reactions6.9 Hess’s Law0/06.9.1 Principles of Hess's Law6.9.2 Enthalpy and Reaction Sequences6.9.3 Thermal Energy Transfer and Equilibrium6. ThermodynamicsPremium6.1 Endothermic and Exothermic Processes0/06.1.1 Energy Changes and Temperature6.1.2 Defining Endothermic and Exothermic Processes6.1.3 Energy Flow in Chemical Reactions6.1.4 Solution Formation and Energy Changes6.1.5 Experimental Observation of Energy Changes6.2 Energy Diagrams0/06.2.1 Introduction to Energy Diagrams6.2.2 Constructing Energy Diagrams6.2.3 Interpreting Exothermic and Endothermic Processes6.2.4 Activation Energy and Reaction Pathways6.2.5 Applications of Energy Diagrams6.3 Heat Transfer and Thermal Equilibrium0/06.3.1 Thermal Energy and Molecular Motion6.3.2 Mechanisms of Heat Transfer6.3.3 Achieving Thermal Equilibrium6.3.4 Principles of Heat Exchange6.3.5 Practical Implications of Thermal Equilibrium6.4 Heat Capacity and Calorimetry0/06.4.1 Fundamentals of Heat Transfer6.4.2 First Law of Thermodynamics6.4.3 Specific Heat Capacity6.4.4 Calorimetry Experiments6.4.5 Calculating Heat Changes6.4.6 Energy Changes in Chemical Systems6.5 Energy of Phase Changes0/06.5.1 Thermodynamics of Phase Changes6.5.2 Energy and Phase Transitions6.5.3 Molar Enthalpy of Phase Changes6.5.4 Calculating Energy Changes in Phase Transitions6.5.5 Conservation of Energy in Phase Changes6.6 Introduction to Enthalpy of Reaction0/06.6.1 Enthalpy Change of a Reaction6.6.2 Calculating Enthalpy Change6.7 Bond Enthalpies0/06.7.1 Role of Bond Breaking and Formation6.7.2 Calculating Reaction Enthalpy from Bond Energies6.7.3 Understanding Average Bond Enthalpies6.7.4 Exothermic vs. Endothermic Reactions6.8 Enthalpy of Formation0/06.8.1 Standard Enthalpies of Formation6.8.2 Calculating Standard Enthalpies of Reactions6.9 Hess’s Law0/06.9.1 Principles of Hess's Law6.9.2 Enthalpy and Reaction Sequences6.9.3 Thermal Energy Transfer and Equilibrium7. EquilibriumPremium7.1 Introduction to Equilibrium0/07.2 Direction of Reversible Reactions0/07.2.1 Relationship Between Reaction Direction and Rates7.2.2 Establishing Equilibrium7.3 Reaction Quotient and Equilibrium Constant0/07.3.1 Understanding the Reaction Quotient (Q)7.3.3 Equilibrium Expressions for Kc and Kp7.4 Calculating the Equilibrium Constant0/07.4.1 Determining Equilibrium Constants from Experiments7.5 Magnitude of the Equilibrium Constant0/07.5.1 Significance of K Values 7.5.2 Relationship Between K and Concentrations at Equilibrium7.6 Properties of the Equilibrium Constant0/07.6.1 Inversion of K for Reversed Reactions7.6.2 Effect of Stoichiometric Changes 7.6.3 Summation of Reactions and K7.6.4 Algebraic Manipulations of K and Q7.7 Calculating Equilibrium Concentrations0/07.7.1 Predicting Equilibrium Concentrations7.8 Representations of Equilibrium0/07.8.1 Particulate Models of Equilibrium7.8.2 Connecting Particulate Models to Equilibrium Constants7.9 Introduction to Le Châtelier’s Principle0/07.9.1 Understanding Le Châtelier’s Principle7.9.2 Application of Le Châtelier’s Principle7.10 Reaction Quotient and Le Châtelier’s Principle0/07.10.1 Relationship Between Q, K, and Equilibrium7.10.2 Effects of Stresses on Q and K7.11 Introduction to Solubility Equilibria0/07.11.1 Solubility Equilibria and Ksp7.11.2 Calculating Solubility from Ksp7.11.3 Predicting Solubility of Substances7.11.4 Relationship Between Ksp and Solubility Rules7.12 Common-Ion Effect0/07.12.1 Understanding the Common-Ion Effect7.12.2 Common-Ion Effect and Le Châtelier’s Principle7.12.3 Calculating Solubility with Common Ions7.13 pH and Solubility0/07.13.1 pH Sensitivity of Salt Solubility7.13.2 Applying Le Châtelier’s Principle to pH and Solubility7.14 Free Energy of Dissolution0/07.14.1 Relationship Between Solubility and Free Energy Changes7.14.2 Enthalpic and Entropic Contributions7. EquilibriumPremium7.1 Introduction to Equilibrium7.2 Direction of Reversible Reactions0/07.2.1 Relationship Between Reaction Direction and Rates7.2.2 Establishing Equilibrium7.3 Reaction Quotient and Equilibrium Constant0/07.3.1 Understanding the Reaction Quotient (Q)7.3.3 Equilibrium Expressions for Kc and Kp7.4 Calculating the Equilibrium Constant0/07.4.1 Determining Equilibrium Constants from Experiments7.5 Magnitude of the Equilibrium Constant0/07.5.1 Significance of K Values 7.5.2 Relationship Between K and Concentrations at Equilibrium7.6 Properties of the Equilibrium Constant0/07.6.1 Inversion of K for Reversed Reactions7.6.2 Effect of Stoichiometric Changes 7.6.3 Summation of Reactions and K7.6.4 Algebraic Manipulations of K and Q7.7 Calculating Equilibrium Concentrations0/07.7.1 Predicting Equilibrium Concentrations7.8 Representations of Equilibrium0/07.8.1 Particulate Models of Equilibrium7.8.2 Connecting Particulate Models to Equilibrium Constants7.9 Introduction to Le Châtelier’s Principle0/07.9.1 Understanding Le Châtelier’s Principle7.9.2 Application of Le Châtelier’s Principle7.10 Reaction Quotient and Le Châtelier’s Principle0/07.10.1 Relationship Between Q, K, and Equilibrium7.10.2 Effects of Stresses on Q and K7.11 Introduction to Solubility Equilibria0/07.11.1 Solubility Equilibria and Ksp7.11.2 Calculating Solubility from Ksp7.11.3 Predicting Solubility of Substances7.11.4 Relationship Between Ksp and Solubility Rules7.12 Common-Ion Effect0/07.12.1 Understanding the Common-Ion Effect7.12.2 Common-Ion Effect and Le Châtelier’s Principle7.12.3 Calculating Solubility with Common Ions7.13 pH and Solubility0/07.13.1 pH Sensitivity of Salt Solubility7.13.2 Applying Le Châtelier’s Principle to pH and Solubility7.14 Free Energy of Dissolution0/07.14.1 Relationship Between Solubility and Free Energy Changes7.14.2 Enthalpic and Entropic Contributions8. Acids and BasesPremium8.1 Introduction to Acids and Bases0/08.1.1 Understanding pH and pOH8.1.2 Autoionization of Water8.1.3 Neutral Solutions and Water8.1.4 Temperature Dependence of Kw8.2 pH and pOH of Strong Acids and Bases0/08.2.1 pH of Strong Acid Solutions8.2.2 pOH and pH of Strong Base Solutions8.3 Weak Acid and Base Equilibria0/08.3.1 Partial Ionization of Weak Acids8.3.2 Equilibrium in Weak Acid Solutions8.3.3 Partial Ionization of Weak Bases8.3.4 Equilibrium in Weak Base Solutions8.3.5 Percent Ionization of Weak Acids and Bases8.4 Acid-Base Reactions and Buffers0/08.4.1 Reactions of Strong Acids and Bases8.4.2 Reactions of Weak Acids with Strong Bases8.4.3 Reactions of Weak Bases with Strong Acids8.4.4 Reactions of Weak Acids with Weak Bases8.5 Acid-Base Titrations0/08.5.1 Overview of Acid-Base Titrations8.5.2 Equivalence Point in Titrations8.5.3 Half-Equivalence Point and pKa Determination 8.5.4 Titrations of Polyprotic Acids8.6 Molecular Structure of Acids and Bases0/08.6.1 Acid Strength and Molecular Structure8.6.2 Characteristics of Strong Acids8.6.3 Weak Acids and Bases8.6.4 Strong Bases and Their Conjugate Acids8.6.5 Effect of Electronegativity on Acid Strength8.7 pH and pKa0/08.7.1 Relationship Between pH and pKa8.7.2 Use of Acid-Base Indicators8.8 Properties of Buffers0/08.8.1 Buffer Solution Composition8.8.2 Mechanism of pH Stabilization by Buffers8.9 Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation0/08.9.1 Relationship Between pH and Buffer Components8.9.2 Impact of Adding Acid or Base to a Buffer8.10 Buffer Capacity0/08.10.1 Role of Concentration in Buffer Capacity8.10.2 Buffer Composition and Capacity8. Acids and BasesPremium8.1 Introduction to Acids and Bases0/08.1.1 Understanding pH and pOH8.1.2 Autoionization of Water8.1.3 Neutral Solutions and Water8.1.4 Temperature Dependence of Kw8.2 pH and pOH of Strong Acids and Bases0/08.2.1 pH of Strong Acid Solutions8.2.2 pOH and pH of Strong Base Solutions8.3 Weak Acid and Base Equilibria0/08.3.1 Partial Ionization of Weak Acids8.3.2 Equilibrium in Weak Acid Solutions8.3.3 Partial Ionization of Weak Bases8.3.4 Equilibrium in Weak Base Solutions8.3.5 Percent Ionization of Weak Acids and Bases8.4 Acid-Base Reactions and Buffers0/08.4.1 Reactions of Strong Acids and Bases8.4.2 Reactions of Weak Acids with Strong Bases8.4.3 Reactions of Weak Bases with Strong Acids8.4.4 Reactions of Weak Acids with Weak Bases8.5 Acid-Base Titrations0/08.5.1 Overview of Acid-Base Titrations8.5.2 Equivalence Point in Titrations8.5.3 Half-Equivalence Point and pKa Determination 8.5.4 Titrations of Polyprotic Acids8.6 Molecular Structure of Acids and Bases0/08.6.1 Acid Strength and Molecular Structure8.6.2 Characteristics of Strong Acids8.6.3 Weak Acids and Bases8.6.4 Strong Bases and Their Conjugate Acids8.6.5 Effect of Electronegativity on Acid Strength8.7 pH and pKa0/08.7.1 Relationship Between pH and pKa8.7.2 Use of Acid-Base Indicators8.8 Properties of Buffers0/08.8.1 Buffer Solution Composition8.8.2 Mechanism of pH Stabilization by Buffers8.9 Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation0/08.9.1 Relationship Between pH and Buffer Components8.9.2 Impact of Adding Acid or Base to a Buffer8.10 Buffer Capacity0/08.10.1 Role of Concentration in Buffer Capacity8.10.2 Buffer Composition and Capacity9. Applications of ThermodynamicsPremium9.1 Introduction to Entropy0/09.1.1 Entropy and Matter Dispersion9.1.2 Entropy in Gas-Phase Reactions9.1.3 Entropy and Energy Dispersion9.2 Absolute Entropy and Entropy Change0/09.2.1 Calculating Entropy Change9.3 Gibbs Free Energy and Thermodynamic Favorability0/09.3.1 Understanding Gibbs Free Energy (ΔGo)9.3.2 Thermodynamic Favorability and ΔGo9.3.3 Calculating ΔGo from ΔGf°9.3.4 Role of Enthalpy and Entropy in Determining ΔGo9.3.5 Predicting Thermodynamic Favorability from ΔHo and ΔSo9.4 Thermodynamic and Kinetic Control0/09.4.1 Thermodynamic Favorability vs. Kinetic Feasibility9.4.2 Kinetic Control and Activation Energy9.4.3 Implications of Kinetic Control9.5 Free Energy and Equilibrium0/09.5.1 Thermodynamic Favorability and Equilibrium9.5.2 Relationship Between K and ΔG°9.5.3 Qualitative Connections Between K and ΔG°9.5.4 ΔG° and the Direction of Equilibrium9.6 Coupled Reactions0/09.6.1 Use of External Energy Sources9.6.2 Mechanism of Coupled Reactions9.6.3 Examples of Coupled Reactions in Biological Systems9.7 Galvanic (Voltaic) and Electrolytic Cells0/09.7.1 Components of Electrochemical Cells9.7.2 Operational Principles of Galvanic vs. Electrolytic Cells9.7.3 Oxidation and Reduction in Electrochemical Cells9.8 Cell Potential and Free Energy0/09.8.1 Thermodynamics of Electrochemical Cells9.8.2 Calculating Standard Cell Potential9.8.3 Relationship Between ΔG° and E°9.9 Cell Potential Under Nonstandard Conditions0/09.9.1 Cell Potential and Reaction Equilibrium9.9.2 Impact of Nonstandard Conditions on Cell Potential9.9.3 Cell Potential in Concentration Cells9.9.4 Qualitative Use of the Nernst Equation9.10 Electrolysis and Faraday’s Law0/09.10.1 Principles of Electrolysis9.10.2 Faraday's Law and Redox Stoichiometry9.10.3 Calculating Mass Changes at Electrodes9.10.4 relating Current and Charge Flow9. Applications of ThermodynamicsPremium9.1 Introduction to Entropy0/09.1.1 Entropy and Matter Dispersion9.1.2 Entropy in Gas-Phase Reactions9.1.3 Entropy and Energy Dispersion9.2 Absolute Entropy and Entropy Change0/09.2.1 Calculating Entropy Change9.3 Gibbs Free Energy and Thermodynamic Favorability0/09.3.1 Understanding Gibbs Free Energy (ΔGo)9.3.2 Thermodynamic Favorability and ΔGo9.3.3 Calculating ΔGo from ΔGf°9.3.4 Role of Enthalpy and Entropy in Determining ΔGo9.3.5 Predicting Thermodynamic Favorability from ΔHo and ΔSo9.4 Thermodynamic and Kinetic Control0/09.4.1 Thermodynamic Favorability vs. Kinetic Feasibility9.4.2 Kinetic Control and Activation Energy9.4.3 Implications of Kinetic Control9.5 Free Energy and Equilibrium0/09.5.1 Thermodynamic Favorability and Equilibrium9.5.2 Relationship Between K and ΔG°9.5.3 Qualitative Connections Between K and ΔG°9.5.4 ΔG° and the Direction of Equilibrium9.6 Coupled Reactions0/09.6.1 Use of External Energy Sources9.6.2 Mechanism of Coupled Reactions9.6.3 Examples of Coupled Reactions in Biological Systems9.7 Galvanic (Voltaic) and Electrolytic Cells0/09.7.1 Components of Electrochemical Cells9.7.2 Operational Principles of Galvanic vs. Electrolytic Cells9.7.3 Oxidation and Reduction in Electrochemical Cells9.8 Cell Potential and Free Energy0/09.8.1 Thermodynamics of Electrochemical Cells9.8.2 Calculating Standard Cell Potential9.8.3 Relationship Between ΔG° and E°9.9 Cell Potential Under Nonstandard Conditions0/09.9.1 Cell Potential and Reaction Equilibrium9.9.2 Impact of Nonstandard Conditions on Cell Potential9.9.3 Cell Potential in Concentration Cells9.9.4 Qualitative Use of the Nernst Equation9.10 Electrolysis and Faraday’s Law0/09.10.1 Principles of Electrolysis9.10.2 Faraday's Law and Redox Stoichiometry9.10.3 Calculating Mass Changes at Electrodes9.10.4 relating Current and Charge Flow