1. Chemistry of Life1.1 Structure of Water and Hydrogen Bonding0/01.1.1 Understanding Water's Structural Hierarchy1.1.2 Water's Polarity and Biological Function1.1.3 Hydrogen Bonding in Water1.1.4 Subcomponents of Biological Molecules1.1.5 Water's Role in Living Systems1.1.6 Cohesion, Adhesion, and Surface Tension1.2 Elements of Life0/01.2.1 Energy and Macromolecule Exchange in Living Systems1.2.2 Composition of Macromolecules in Organisms1.2.3 Matter Exchange with the Environment1.2.4 Building Molecules from Environmental Atoms1.2.5 The Role of Carbon in Biological Molecules1.2.6 Utilization of Nitrogen and Phosphorus1.3 Introduction to Biological Macromolecules0/01.3.1 Hierarchy and Interaction in Living Systems1.3.2 Properties of Monomers in Macromolecules1.3.3 Bonds in Biological Macromolecules1.3.4 Hydrolysis and Dehydration Synthesis1.4 Properties of Biological Macromolecules0/01.4.1 Properties and Bonds of Monomers1.4.2 Nucleic Acids: Structure and Function1.4.3 Protein Structure and Function1.4.4 Complex Carbohydrates1.4.5 Lipid Diversity and Function1.5 Structure and Function of Biological Macromolecules0/01.5.1 Nucleic Acid Directionality and Synthesis1.5.2 DNA Double Helix and Nucleotide Pairing1.5.3 Protein Chain Formation1.5.4 Polymer Subunit Changes and Macromolecular Effects1.5.5 Hierarchical Protein Structure1.5.6 Carbohydrate Polymer Structures1.6 Nucleic Acids0/01.6.1 Common Structural Features of DNA and RNA1.6.2 Structural Similarities of DNA and RNA1.6.3 Distinct Structural Elements of DNA and RNA1. Chemistry of Life1.1 Structure of Water and Hydrogen Bonding0/01.1.1 Understanding Water's Structural Hierarchy1.1.2 Water's Polarity and Biological Function1.1.3 Hydrogen Bonding in Water1.1.4 Subcomponents of Biological Molecules1.1.5 Water's Role in Living Systems1.1.6 Cohesion, Adhesion, and Surface Tension1.2 Elements of Life0/01.2.1 Energy and Macromolecule Exchange in Living Systems1.2.2 Composition of Macromolecules in Organisms1.2.3 Matter Exchange with the Environment1.2.4 Building Molecules from Environmental Atoms1.2.5 The Role of Carbon in Biological Molecules1.2.6 Utilization of Nitrogen and Phosphorus1.3 Introduction to Biological Macromolecules0/01.3.1 Hierarchy and Interaction in Living Systems1.3.2 Properties of Monomers in Macromolecules1.3.3 Bonds in Biological Macromolecules1.3.4 Hydrolysis and Dehydration Synthesis1.4 Properties of Biological Macromolecules0/01.4.1 Properties and Bonds of Monomers1.4.2 Nucleic Acids: Structure and Function1.4.3 Protein Structure and Function1.4.4 Complex Carbohydrates1.4.5 Lipid Diversity and Function1.5 Structure and Function of Biological Macromolecules0/01.5.1 Nucleic Acid Directionality and Synthesis1.5.2 DNA Double Helix and Nucleotide Pairing1.5.3 Protein Chain Formation1.5.4 Polymer Subunit Changes and Macromolecular Effects1.5.5 Hierarchical Protein Structure1.5.6 Carbohydrate Polymer Structures1.6 Nucleic Acids0/01.6.1 Common Structural Features of DNA and RNA1.6.2 Structural Similarities of DNA and RNA1.6.3 Distinct Structural Elements of DNA and RNA2. Cell Structure and Function2.1 Cell Structure: Subcellular Components0/02.1.1 Ribosomes: Composition and Protein Synthesis2.1.2 Endoplasmic Reticulum: Types and Functional Roles2.1.3 Golgi Complex: Structural Features and Protein Processing2.1.4 Mitochondria: Membrane Structure and Significance2.1.5 Lysosomal Structure and Enzymatic Function2.1.6 Vacuole Diversity and Functions in Cells2.1.7 Chloroplasts: Structure and Role in Photosynthesis2.2 Cell Structure and Function0/02.2.1 Organelle Functions and Cellular Support2.2.2 Vacuole Functions in Storage and Turgor Pressure2.2.3 ATP Synthesis and Mitochondrial Structure2.2.4 Chloroplast Structure and Photosynthesis2.2.5 Energy Capture, Storage, and Utilization2.3 Cell Size0/02.3.1 Surface Area-to-Volume Ratio and Cell Function2.3.2 Cell Size and Material Exchange2.3.3 Surface Area-to-Volume Ratio Impact on Cell Size and Shape2.3.4 Challenges for Larger Cells2.3.5 Size of Organisms and SA/V Ratios2.4 Plasma Membranes0/02.4.1 Phospholipid Structure and Membrane Orientation2.4.2 Protein Embedment in Membranes2.4.3 Fluid Mosaic Model of Cell Membranes2.5 Membrane Permeability0/02.5.1 Cell Membrane Structure and Selective Permeability2.5.2 Passage of Molecules Across the Membrane2.5.3 Role of the Cell Wall in Cell Structure and Function2.6 Membrane Transport0/02.6.1 Passive Transport: Dynamics and Function2.6.2 Active Transport: Energy Dependency and Process2.6.3 Concentration Gradients and Membrane Permeability2.6.4 Mechanisms of Endocytosis and Exocytosis2.7 Facilitated Diffusion0/02.7.1 Mechanism of Facilitated Diffusion2.7.2 Role of Membrane Proteins in Active Transport2.7.3 Na+/K+ ATPase and Membrane Potential2.8 Tonicity and Osmoregulation0/02.8.1 Concentration Gradients and Movement Across Membranes2.8.2 Osmoregulation and Organism Survival2.9 Mechanisms of Transport0/02.9.1 Transport Mechanisms in Cells2.9.2 Passive and Active Transport in Cells2.9.3 Endocytosis and Exocytosis2.10 Compartmentalization0/02.10.1 Role of Membranes in Eukaryotic Cells2.10.2 Compartmentalization and Cellular Processes2. Cell Structure and Function2.1 Cell Structure: Subcellular Components0/02.1.1 Ribosomes: Composition and Protein Synthesis2.1.2 Endoplasmic Reticulum: Types and Functional Roles2.1.3 Golgi Complex: Structural Features and Protein Processing2.1.4 Mitochondria: Membrane Structure and Significance2.1.5 Lysosomal Structure and Enzymatic Function2.1.6 Vacuole Diversity and Functions in Cells2.1.7 Chloroplasts: Structure and Role in Photosynthesis2.2 Cell Structure and Function0/02.2.1 Organelle Functions and Cellular Support2.2.2 Vacuole Functions in Storage and Turgor Pressure2.2.3 ATP Synthesis and Mitochondrial Structure2.2.4 Chloroplast Structure and Photosynthesis2.2.5 Energy Capture, Storage, and Utilization2.3 Cell Size0/02.3.1 Surface Area-to-Volume Ratio and Cell Function2.3.2 Cell Size and Material Exchange2.3.3 Surface Area-to-Volume Ratio Impact on Cell Size and Shape2.3.4 Challenges for Larger Cells2.3.5 Size of Organisms and SA/V Ratios2.4 Plasma Membranes0/02.4.1 Phospholipid Structure and Membrane Orientation2.4.2 Protein Embedment in Membranes2.4.3 Fluid Mosaic Model of Cell Membranes2.5 Membrane Permeability0/02.5.1 Cell Membrane Structure and Selective Permeability2.5.2 Passage of Molecules Across the Membrane2.5.3 Role of the Cell Wall in Cell Structure and Function2.6 Membrane Transport0/02.6.1 Passive Transport: Dynamics and Function2.6.2 Active Transport: Energy Dependency and Process2.6.3 Concentration Gradients and Membrane Permeability2.6.4 Mechanisms of Endocytosis and Exocytosis2.7 Facilitated Diffusion0/02.7.1 Mechanism of Facilitated Diffusion2.7.2 Role of Membrane Proteins in Active Transport2.7.3 Na+/K+ ATPase and Membrane Potential2.8 Tonicity and Osmoregulation0/02.8.1 Concentration Gradients and Movement Across Membranes2.8.2 Osmoregulation and Organism Survival2.9 Mechanisms of Transport0/02.9.1 Transport Mechanisms in Cells2.9.2 Passive and Active Transport in Cells2.9.3 Endocytosis and Exocytosis2.10 Compartmentalization0/02.10.1 Role of Membranes in Eukaryotic Cells2.10.2 Compartmentalization and Cellular Processes3. Cellular EnergeticsPremium3.1 Enzyme Structure0/03.1.1 Enzyme Structure and Active Site3.1.2 Enzyme-Substrate Compatibility3.2 Enzyme Catalysis0/03.2.1 Role of Enzymes in Biological Reactions3.3 Environmental Impacts on Enzyme Function0/03.3.1 pH Influence on Enzyme Structure and Activity3.3.2 Structural Changes and Enzymatic Efficiency3.3.3 Temperature Effects on Molecular Interactions3.3.4 Substrate and Product Concentrations in Enzymatic Reactions3.3.5 Enzyme Inhibition Mechanisms3.4 Cellular Energy0/03.4.1 Energy Necessity in Living Systems3.4.2 Order, Energy, and Thermodynamics3.4.3 Efficiency of Metabolic Pathways3.5 Photosynthesis0/03.5.1 Photosynthetic Energy Capture and Conversion3.5.2 Light-Dependent Reactions and Their Products3.5.3 Photosystems Function and Electron Transport3.5.4 ATP Synthase and Proton Gradient Utilization3.5.5 The Calvin Cycle and Its Energetic Links3.6 Cellular Respiration0/03.6.1 ATP Generation via Fermentation and Respiration3.6.2 Cellular Respiration's Enzymatic Actions3.6.3 Electron Transport Chain Dynamics3.6.4 Proton Gradient and ATP Synthesis3.6.5 Heat Generation in Cellular Respiration3.6.6 Glycolysis: Energy Release from Glucose3.6.7 Krebs Cycle Functionality3.6.8 Electron Transport and Proton Motive Force3.6.9 Alternative Pathways: Fermentation3.6.10 Utilization of ATP in Metabolic Processes3.7 Fitness0/03.7.1 Molecular Variation and Environmental Response3.7.2 Molecular Diversity's Role in Survival and Reproduction3. Cellular EnergeticsPremium3.1 Enzyme Structure0/03.1.1 Enzyme Structure and Active Site3.1.2 Enzyme-Substrate Compatibility3.2 Enzyme Catalysis0/03.2.1 Role of Enzymes in Biological Reactions3.3 Environmental Impacts on Enzyme Function0/03.3.1 pH Influence on Enzyme Structure and Activity3.3.2 Structural Changes and Enzymatic Efficiency3.3.3 Temperature Effects on Molecular Interactions3.3.4 Substrate and Product Concentrations in Enzymatic Reactions3.3.5 Enzyme Inhibition Mechanisms3.4 Cellular Energy0/03.4.1 Energy Necessity in Living Systems3.4.2 Order, Energy, and Thermodynamics3.4.3 Efficiency of Metabolic Pathways3.5 Photosynthesis0/03.5.1 Photosynthetic Energy Capture and Conversion3.5.2 Light-Dependent Reactions and Their Products3.5.3 Photosystems Function and Electron Transport3.5.4 ATP Synthase and Proton Gradient Utilization3.5.5 The Calvin Cycle and Its Energetic Links3.6 Cellular Respiration0/03.6.1 ATP Generation via Fermentation and Respiration3.6.2 Cellular Respiration's Enzymatic Actions3.6.3 Electron Transport Chain Dynamics3.6.4 Proton Gradient and ATP Synthesis3.6.5 Heat Generation in Cellular Respiration3.6.6 Glycolysis: Energy Release from Glucose3.6.7 Krebs Cycle Functionality3.6.8 Electron Transport and Proton Motive Force3.6.9 Alternative Pathways: Fermentation3.6.10 Utilization of ATP in Metabolic Processes3.7 Fitness0/03.7.1 Molecular Variation and Environmental Response3.7.2 Molecular Diversity's Role in Survival and Reproduction4. Cell Communication and Cell CyclePremium4.1 Cell Communication0/04.1.1 Methods of Direct Cell Communication4.1.2 Local Regulators and Short-Distance Signaling4.1.3 Hormonal Signaling and Long-Distance Communication4.2 Introduction to Signal Transduction0/04.2.1 Components and Function of Signal Transduction Pathways4.2.2 Initiation of Signal Transduction by Ligand-Receptor Binding4.2.3 Signal Amplification and Propagation in Signaling Cascades4.3 Signal Transduction0/04.3.1 Signal Transduction and Environmental Response4.3.2 Diverse Cellular Outcomes from Signal Transduction4.4 Changes in Signal Transduction Pathways0/04.4.1 Impact of Structural Changes in Signaling Molecules4.4.2 Chemical Interference in Signaling Pathways4.5 Feedback0/04.5.1 Introduction to Biological Feedback Mechanisms4.5.2 Negative Feedback in Homeostasis4.5.3 Positive Feedback Mechanisms4.6 Cell Cycle0/04.6.1 Eukaryotic Cell Division4.6.2 Stages of the Cell Cycle4.6.3 Mitosis and Genetic Transmission4.7 Regulation of Cell Cycle0/04.7.1 Internal Control and Checkpoints4.7.2 Cyclins and Cyclin-dependent Kinases4.7.3 Disruptions in the Cell Cycle and Consequences4. Cell Communication and Cell CyclePremium4.1 Cell Communication0/04.1.1 Methods of Direct Cell Communication4.1.2 Local Regulators and Short-Distance Signaling4.1.3 Hormonal Signaling and Long-Distance Communication4.2 Introduction to Signal Transduction0/04.2.1 Components and Function of Signal Transduction Pathways4.2.2 Initiation of Signal Transduction by Ligand-Receptor Binding4.2.3 Signal Amplification and Propagation in Signaling Cascades4.3 Signal Transduction0/04.3.1 Signal Transduction and Environmental Response4.3.2 Diverse Cellular Outcomes from Signal Transduction4.4 Changes in Signal Transduction Pathways0/04.4.1 Impact of Structural Changes in Signaling Molecules4.4.2 Chemical Interference in Signaling Pathways4.5 Feedback0/04.5.1 Introduction to Biological Feedback Mechanisms4.5.2 Negative Feedback in Homeostasis4.5.3 Positive Feedback Mechanisms4.6 Cell Cycle0/04.6.1 Eukaryotic Cell Division4.6.2 Stages of the Cell Cycle4.6.3 Mitosis and Genetic Transmission4.7 Regulation of Cell Cycle0/04.7.1 Internal Control and Checkpoints4.7.2 Cyclins and Cyclin-dependent Kinases4.7.3 Disruptions in the Cell Cycle and Consequences5. HeredityPremium5.1 Meiosis0/05.1.1 The Process of Meiosis5.1.2 Phases and Steps in Meiosis5.1.3 Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis5.2 Meiosis and Genetic Diversity0/05.2.1 Separation of Homologous Chromosomes in Meiosis I5.2.2 Crossing Over and Recombination5.2.3 Sexual Reproduction and Variation5.3 Mendelian Genetics0/05.3.1 Fundamental Processes and Common Ancestry5.3.2 Mendel’s Laws and Gene Inheritance5.3.3 Patterns of Inheritance and Probability5.4 Non-Mendelian Genetics0/05.4.1 Quantitative Deviations from Mendelian Ratios5.4.2 Genetic Linkage and Chromosome Mapping5.4.3 Sex-Linked Inheritance Patterns5.4.4 Polygenic and Multifactorial Trait Inheritance5.4.5 Maternal Inheritance and Non-Nuclear DNA5.5 Environmental Effects on Phenotype0/05.5.1 Phenotypic Plasticity and Environmental Influence5.6 Chromosomal Inheritance0/05.6.1 Understanding Chromosomal Inheritance5.6.2 Genetic Variation and Sexual Reproduction5.6.3 Chromosomal Abnormalities and Genetic Disorders5. HeredityPremium5.1 Meiosis0/05.1.1 The Process of Meiosis5.1.2 Phases and Steps in Meiosis5.1.3 Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis5.2 Meiosis and Genetic Diversity0/05.2.1 Separation of Homologous Chromosomes in Meiosis I5.2.2 Crossing Over and Recombination5.2.3 Sexual Reproduction and Variation5.3 Mendelian Genetics0/05.3.1 Fundamental Processes and Common Ancestry5.3.2 Mendel’s Laws and Gene Inheritance5.3.3 Patterns of Inheritance and Probability5.4 Non-Mendelian Genetics0/05.4.1 Quantitative Deviations from Mendelian Ratios5.4.2 Genetic Linkage and Chromosome Mapping5.4.3 Sex-Linked Inheritance Patterns5.4.4 Polygenic and Multifactorial Trait Inheritance5.4.5 Maternal Inheritance and Non-Nuclear DNA5.5 Environmental Effects on Phenotype0/05.5.1 Phenotypic Plasticity and Environmental Influence5.6 Chromosomal Inheritance0/05.6.1 Understanding Chromosomal Inheritance5.6.2 Genetic Variation and Sexual Reproduction5.6.3 Chromosomal Abnormalities and Genetic Disorders6. Gene Expression and RegulationPremium6.1 DNA and RNA Structure0/06.1.1 Primary Sources of Heritable Information6.1.2 Chromosomal Variations in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes6.1.3 Role and Structure of Plasmids6.1.4 DNA and RNA Nucleotide Base Pairing6.2 Replication0/06.2.1 DNA Replication Process6.2.2 Enzymes in DNA Replication6.2.3 Synthesis of DNA Strands6.3 Transcription and RNA Processing0/06.3.1 Roles of Various RNA Molecules6.3.2 Genetic Information Transfer6.3.3 Mechanism of Transcription6.3.4 Determining the Template Strand6.3.5 Post-Transcriptional Modifications in Eukaryotes6.4 Translation0/06.4.1 Translation Locations and Mechanism6.4.2 Steps in Translation6.4.3 Codon Function and Genetic Code6.4.4 tRNA and Amino Acid Pairing6.4.5 Alternative Genetic Information Flow in Retroviruses6.5 Regulation of Gene Expression0/06.5.1 Regulatory Sequences and Proteins6.5.2 Epigenetic Changes6.5.3 Phenotype Determination by Gene Expression6.5.4 Gene Groups Regulation in Prokaryotes6.5.5 Gene Groups Regulation in Eukaryotes6.6 Gene Expression and Cell Specialization0/06.6.1 Transcription Initiation and Promoter Binding6.6.2 Inhibition of Gene Expression by Negative Regulators6.6.3 Differential Gene Expression and Phenotypic Variability6.6.4 Small RNA Molecules and Gene Expression Control6.7 Mutations0/06.7.1 Types of Mutations and Phenotypic Effects6.7.2 Consequences of DNA Sequence Alterations6.7.3 Sources of Genetic Variation6.7.4 Effects of Errors in Mitosis and Meiosis6.7.5 Horizontal Gene Transfer and Viral Recombination6.7.6 Genetic Variation and Natural Selection6.8 Biotechnology0/06.8.1 Use of Genetic Engineering6.8.2 Molecular Separation by Electrophoresis6.8.3 DNA Amplification with PCR6.8.4 Introduction of DNA into Bacteria6.8.5 Determining Nucleotide Order through Sequencing6. Gene Expression and RegulationPremium6.1 DNA and RNA Structure0/06.1.1 Primary Sources of Heritable Information6.1.2 Chromosomal Variations in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes6.1.3 Role and Structure of Plasmids6.1.4 DNA and RNA Nucleotide Base Pairing6.2 Replication0/06.2.1 DNA Replication Process6.2.2 Enzymes in DNA Replication6.2.3 Synthesis of DNA Strands6.3 Transcription and RNA Processing0/06.3.1 Roles of Various RNA Molecules6.3.2 Genetic Information Transfer6.3.3 Mechanism of Transcription6.3.4 Determining the Template Strand6.3.5 Post-Transcriptional Modifications in Eukaryotes6.4 Translation0/06.4.1 Translation Locations and Mechanism6.4.2 Steps in Translation6.4.3 Codon Function and Genetic Code6.4.4 tRNA and Amino Acid Pairing6.4.5 Alternative Genetic Information Flow in Retroviruses6.5 Regulation of Gene Expression0/06.5.1 Regulatory Sequences and Proteins6.5.2 Epigenetic Changes6.5.3 Phenotype Determination by Gene Expression6.5.4 Gene Groups Regulation in Prokaryotes6.5.5 Gene Groups Regulation in Eukaryotes6.6 Gene Expression and Cell Specialization0/06.6.1 Transcription Initiation and Promoter Binding6.6.2 Inhibition of Gene Expression by Negative Regulators6.6.3 Differential Gene Expression and Phenotypic Variability6.6.4 Small RNA Molecules and Gene Expression Control6.7 Mutations0/06.7.1 Types of Mutations and Phenotypic Effects6.7.2 Consequences of DNA Sequence Alterations6.7.3 Sources of Genetic Variation6.7.4 Effects of Errors in Mitosis and Meiosis6.7.5 Horizontal Gene Transfer and Viral Recombination6.7.6 Genetic Variation and Natural Selection6.8 Biotechnology0/06.8.1 Use of Genetic Engineering6.8.2 Molecular Separation by Electrophoresis6.8.3 DNA Amplification with PCR6.8.4 Introduction of DNA into Bacteria6.8.5 Determining Nucleotide Order through Sequencing7. Natural SelectionPremium7.1 Introduction to Natural Selection0/07.1.1 Natural Selection and Evolution7.1.2 Darwin’s Postulates and Competition7.1.3 Measurement of Evolutionary Fitness7.1.4 Environmental Factors and Evolutionary Rates7.2 Natural Selection0/07.2.1 Phenotypic Variation's Role in Natural Selection7.2.2 Environmental Changes as Selective Forces7.2.3 Impact of Phenotypic Variation on Organismal Fitness7.2.4 Case Studies Illustrating Natural Selection7.3 Artificial Selection0/07.3.1 Human Influence on Species Variation7.3.2 Effects of Environmental Changes7.4 Population Genetics0/07.4.1 Random Processes and Evolution7.4.2 Genetic Drift: Bottlenecks and Founder Effects7.4.3 Migration and Gene Flow in Evolution7.4.4 Reduction of Genetic Variation7.4.5 Mutation and Natural Selection7.5 Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium0/07.5.1 Principles of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium7.2.5 Hardy-Weinberg Equation and Allele Frequency Calculations7.5.3 Effects of Deviation from Equilibrium7.5.4 Evolutionary Impact on Small Populations7.6 Evidence of Evolution0/07.6.1 Diverse Methods of Fossil Dating7.6.2 Morphological Homologies and Vestigial Structures7.6.3 Molecular Evidence of Evolution7.6.4 Multidisciplinary Evidence Supporting Evolution7.7 Common Ancestry0/07.7.1 Evidence of Common Ancestry in Eukaryotic Structures7.7.2 Cellular and Molecular Functional Similarities7.8 Continuing Evolution0/07.8.1 Continuous Evolution of Organism Populations7.8.2 Genomic Evolution and Fossil Evidence7.8.3 Development of Resistance as Evolutionary Evidence7.8.4 Pathogen Evolution and Disease Emergence7.9 Phylogeny0/07.9.1 Comparison of Phylogenetic Trees and Cladograms7.9.2 Use of Traits in Phylogenetic Construction7.9.3 Role and Importance of the Out-Group7.9.4 Superiority of Molecular Data in Phylogenetics7.9.5 Representation of Speciation in Phylogenetic Trees7.9.6 Revisability of Phylogenetic Trees and Cladograms7.10 Speciation0/07.10.1 Biological Species Concept and Reproductive Isolation7.10.2 Evolutionary Rates: Punctuated Equilibrium and Gradualism7.10.3 Divergent Evolution and Speciation Processes7.10.4 Prezygotic and Postzygotic Barriers in Speciation7.10.5 Speciation and Diversity of Life7.11 Extinction0/07.11.1 Historical Patterns of Extinction7.11.2 Accelerated Extinction Rates During Ecological Stress7.11.3 Impact of Human Activities on Extinction Rates7.11.4 Relationship Between Speciation, Extinction, and Biodiversity7.11.5 Opportunities for Adaptive Radiation Post-Extinction7.12 Variations in Populations0/07.12.1 Genetic Diversity and Population Dynamics7.12.2 Resilience of Genetically Diverse Populations7.12.3 Adaptive and Deleterious Alleles7.13 Origins of Life on Earth0/07.13.1 Earth's Early Environment and the Emergence of Life7.13.2 Theories on the Origin of Life7.13.3 Synthesis of Complex Organic Molecules7.13.4 The RNA World Hypothesis7. Natural SelectionPremium7.1 Introduction to Natural Selection0/07.1.1 Natural Selection and Evolution7.1.2 Darwin’s Postulates and Competition7.1.3 Measurement of Evolutionary Fitness7.1.4 Environmental Factors and Evolutionary Rates7.2 Natural Selection0/07.2.1 Phenotypic Variation's Role in Natural Selection7.2.2 Environmental Changes as Selective Forces7.2.3 Impact of Phenotypic Variation on Organismal Fitness7.2.4 Case Studies Illustrating Natural Selection7.3 Artificial Selection0/07.3.1 Human Influence on Species Variation7.3.2 Effects of Environmental Changes7.4 Population Genetics0/07.4.1 Random Processes and Evolution7.4.2 Genetic Drift: Bottlenecks and Founder Effects7.4.3 Migration and Gene Flow in Evolution7.4.4 Reduction of Genetic Variation7.4.5 Mutation and Natural Selection7.5 Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium0/07.5.1 Principles of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium7.2.5 Hardy-Weinberg Equation and Allele Frequency Calculations7.5.3 Effects of Deviation from Equilibrium7.5.4 Evolutionary Impact on Small Populations7.6 Evidence of Evolution0/07.6.1 Diverse Methods of Fossil Dating7.6.2 Morphological Homologies and Vestigial Structures7.6.3 Molecular Evidence of Evolution7.6.4 Multidisciplinary Evidence Supporting Evolution7.7 Common Ancestry0/07.7.1 Evidence of Common Ancestry in Eukaryotic Structures7.7.2 Cellular and Molecular Functional Similarities7.8 Continuing Evolution0/07.8.1 Continuous Evolution of Organism Populations7.8.2 Genomic Evolution and Fossil Evidence7.8.3 Development of Resistance as Evolutionary Evidence7.8.4 Pathogen Evolution and Disease Emergence7.9 Phylogeny0/07.9.1 Comparison of Phylogenetic Trees and Cladograms7.9.2 Use of Traits in Phylogenetic Construction7.9.3 Role and Importance of the Out-Group7.9.4 Superiority of Molecular Data in Phylogenetics7.9.5 Representation of Speciation in Phylogenetic Trees7.9.6 Revisability of Phylogenetic Trees and Cladograms7.10 Speciation0/07.10.1 Biological Species Concept and Reproductive Isolation7.10.2 Evolutionary Rates: Punctuated Equilibrium and Gradualism7.10.3 Divergent Evolution and Speciation Processes7.10.4 Prezygotic and Postzygotic Barriers in Speciation7.10.5 Speciation and Diversity of Life7.11 Extinction0/07.11.1 Historical Patterns of Extinction7.11.2 Accelerated Extinction Rates During Ecological Stress7.11.3 Impact of Human Activities on Extinction Rates7.11.4 Relationship Between Speciation, Extinction, and Biodiversity7.11.5 Opportunities for Adaptive Radiation Post-Extinction7.12 Variations in Populations0/07.12.1 Genetic Diversity and Population Dynamics7.12.2 Resilience of Genetically Diverse Populations7.12.3 Adaptive and Deleterious Alleles7.13 Origins of Life on Earth0/07.13.1 Earth's Early Environment and the Emergence of Life7.13.2 Theories on the Origin of Life7.13.3 Synthesis of Complex Organic Molecules7.13.4 The RNA World Hypothesis8. EcologyPremium8.1 Responses to the Environment0/08.1.1 Organismal Response Mechanisms to Environmental Changes8.1.2 Communication and Information Exchange in Organisms8.1.3 Impact of Behavioral Responses on Organismal Fitness8.1.4 Role of Behavior in Natural Selection and Evolution8.2 Energy Flow Through Ecosystems0/08.2.1 Organismal Strategies for Energy Acquisition and Use8.2.2 Relationship Between Metabolic Rate and Body Size8.2.3 Energy Balance and Its Effects on Organisms8.2.4 Impact of Energy Availability on Populations and Ecosystems8.2.5 Roles of Autotrophs and Heterotrophs in Energy Flow8.3 Population Ecology0/08.3.1 Dynamics of Population Interactions8.3.2 Organismal Adaptations and Energy Use in Population Ecology8.3.3 Exponential Population Growth Model8.3.4 Factors Influencing Population Growth8.4 Effect of Density of Populations0/08.4.1 Impact of Population Density on Resource Use8.4.2 Growth Limits from Density-Dependent and Independent Factors8.4.3 Dynamics of Logistic Growth in Populations8.5 Community Ecology0/08.5.1 Measurement of Community Structure8.5.2 Population Interactions and Community Dynamics8.5.3 Effects of Competition and Symbiosis on Populations8.5.4 Community Development and Energy Flow8.5.5 Cooperation and Energy Utilization8.6 Biodiversity0/08.6.1 Ecosystem Diversity and Environmental Resilience8.6.2 Keystone Species and Ecosystem Maintenance8.6.3 Influence of Biodiversity on Ecosystem Organization8.6.4 Disproportionate Impact of Keystone Species Removal8.7 Disruptions to Ecosystems0/08.7.1 Adaptations and Variations in Populations8.7.2 Invasive Species and Ecosystem Dynamics8.7.3 Human Activities and Ecosystem Alterations8.7.4 Geological and Meteorological Events 8.7.5 Human Impact on Ecosystems8. EcologyPremium8.1 Responses to the Environment0/08.1.1 Organismal Response Mechanisms to Environmental Changes8.1.2 Communication and Information Exchange in Organisms8.1.3 Impact of Behavioral Responses on Organismal Fitness8.1.4 Role of Behavior in Natural Selection and Evolution8.2 Energy Flow Through Ecosystems0/08.2.1 Organismal Strategies for Energy Acquisition and Use8.2.2 Relationship Between Metabolic Rate and Body Size8.2.3 Energy Balance and Its Effects on Organisms8.2.4 Impact of Energy Availability on Populations and Ecosystems8.2.5 Roles of Autotrophs and Heterotrophs in Energy Flow8.3 Population Ecology0/08.3.1 Dynamics of Population Interactions8.3.2 Organismal Adaptations and Energy Use in Population Ecology8.3.3 Exponential Population Growth Model8.3.4 Factors Influencing Population Growth8.4 Effect of Density of Populations0/08.4.1 Impact of Population Density on Resource Use8.4.2 Growth Limits from Density-Dependent and Independent Factors8.4.3 Dynamics of Logistic Growth in Populations8.5 Community Ecology0/08.5.1 Measurement of Community Structure8.5.2 Population Interactions and Community Dynamics8.5.3 Effects of Competition and Symbiosis on Populations8.5.4 Community Development and Energy Flow8.5.5 Cooperation and Energy Utilization8.6 Biodiversity0/08.6.1 Ecosystem Diversity and Environmental Resilience8.6.2 Keystone Species and Ecosystem Maintenance8.6.3 Influence of Biodiversity on Ecosystem Organization8.6.4 Disproportionate Impact of Keystone Species Removal8.7 Disruptions to Ecosystems0/08.7.1 Adaptations and Variations in Populations8.7.2 Invasive Species and Ecosystem Dynamics8.7.3 Human Activities and Ecosystem Alterations8.7.4 Geological and Meteorological Events 8.7.5 Human Impact on Ecosystems